
  • 网络China Space Station;Tiangong
  1. 中国空间站整体呈T字构型,核心舱在中间,两边各有一个实验舱,每个舱段规模20吨级。

    The space station will be a T shape with the core module at the center and a lab capsule on each side . Each module will be over 20 tonnes .

  2. 中国空间站建造任务实施阶段成功开启。按计划,中国将于2022年完成空间站在轨建造。天和核心舱发射成功,标志着我国空间站建造进入全面实施阶段,为后续任务展开奠定了坚实基础。

    The successful launch of the core module Tianhe marks that China 's space station construction has entered the full implementation stage , which lays a solid foundation for the follow-up tasks .

  3. 宁洪(音译)将带来详细报道:周四上午,搭载着中国空间站天和核心舱的长征五号B遥二运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射场发射升空。

    Ning Hong has more : A Long March 5B rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center in Hainan Province on Thursday Morning , carrying the core module of the Tianhe space station .

  4. 中国空间站预计将于明年完成建造。

    China 's space station is expected to be completed next year .

  5. 中国空间站核心舱发射升空。

    The core module of China 's space station has been launched .

  6. 还可以用于中国空间站的整体运行。

    It can also be used in the overall operation of China 's space station .

  7. 中国空间站核心舱预计将于今年春天发射。

    The core module of China 's space station is expected to be launched this spring .

  8. 今天的发射标志着中国空间站在轨组装的开始。

    Today 's launch marks the beginning of the assembly of China 's space station in orbit .

  9. 天舟货运飞船一直在向中国空间站运送各种物资,从食物到衣服,也包括宇航服。

    Tianzhou cargo ships have been delivering all kinds of supplies to China space station , from food to clothes , including space suits .

  10. 专家表示,新发射的“天和”核心舱配备了许多先进设施,宇航员在中国空间站将享有更好的体验。

    Experts say astronauts will enjoy a much better experience in China 's space station , as the newly launched " Tianhe " core module is equipped with many advanced facilities .

  11. 由一个核心模块和两个实验舱组成的中国空间站,将有能力同时容纳3名宇航员,而在旋转过程中最多可容纳6名宇航员。

    Consisting of one core module and two experiment modules , CSS will have the capacity to accommodate up to three astronauts at the same time and maximum six during rotation .

  12. 一份官方报告显示,中国空间站的建设将在今年进入关键阶段,中国火星探测器“天问一号”将完成在轨、着陆和巡视作业。

    An official report says the construction of China 's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 complete its orbiting , landing and roving operations .

  13. 中国空间站核心舱预计将于2019年发射,2022年建成并投入运营,届时将成为首个由发展中国家建造的,且面向联合国所有会员国开放的空间站。

    CSS , expected to be launched by 2019 , and complete and brought into operation by 2022 , will be the world 's first space station that is developed by a developing country and open for cooperation with all UN member states .

  14. 中国空间站将在距离地表约400千米高的近地轨道上运行,将被广泛应用于太空医学、生命科学、生物技术、微重力科学、地球科学和航天技术等研究领域。

    Operating in a low-Earth orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth 's surface , CSS will be used in a wide range of research fields , including space medicine , life science , biotechnology , microgravity science , Earth science and space technology .

  15. 不过这次任务是计划建立中国轨道空间站的一步。

    This mission , however , is intended as a step towards building a Chinese orbiting space station .

  16. 为建设中国新空间站进行的首次载人飞行任务宣告已成功发射。

    The launch of the first manned mission in the construction of China 's new space station has been declared a success .

  17. 中国在空间站计划方面也取得重大进展,上月,两个无人飞行器在轨道上成功实施了中国首次空间交会对接。

    China has also made strides in its plans for a space station , with two unmanned spacecraft docking in orbit last month for the first time .

  18. 中国的载人空间站如果按计划在2022年发射,它将在美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)在2028年退役后成为唯一在轨的空间站。

    China 's manned space station , if launched as planned in 2022 , would become the only one in orbit when Nasa 's International Space Station is retired from service in 2028 .

  19. 埃菲社认为,神舟八号的发射,为中国建立永久空间站的计划掀开了新篇章。

    EFE thinks that the launch of the Shenzhou VIII has made a new step for the plan of China 's Permanent space station .

  20. 天宫一号是中国发展载人空间站的第一步,北京希望空间站在2020年之前全面运转。

    The module represents the first element of China 's plan to develop a manned space station , which Beijing hopes will be fully operational by2020 .

  21. 大好消息!毕竟这些年来美国一直把中国排挤在国际空间站的门外,是时候告诉世界中国也能在太空中做到这些。

    Great news ! After all these years with USkeeping China out of ISSproject , it 's time to show the world what China can achieve in the space .

  22. 满载物资、设备和推进剂的中国天舟二号货运飞船,已与中国空间站天和核心舱成功对接。

    China 's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft loaded with supplies , equipment and propellant has docked with the Tianhe core module of the country 's space station .

  23. 上周一,中国宣布欢迎所有联合国成员国同中国合作,共同利用未来的中国空间站。

    China announced last Monday that all member states of the United Nations are welcome to cooperate with China to jointly utilize its future China Space Station ( CSS ) .

  24. 中国载人航天工程办公室表示,神舟十二号载人飞船已经成功与在轨运行的中国空间站分离。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office says the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft successfully separated from China 's orbitting Space Station .

  25. 北京&周五,一个高级官员说,中国今年将试图进行无人操纵的两个太空舱的首次太空对接,这是致力于建立中国自己空间站的第一步。

    BEIJING : China will attempt its first space docking between two unmanned vehicles this year , the first step in efforts to build a Chinese space station , a senior official said on Friday .