
  • 网络Bada;Baader;espada;Ciabatta
  1. 再告诉你一点,郎巴达是一种禁舞。

    And for your information , the Lambada is a forbidden dance .

  2. 致巴达:这是一个饱经沧桑的傻子发出的声音,他其实更愿做个柔弱而孩子气的诉苦人。

    To Boddah pronounced Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated , infantile camplainee .

  3. 应用蒙医理论对43例过敏性鼻炎进行辨证,分为巴达干、赫依型和肺热型两种,并予蒙药治疗。

    Based on different syndrome , 43 cases of allergic rhinitis were divided into two syndrome types : Badagan group and lung-heat group , and treated with mongolian medicine .

  4. 最后,根据对比分析资料,综合分析明确巴达铁路站前Ⅰ标段宜采取的施工方案,并运用于项目管理。

    Thirdly , we comprehensively analyze and identify the proper construction program for section I of Bada railway station according to the comparative analysis and apply the program into the project management .

  5. 阿曼在世界排名比中比澳大利亚低了26位,却领先了大约一个小时,之前巴达·穆巴拉克利用澳大利亚粗心的防守在上半场先入一球。

    Oman , who are26 places below Australia in the world rankings , led for almost an hour after Badar Mubarak had capitalised on some sloppy Australian defending to score in the first half .

  6. 最终,火山喷发出1.5立方公里(0.4立方英里)的岩浆,形成了一个86平方公里(33平方英里)的熔岩区。2014年巴达本加的火山爆发成为自1783年巴达本加拉基裂缝爆发以来冰岛最大的一次火山喷发。

    In the end , the volcano produced 1.5 cubic kilometers ( 0.4 mi3 ) of lava and created an 86-square-kilometer ( 33 mi2 ) lava field , making the Baroarbunga eruption of 2014 the largest Icelandic eruption since the eruption of Baroarbunga 's Laki fissure in 1783 .