
  • 网络Des moines
  1. Tank是得梅因居民DuaneSmith2014年从Craigslist上找到的,他似乎都符合这些标准。

    Tank who was adopted from Craigslist by Des Moines resident Duane Smith in 2014 , seemed to fit the bill .

  2. 我们的竞选不是孵化自华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于得梅因(美国衣阿华Iowa州的首府)的后院、康科德市普通人家的客厅、以及查尔斯顿的某个前廊。

    Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington - it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  3. 得梅因美国共和保险公司,美国

    Headquarters of American Republic Insurance Co. , Des Moines , USA

  4. 而就在一星期前,她曾到得梅因去买了一件粉色连衣裙。

    A week ago she 'd been in Des Moines buying a pink dress .

  5. 首府得梅因是他在该州竞选的最后一站。

    And this rally in Des Moines was his last Iowa event of the campaign .

  6. 麦凯恩这个星期早些时候在接受《得梅因纪事报》采访时极力为佩林辩护。

    McCain strongly defended Palin in a meeting with the Des Moines Register newspaper earlier this week .

  7. 位于爱荷华州的得梅因城,接近美国版图的中心。

    The city of Des Moines , Iowa , is near the geographical center of the United States .

  8. 得梅因,爱荷华州-像病毒本身一样,名称“猪流感”也迅速蔓延。

    DES MOINES , Iowa-Like the virus itself , the name " swine flu " is spreading quickly .

  9. 和得梅因相比,布鲁克林门框里的小生命会是什么样呢?

    What 's the tiny life like on a door frame in Brooklyn compared with that in Des Moines ?

  10. 坦克这条来自得梅因的两岁小狗,星期天在德雷克大学赢得了第36届年度最美斗牛犬比赛。

    A 2-year-old dog from Des Moines named Tank won the 36th annual Beautiful Bulldog contest Sunday at Drake University .

  11. 达·芬奇生前没有完成的作品在米兰、奥斯陆和美国依阿华州的得梅因得以完成。

    Unfinished works of Leonardo da Vinci are completed wn Milan , Oslo and perhaps even Des Moines , Iowa .

  12. 从美国东岸的曼哈顿到中西部的得梅因,股票经纪人眼中,阿里巴巴已不再是所向披靡的中国电子商务明星。

    Alibaba is no longer the invincible Chinese e-commerce star that stockbrokers from Manhattan to Des Moines thought it was .

  13. 美国衣阿华州的首府和最大城市,位于该州中南部得梅因河上。

    The capital and largest city of Iowa , in the south-central part of the state on the Des Moines River .

  14. 在她去世前一个月的时候,她给位于美国衣阿华州得梅因的一个名为星空的广播台广播台写了一封信。

    A month before she died , Brenda wrote a letter to the Des Moines , Iowa , radio station Star .

  15. 这些中国专家还会与美国同行一起参加在得梅因世界粮食奖基金会举行的一个峰会。

    the Chinese experts will also a forum with their US counterparts at the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines .

  16. 我差点在得梅因的火灾中丧生,但我坚持留在火车上。

    I know . You know , I almost died in a fire in Des Moines , but I stayed put .

  17. 它是在得梅因的后院,康科德的起居室里和查尔斯顿的门廊下组建的。

    It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  18. 现在,他的工作为自己赢得了今年来自爱荷华州得梅因世界粮食奖基金的世界粮食奖。

    Now his work has earned him the World Food Prize from the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines , Iowa .

  19. 得梅因纪事报报道,小亚历山大贝茨于2013年7月自杀,并于不久后死亡。

    Alexander AJ Betts Jr. attempted suicide in July 2013 , the Des Moines Register reported at the time . He died shortly thereafter .

  20. 美国得梅因市的市政官员制定新市政计划时读到了有关上述桥梁的文章。他们也联系上桑德。

    When officials in Des Moines at work on that city 's new master plan read of the bridge , they , too , contacted Sand .

  21. 一个人走在一,超过在格雷湖公园在得梅因,爱荷华州在周一,2010年9月27日湖雾上升的路径。

    A man walks on a path as fog rises over the lake at Gray 's Lake Park in Des Moines , Iowa on Monday , Sept.27,2010 .

  22. 每年,来自全国的斗牛犬齐聚在爱荷华首府得梅因,来参加德雷克大学举办的“最美斗牛犬”比赛。

    Every year , bulldogs from across the country make their way to Des Moines , Iowa to participate in Drake University 's " beautiful bulldog " contest .

  23. 我们的竞选之程并不是在华盛顿的豪华大厅里策划出来的,而是始于小城市得梅因的后院里,始于康科德和查尔斯顿这些小地方的起居室里、前门走廊上。

    Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington-it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  24. 召回不足使查尔斯梅特勒被吓倒,当他停留在衣阿华得梅因的德克士餐馆时,他在星期二点了火腿蛋松饼。

    The recall isn 't enough to scare off Charles Mettler , who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner 's in Des Moines , Iowa .

  25. 几天后,在得梅因衣阿华州的大会上,被采访者表示失望,说自己以前只被评为“年度人物”而不是“年度男性”。

    A few days later , at a rally in Des Moines , Iowa , the former lamented the fact that he had been named person instead of man of the year .

  26. 我们的竞选活动并非诞生于华盛顿的高门华第之内,而是始于得梅因、康科德、查尔斯顿这些地方的普通民众家中。

    Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington – it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  27. 在他八岁时,他与他的三个兄弟一起组队,在爱荷华的得梅因推出了他们自己的广播剧,并由此开始了他的职业生涯。

    Born in Wall Lake , Iowa , Williams began his career at age eight when he teamed up with his three brothers on their own radio series in Des Moines , Iowa .

  28. 埃西塔没有出席美国国务院的授奖典礼,他将在10月15号前去在爱奥华州得梅因的世界粮食奖基金会出席庆典。

    Ejeta , who was not present at the State Department event , will receive the award on October 15 in a ceremony by the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines , Iowa .

  29. 新共和党副总统候选人保罗·瑞安也在爱荷华州竞选,他在州得梅因告诉支持者,他和总统候选人米特•罗姆尼将确定该国的预算。

    The new Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan also campaigned in Iowa where he told supporters at the state Des Moines that he and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney would fix the country 's budget .

  30. “这将毁了我们的市场,”72岁的弗朗西斯说吉尔摩。在得梅因外面的佩里,他养着600猪。他担心他的小企业可能会被危机断送。

    " It 's killing our markets ," said Francis Gilmore , 72 , who runs a600-hog operation in Perry , outside Des Moines , and worries his small business could be ruined by the crisis .