
  • Barton;George Smith Patton
  1. 这可能是巴顿的管理人员研读他的合同细则的好时机。

    This might be a good time for Button 's management to study the fine print of his contract .

  2. 娱乐周刊说,他们正在“悄悄地准备B计划”,通过增加另一个经常性的女演员,以掩护巴顿,如果她无法返回。

    Entertainment Weekly says they 're " quietly readying a Plan B " by adding another recurring female cast member to cover for Barton if she 's unable to return .

  3. 在那时,他已经在伦敦的苏豪区(SOHODistrict)成立了武器与健康文化巴顿术学会(BartitsuAcademyofArmsandPhysicalCulture)。

    By then , he had established the Bartitsu Academy of Arms and Physical Culture in London 's Soho district .

  4. 它首先寄望于简森・巴顿(JensonButton)的新搭档凯文・马格努森(KenvinMagnussen)。

    And that starts with Jenson Button 's new partner , Kevin Magnussen .

  5. 如今他的企业美国超级礼宾车公司(U.S.SpecialtyVehiclesofChino)生产乔治巴顿和其他改装车。

    Today his business , U.S. Specialty Vehicles of Chino , Calif. , makes the Gen. Patton and other modified vehicles .

  6. 他的一位老朋友认为,巴顿很适合她的老东家,即住房开发商DavidWeekleyHomes。

    A longtime friend said Barton would be a perfect fit at her former employer , home developer David Weekley Homes .

  7. 正是他发现了爱德华•威廉•巴顿-怀特(EdwardWilliamBarton-Wright)的故事。这个英国工程师生于印度,曾于19世纪90年代在日本生活。

    What he uncovered was the story of Edward William Barton-Wright , a British engineer who was born in India and lived in Japan in the 1890s .

  8. 虽然车队CEO尼克-弗莱认为车队是需要补充新鲜血液的时候了,但是巴顿还是坚持,如果本田在2009年留用巴里切罗他们将会取得更好的成绩。

    And although team CEO Nick Fry says it is important the team evaluate new blood , Button thinks Honda would be better off sticking with the experienced Barrichello for2009 .

  9. 最新的IMF小组将以克鲁斯为首,文-勒姆斯和西蒙-佩格搭档,新组员还包括杰瑞米-雷纳、保罗-巴顿、弗拉基米尔-马什科夫。

    The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner , Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov .

  10. 他说,风险投资公司Benchmark的投资人比尔o科尔利曾经致电Zillow公司董事长里奇o巴顿,询问他对Twitter的看法。

    It started , he said , when Benchmark investor Bill Gurley called Zillow Chairman Rich Barton to ask his opinion of Twitter .

  11. 在没有指明出处的情况下,他剽窃了乔治•巴顿将军(GeneralGeorgeS.Patton)的话,并笨拙地用它们激励那些存在抵触情绪的管道工程师团队。

    He had lifted the words of General George S. Patton with no attribution , and clumsily adapted them to spur on his team of recalcitrant pipeline engineers .

  12. 1901年在伦敦日本协会(JapanSocietyofLondon)演讲时,巴顿-怀特援引了研究学者的资料,他提到巴顿术的目标并非连续攻击对手,而是避免“狗急跳带来的伤害”。

    The goal wasn 't to pummel an enemy , but rather to avoid ' injury in cowardly attacks or quarrels , ' Mr. Barton-Wright told members of the Japan Society of London in a 1901 lecture , according to notes unearthed by researchers .

  13. 根据采集的裂隙图像,利用matlab编制图像处理程序,采用图像处理的方法获取结构面粗糙度,按巴顿方法确定结构面强度。

    According to the images of fracture , this paper uses the image processing method to obtain roughness of structural plane and prepare image processing procedures with Matlab . Then it uses the Barton Formula to determine the structure strength of fracture .

  14. 沃尔夫提到,如果不是因为柯南•道尔爵士在1894年写了《空屋》(TheAdventureoftheEmptyHouse)这一福尔摩斯侦探故事,巴顿术可能已经彻底消失了。

    In time , Bartitsu might have vanished completely , Mr. Wolf says , were it not for a single passage in ' The Adventure of the Empty House , ' a Sherlock Holmes mystery by Conan Doyle set in 1894 .

  15. 男性的皮肤大约比女性厚10%。英国Boots品牌的护肤顾问史蒂夫•巴顿(SteveBarton)指出:女性的皮肤有柔软的绒毛,这种绒毛就像细针。

    Men 's skin is about 10 per cent thicker than women 's , says Boots skincare advisor Steve Barton . Women 's skin has a downy hair which is like fine needles .

  16. 多玛斯科的时装品牌奇奇小姐(MCC)已经开始将牛奶布料应用于时装系列。米莎·巴顿和阿什莉·辛普森等明星都很喜欢这一品牌。

    Domaske 's fashion label Mademoiselle Chi Chi a favorite among the likes of Mischa Barton and Ashlee Simpson has now started weaving the milk fiber into its collection .

  17. 2013年8月,DWH公司聘请巴顿担任自家地上造房部门的销售顾问。

    DWH hired Barton as a sales consultant in August 2013 in its build-on-your-lot division .

  18. 想象中的人物埃内斯托·佩雷斯·马松(ErnestoPérezMasón)努力创作他的中篇小说,称之为“一出性幻想,也是激烈的反美狂想,主角是艾森豪威尔将军与巴顿将军”;

    The imaginary Ernesto P é rez Mas ó n , who pounds away at his novella that is " an erotic and fiercely anti-U.S.A. fantasy , whose protagonists were General Eisenhower and General Patton " ;

  19. 谈了三个月后,巴顿和DWH公司觉得双方确实算是天作之合。

    After three months of interviews , Barton and DWH turned out to be a perfect match .

  20. 他被安排在美国海军的梅格斯号运兵船(USSM.C.Meigs)上,战争中的大多数时间都在为巴顿将军向意大利运输部队。

    He was deployed on the USS General M. C. Meigs and spent much of the war ferrying troops to Italy for General Patton .

  21. 这部电影,以及两年后发行的续集《大侦探福尔摩斯:诡影游戏》(SherlockHolmes:AGameofShadows)中的打斗场面,一部分就来源于沃尔夫的巴顿术协会(BartitsuSociety)收集到的巴顿-怀特的初始资料。

    The film -- and a sequel two years later , ' Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows ' -- included fight scenes based in part on Mr. Barton-Wright 's original texts collected by Mr. Wolf 's Bartitsu Society . '

  22. 他表示,1970年由斯科特(GeorgeC.Scott)主演的电影《巴顿》(Patton)是中国改革开放以来首部在国内上映的西方电影。

    The 1970 film ' Patton , ' starring George C. Scott , was one of the first Western movies shown on local screens when China began opening up , he said .

  23. 直到本赛季,受到的'谎言门'丑闻和竞争力的MP4-24迈凯轮,巴顿的职业生涯基本上包括了一系列的喝彩和成功。

    Until this season , marred by the'lie-gate'scandal and the uncompetitive MP4-24 McLaren , the Briton 's career largely consisted of a series of plaudits and successes .

  24. 同为Huyton镇成长起的超级中场,但是巴顿相信不论是他还是任何其他人可以和近些年利物浦的8号相提并论。

    Both players grew up in Huyton before carving careers as dynamic midfielders-but Barton believes that neither he or anyone else can compare with Liverpool 's No.8 over recent years .

  25. 多米尼克.巴顿是国际咨询公司麦肯锡亚洲部的负责人。

    Dominic Barton , chairman of the consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

  26. 弘兼剑士认为他可以回答巴顿的问题。

    Hirokane believes he has the answer to Barton 's question .

  27. 巴顿庄园离乡舍约半英里。

    Barton Park was about half a mile from the cottage .

  28. 他们被分到巴顿在欧洲的第三军团

    they were deployed to Patton 's Third Army in Europe .

  29. 陆军现在由巴顿将军直接指挥。

    The army is now under the direct command of General Barton .

  30. 巴顿家族自古以来就住在这个村里。

    The Barton family have lived in this village since time immemorial .