
  • 网络Torque wrench
  1. 力矩扳手的计量单位为镑-寸或者公斤-厘米。

    The measuring unit of torque wrench is pound-inch or kilogram-centimeter .

  2. 摇架用数字力矩扳手的设计

    Design of Digit Torque Wrench for Top Arm

  3. 定力矩扳手系统可靠性优化设计方法

    Reliability optimizing design method of fixed moment of force spanner system

  4. 力矩扳手可以提供禁锢螺栓所需的精确力矩计量。

    Torque wrenches offer the precision measurement needed to tighten fasteners .

  5. 定力矩扳手圆柱螺旋弹簧的强度可靠性设计

    Intensity reliability calculation of fixed moment of force spanner cylinder spiral spring

  6. 提出了对定力矩扳手系统进行可靠性优化设计的理念。

    This paper gives a method of the reliability optimizing design of fixed moment of force spanner .

  7. 力矩扳手的力矩计算

    Torque Calculation for Torque Spanner

  8. 通过对弹簧可靠度的计算,可以优化该弹簧的参数,进而确保定力矩扳手的优化设计。

    By way of the calculation of reliable degree to the spring , the parameter of this spring can be optimized , and then ensure the optimum design of fixed moment of force spanner .

  9. 提出了对圆柱螺旋弹簧的静强度和疲劳强度可靠性设计的公式,并介绍了定力矩扳手的圆柱弹簧在可靠性设计中的应用。

    This paper gives a calculation formula of the design for the cylinder helical springs by strength and fatigue reliability , and introduce the application of the reliability design about cylinder spring in the moment of force spanner .

  10. 介绍数显式行星力矩放大扳手的设计方法。

    A design of multiplier wrench in digital-indicate is introduced .

  11. 论文结尾还对力矩放大扳手的发展趋势与前景作出了预测。

    In the end , we made a development foreground forecast of DPMW .