
  • 网络Strength combination;Power Bond
  1. 同时,文章也指出了在修建长大隧道时,应从勘探调查、设计、施工等几方面的技术难点,组织力量结合具体工程进行研究,推动隧道建设技术的发展。

    The problems such as site survey , design , construction technology are analysed .

  2. 而网站需要做的,就是把旅行者的力量结合起来,打造一本又一本靠谱又有爱的旅游攻略。

    The website just need to combine the travellers and make fine and cute travel guides .

  3. 把常备军与后备力量结合起来,加快国防现代化建设。

    Unify the standing army and the reserve strength , so as to speed up the modernization of national defense construction .

  4. 水星支配沟通和思想方面,当水星和天王星力量结合时,你肯定会产生革命性的想法。

    Mercury rules communication and thinking , and when Mercury joins forces with Uranus , you can be sure innovative ideas are cooking .

  5. 最近几年,在中国的城市出现了一些基层国家和社会自治力量结合起来共同提供公共服务的案例。

    In recent years , there have appeared in China some cases in which the state and social autonomic organizations join hands to provide public services .

  6. 蟹和秤都有些羞怯,不愿把他们情感和智慧的力量结合到一起,因此都喜欢伤感的片子和剧集。

    Neither Cancer nor Libra shy away from combining the powers of their emotion and their intellect , and both enjoy the occasional teary opera or sentimental heirloom .

  7. 企业文化和企业物质力量结合的深度决定了企业长期业绩增长和企业长远发展的潜力。

    The depth of the combination of enterprise culture and the material strength of enterprises determines the potentiality of the increase of outstanding achievement and long term development of enterprises .

  8. 如果像那样的话,推论力也可能有市场,尤其是如果它能跟一些在互联网上已经流传开的、自发的半智能力量结合在一起时更可能有市场。

    There might be a market for inferential power like that , especially if it could be yoked to some of the autonomous semi-intelligent agents that are already buzzing around on the Internet .

  9. 我国的农村社会保障体系是一个以家庭联产承包责任制为基础,以农村家庭保障为主线,以家族成员互助为补充,把政府和社会各方面力量结合在一起的统一体。

    The social insurance system in China 's countryside is an organic whole composed of the family contract responsibility system and the mutual help from the family members and all the institutional forces of the government and the society .

  10. 所以,宗教最好与清晰而具有逻辑性的认知的力量结合起来这方面的典型就是独特的科学方法尽管这两方面有时会发生冲突。

    Therefore , it is preferable that religion should ally itself with the forces of clear , logical cognition , as uniquely exemplified in the scientific method , even though at times the two might clash with one another .

  11. 背越式跳高技术目前处于相对稳定的发展时期,人们从助跑、速度和力量结合、有效的训练手段、提高运动员心理素质等方面来挖掘人体的极限运动能力。

    At present , the technique of back style is in the relatively stable development stage . People are tapping the limiting sports ability of human body in the run-up , the combination of speed and power , efficient training ways , increasing athletes ' psychological quality .

  12. 作者把该方法与经过改进的C-V模型中的区域力量相结合,提出了适应复杂背景的C-V模型。

    The author integrated this method with modified region force of C-V model and put forward adapting complex background C-V model .

  13. 我们力图将苗条和力量完美结合。

    We try to combine slenderness with strength .

  14. 射手的高超技艺与现代科技力量相结合,产生了如此辉煌的效果!

    The skill of the archer combined with the power of modern technology produced a magnificent result .

  15. 历史表明,正是这两股力量的结合,才造成了2001年那样大规模的经济滑坡。

    History suggests that it is the combination of these two forces that causes large slowdowns , as happened in 2001 .

  16. 在他的时代,他超越众人,创造了极具创新性的产品,把诗歌和处理器的力量完美结合。

    More than anyone else of his time , he made products that were completely innovative , combining the power of poetry and processors .

  17. 透过唱和诗,可以看到在他们的精神世界里,审美与理性,诗意与智慧,愉悦与思考的力量相结合的二元有机文化心理的倾向。

    Dualistic cultural psychology of combination of aesthetics and reason , poetry and wisdom , pleasure and thought can be perceived in their spirit world .

  18. 经过九年的探索培育,不同资本、行业背景的力量还结合自身实际,形成了各具特色的影院投资、发展形态。这些形态连缀接力,初步勾勒出电影终端市场新的成长梯度。

    After nine years of exploration and cultivation , powers of different assets and background combined with their own reality , forming distinctive film investment and development patterns .

  19. 她肤如凝脂、容颜俏丽、气质沉静,这是神与自然的力量所结合的美。

    Venus'smooth skin , gorgeous appearance and elegant temperament embody beauty and provide a point of connection between the forces of the gods and the forces of nature .

  20. 尽管各国的情况不同,确定的标准和采用的方法各异,但再和时期实行常备军和后备力量相结合的武装力量体制则大体相同。

    The condition is not same in different countries , the standards and methods are different , but the armed forces system of combining standing army with reserve army is similar .

  21. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。

    China adheres to the concept of people 's war under modern conditions , and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense .

  22. 东西方文化相融合,把东方古典文化的深厚底蕴与西方现代科技的力量相结合,是设计未来发展的方向。

    Integration of eastern and western culture , combining deep foundation of ancient oriental cultural with the power of western modern technology , we will find the future of development direction of design .

  23. 通过整合社区内外资源,以及政府与民间力量的结合,社区照顾不仅为弱势群体提供更多的社会支持,而且避免了社会福利单纯由国家提供的弊端,增强社区居民的参与。

    Through the integration of community resources , and the combination of the powers from both government and non-government , community care will not only provide more social aid to the weak group but also avoid total dependence on the state welfare and enhance residents ' social participation .

  24. 高科技、信息化条件下的战争形式变化使得当今世界主要国家都在积极调整军事发展战略,精干的常备军与高素质的预备役后备力量相结合,是当今世界主要国家军事发展战略的共同抉择。

    With the changing form of warfare under the condition of high-tech and informatization , key countries in the world are actively busy in making adjustment on military development strategy that , combing crack standing army with caliber reserve duty , is a choice made by the key countries .

  25. 面对现代战争的新变化,中国坚持依靠人民群众加强国防建设,增强全民国防观念,实行精干的常备军与强大的后备力量相结合的武装力量体制;

    In the face of new changes in modern warfare , China persists in relying on the people in national defense building , enhancing the popular awareness of national defense , and instituting an armed force system of combining a small but capable standing army with a powerful reserve force ;

  26. 豪华与超凡力量的完美结合BENTLEY英国人对汽车有着独特的看法.事实上,几乎可以称得上是一种对国家的尊敬,尤其是对早期的古董.任何旧的东西都可以重新修复不管是这种车辆有多零散有多迟钝;

    The British have a peculiar view of the automobile . In fact , it can almost be called a national reverence , especially about vintage iron . Anything old is fodder for a ground-up restoration no matter how prosaic or dull the vehicle .

  27. 最好的方法是大作用运动与力量训练相结合;

    Your best bet is a combination of high-impact exercise and strength-training ;

  28. 内外部力量的强强结合产生了最完美的效果。

    Internal and external forces of the powerful combination produced the most perfect effect .

  29. 只有把各方力量有机的结合起来,融为一体,才能够达到最佳的教育目的。

    The aim of education can be attainted by integrating all forces from the society .

  30. 重视发旋转球技术教学与前臂肌肉的速度力量训练相结合。

    Emphasis on technology in teaching and made the ball spin rate of forearm muscle strength training combined .