
  • 网络BATON ROUGE;BTR;BatonRouge
  1. 我们下一个主要的迭代里程碑是巴吞鲁日的堂兄Sid。

    Our next major iteration milestone is Cousin Sid in Baton Rouge .

  2. 在路易斯安娜州,工程人员正在努力使洪水避开两个大城市——新奥尔良(NewOrleans)和巴吞鲁日(BatonRouge)。

    In Louisiana , engineers are working to keep floodwaters away from two big cities -- New Orleans and Baton Rouge .

  3. 当RV修好之后,我们将直接到巴吞鲁日,在那个迭代里程碑处接他们两个。

    When the RV is fixed , we will go directly to Baton Rouge and pick up both of them at that iteration milestone .

  4. 我和朋友们(大多是兄弟会的直男)常去路易斯安那州立大学(L.S.U.)的一个很受欢迎的酒吧,名叫Bengal,它在路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市的高地路(HighlandRoad)上。

    With my friends , mostly straight frat guys , I would frequent a popular college bar at L.S.U. called the Bengal on Highland Road in Baton Rouge , La .

  5. 莫干扎分洪道(MorganzaSpillway)位于路易斯安娜州首府巴吞鲁日上游75千米处。

    The Morganza Spillway is about seventy-five kilometers from Baton Rouge , the state capital .

  6. 打开莫干扎分洪道(MorganzaSpillway)是为了缓解巴吞鲁日和新奥尔良的堤坝压力。

    Opening a channel , the Morganza spillway , is meant to relieve pressure on the levees protecting the cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans .

  7. 设想我们的涉众是新墨西哥州圣达菲的Marian阿姨、路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的Cid叔叔,以及密西西比州杰克逊的Tanya堂兄。

    Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe , New Mexico ; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge , Louisiana ; and cousin Tanya in Jackson , Mississippi .

  8. RV实际上三天内就修好了,我们再次踏上旅途,但是由于我们对RV的稳定性有了一点谨慎,所以我们直接到巴吞鲁日了。

    The RV is actually fixed in three days ; we are on the road again , but because we 're a little wary of the stability of the RV , we go directly to Baton Rouge .

  9. 这次洪灾非常严重,负责监控全国防洪工作的美国陆军工程兵团采取了几乎前所未有的措施,开启了巨大的防洪闸门,防止高水位的洪水到达路易斯安那州首府巴吞鲁日(BatonRouge)和主要港口新奥尔良。

    The flooding was so severe that the U.S. Corps of Engineers , which s national flood-control efforts , took the nearly step of opening giant floodgates to keep high water from reaching Baton Rouge , the capital city of Louisiana , and the major port of New Orleans .

  10. 为了弄清那种情况是否属实,路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的公共健康教授、静坐行为研究专家彼得·卡兹马兹克(PeterKatzmarzyk)开始研究一个巨大的数据库,里面是加拿大成年人自我陈述的身体活动信息。

    To find out whether that situation held true , Peter Katzmarzyk , a professor of public health at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge , La . , and an expert on sedentary behavior , turned to a large database of self-reported information about physical activity among Canadian adults .

  11. 回到了他在巴吞鲁日,路易斯安那州的家。

    Returned to his home in Baton rouge , louisiana .

  12. 其中一个计划是在路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市的“康复之地教会”。

    One of them is found at the Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge , Louisiana .

  13. 该图所示的是巴吞鲁日一处曾经繁忙的制铝厂留下的一片狼籍。

    Here you can see the remnants of a once bustling aluminum plant in Baton Rouge .

  14. 热带风暴带来的阵风已经导致了巴吞鲁日周边地区成千上万地方的停电。

    Tropical storm force gusts are already responsible for tens of thousands of power outages in and around Baton Rouge .

  15. 在路易斯安那州,工程师们正努力让洪水远离新奥尔良和巴吞鲁日这两大城市。

    In Louisiana , engineers are working to keep floodwaters away from two big cities & New Orleans and Baton Rouge .

  16. 事后威廉姆被授予英雄称号,巴吞鲁日警局给威廉姆的感谢信在脸书上被广为传播,获得7000多个赞和2100余次分享。

    The BRPD hailed Williams-Tillman on its Facebook page , posting a message of thanks that went viral with over 7000 likes and 2100 shares .

  17. 多数居民会收得到住房补贴,但是对于他们来说这些补贴还是不足以偿付新奥尔良、巴吞鲁日等地区的房租。

    Most residents will receive a federal subsidy to move to apartments but affordable rental housing is scarce in some areas including New Orleans and Baton Rouge .

  18. 成千上万的人从130公里外的新奥尔良涌进巴吞鲁日和附近地区,他们经历了混乱、辛和暴力。

    Tens of thousands of evacuees from New Orleans have been pouring into Baton Rouge and other nearby areas with stories of chaos , suffering and violence .

  19. 在路易斯安那州的政治家里,他算得上卓尔不群:毕业于常春藤盟校,年轻有为,在其父母从旁遮普移民到美国几个月后,他在路州首府巴吞鲁日出生。

    He is an unusual figure in Louisiana politics : Ivy League educated , young and born in Baton Rouge just months after his parents emigrated there from Punjab .

  20. 身体锻炼:有人发现罗伯特和克里斯汀在巴吞鲁日(路易斯安那州首府)一起骑车,而贾斯汀和塞丽娜在一起享受完美味的薄烤饼之后可能会去健身房!

    Physical Fitness : Rob Kristen have been spotted riding bikes in Baton Rouge , while Justin Selena probably have to hit the gym after eating at pancake joints !

  21. 游行者抗议那种我们看到的令人震惊的画面出现在圣保罗和巴吞鲁日,已看到太多地方的太多黑人的生命消失了。

    Those who were marching and re-marching against the kind of shocking images we saw in St. Paul and Baton Rouge-and have seen so often elsewhere-of too many black lives lost .

  22. 即将投拍的《洛杉矶之战》把大部分拍摄场景设在了路易斯安那州的巴吞鲁日&这与南加州代表的风俗习惯背道而驰。

    The forthcoming " Battle : Los Angeles " will be filmed mostly in Baton Rouge , Louisiana & a reversal of the tradition by which southern California stands in for everywhere else .

  23. 经确认,星期天早上在路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市开枪打死三名警察,打伤另外三人的枪手是一名美国前海军陆战队员。

    A former U.S. Marine has been identified as the gunman who shot and killed three police officers and wounded three others Sunday morning in the southern U.S. city of Baton Rouge , Louisiana .

  24. 昨日,公路上挤满了成千上万离开危险地带前往美国路易斯安那州首府巴吞鲁日的新奥尔良居民。路易斯安那州位于密西西比州和亚拉巴马州以东,得克萨斯州以西。

    Thousands of New Orleans residents jammed highways yesterday as they headed out of the danger zone towards Baton Rouge , the Louisiana state capital , east to Mississippi and Alabama , and west to Texas .