
  • 网络ALBANY;Albany, New York;AlB
  1. 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校的全球创新中心(GlobalCenterforInnovation)正在研发这种技术。

    The method is being developed at the Global Center for Innovation at the State University of New York at Albany .

  2. 于是他搬到了北部,在纽约州立大学(StateUniversityofNewYork)奥尔巴尼分校攻读了几门课程,并创办了一家名为Euphrates的公司,做羊奶酪批发生意。

    So he moved upstate , took some classes at the Albany branch of the State University of New York , and started a wholesale feta cheese business called Euphrates .

  3. 辛迪在纽约州奥尔巴尼郊区的科隆尼长大,曾因成绩优异在高中时作为毕业生代表发言,并在纽约州立大学布法罗分校(StateUniversityofNewYorkatBuffalo)和哥伦比亚大学法学院(ColumbiaLawSchool)就读。

    Cindy grew up in Colonie , N.Y. , outside Albany , where she was her high school 's valedictorian . She attended the State University of New York at Buffalo and Columbia Law School .

  4. MarileeJones玛丽莉·琼斯在奥尔巴尼长大,从小就知道为他人服务是必要的。

    Growing up in Albany , Marilee Jones learned that service to others was a necessity .

  5. 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。

    Edmunds , a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health , Albany , told Reuters Health .

  6. 而在这一切之上,市长比尔·白思豪(BilldeBlasio)的十年保障性住房计划将初具规模;与此同时,本次奥尔巴尼会议(Albany)的立法将给租房者的钱包造成重负。

    On top of it all , Mayor Bill de Blasio 's 10-year affordable housing plan will take shape just as legislation in Albany threatens to strain the pocketbooks of renters .

  7. 2012年的感恩节,辛迪的家人在哥哥罗恩(Ron)位于奥尔巴尼郊区的家中聚会。通常颇为外向的辛迪,似乎一心想着她所谓的儿子的问题。

    At Thanksgiving in 2012 , Cindy 's family gathered at her brother Ron 's home outside Albany , and Cindy , normally outgoing , seemed consumed with her son 's supposed problems .

  8. 纽约州奥尔巴尼的知识产权律师苏珊•法力(SusanFarley)表示:这是一个大问题,而且是一个不断变化的问题。法力专门负责处理设计方面的诉讼。

    " It is a huge problem and it is a changing problem ," says Susan Farley , an intellectual property lawyer based in Albany , New York , who handles design lawsuits .

  9. 下面再来讲讲拉里·齐默尔曼(LarryZimmerman)先生的故事:他退休之前在奥尔巴尼市担任律师,从纽约州总检察长办公室的一个职位跳槽到收入丰厚的私人事务所令他的酗酒问题更加严重了。

    For Larry Zimmerman , a now-retired lawyer from Albany , jumping from a position in the New York State attorney general 's office to a lucrative job in private practice worsened his problems with alcohol .

  10. 在奥尔巴尼,来自布鲁克林的民主党议员卡里姆·卡马拉(KarimCamara)正在重新修改他于2011年引入的一项改变高中招生政策的法案。

    In Albany , Assemblyman Karim Camara , a Democrat from Brooklyn , is redrafting a bill he introduced in 2011 to change admissions policies at the high schools .

  11. 另一个增强体力的因素是肺。根据纽约州奥尔巴尼医学院(AlbanyMedicalCollege)医学助理教授鲍里斯•美达洛夫(BorisMedarov)牵头的针对4756名病人进行的一项研究,肺在下午五点时的效率比中午时分要高17.6%。

    Another boost for physical strength comes from the lungs , which function 17.6 % more efficiently at 5 p.m. than at midday , according to a study of 4756 patients led by Boris Medarov , an assistant professor of medicine at Albany Medical College in New York .

  12. 但是,任何重大的政策调整,都必须经过奥尔巴尼(Albany,纽约州州府)的首肯,因为这项在少数族裔录取问题上效果不佳从而饱受争议的考试录取规定在1971年时就被写入了州法。

    Any significant policy changes , however , must pass through Albany , because the test-only rule , which has endured decades of complaints about its effect on minority enrollment , became state law in 1971 .

  13. 他说他要去奥尔巴尼办一些重要的事。

    He said he had something important to do at albany .

  14. 你是觉得我会成为奥尔巴尼的好居民吧

    You think I 'll make a fine resident of Albany .

  15. 这里是潜艇奥尔巴尼号,五角大楼。

    This is the United States submarine albany , the pentagon .

  16. 从奥尔巴尼到奥克兰的一切线索和疑点都在追查之中。

    Clues and leads were being followed up from Albany to Oakland .

  17. 在奥尔巴尼,伊莎贝尔是一个带有美国理想主义色彩的天真的女孩。

    In Albany , Isabel is an innocent girl with American idealism .

  18. 美国纽约州首府奥尔巴尼帝国州广场

    Empire State Plaza Albany , New York , USA. 1979

  19. 小汽车在红绿灯处等了一会儿,然后向右转顺着奥尔巴尼大街开走了。

    The car waited at the lights , then headed right down Albany street .

  20. 奥尔巴尼美国俄勒冈州西北部威拉米特河上的城市,位于塞勒姆南方。

    Eugene : a city of western Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem .

  21. 一条老运河,它把位于奥尔巴尼的哈得逊河和位于布法罗的伊利湖连结了起来。

    A former canal connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo .

  22. 要是我哪天想家了我一定会让人空运一些到奥尔巴尼市

    And I 'm certainly gonna have some flown to Albany if I ever get homesick .

  23. 奥尔巴尼纽约大学的研究人员对1000名学生的接吻观进行了调查。

    Researchers at New York 's University at Albany questioned 1,000 students about their views on kissing .

  24. 在2009年,这项议案最后一次提交到奥尔巴尼(纽约州首府),但被彻底否决。

    In 2009 , the last time the issue went to Albany , it was rejected soundly .

  25. 1969年,她考入圣罗斯学院,一个坐落在奥尔巴尼的罗马天主教学院。

    In1969 she enrolled at the College of Saint Rose , a Roman Catholic institution in Albany .

  26. 一位奥尔巴尼的农夫会代替它们,他身后的蛇会悬挂。

    A Farmer from Albany shall take their place , and down his back a Snake shall hang .

  27. 他怀疑自己是不是爱上了这位来自奥尔巴尼的纯洁的少女。

    He wondered whether he were harbouring " love " ' for this spontaneous young woman from Albany .

  28. 科莫的父亲马里奥?科莫是前纽约州长,科莫从小受父亲熏陶,谙熟奥尔巴尼政事。

    He learnt much about Albany politics at the knee of his father , Mario , a former governor .

  29. 数据表明,位于纽约州首府奥尔巴尼郊区的柯隆尼是最安全的城市。

    The safest city , statistically speaking , was seen as Colonie , N.Y. , a suburb of Albany .

  30. 芯片联营企业——半导体制造技术联盟也从素有“高科技磁石”之称的德克萨斯州奥斯汀迁到奥尔巴尼;

    Sematech , a chip consortium , has moved to Albany from the high-tech magnet of Austin , Texas .