
zhōnɡ yī kē
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine department
  1. 综合性医院中医科患者心理特征、治疗对策与伦理

    Patients'Psychological Character , Treatment Countermeasure and Ethic of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department in the Comprehensive Hosptial

  2. 基于B/S构架的中医科医生工作站软件的设计

    Design of workstation software based on B / S framework for department of TCM

  3. 方法本系统设计了一种基于B/S构架模式开发的中医科医生工作站系统,它建立在Browser/Server/Database三层构架之上;

    Methods The doctor 's workstation system of the department of TCM based on B / S framework model was designed by the system , founding on the three-layer of Browser / Server / Database which adopted the technique of C # .

  4. 曾任三甲医院中医科主任,湖北中医学院教授。

    Former hospital director of Chinese medicine , Hubei College of traditional Chinese Medicine professor .

  5. 临床疗效显著,先后在妇产科生殖中心、泌尿科外和中医科应用多年。

    It have a significant clinical efficacy , which have used in reproductive center obstetrics and gynecology , urology for many years .

  6. 沈阳市综合医院内科和中医科门诊患者焦虑障碍患病情况和医生诊断状况调查

    The Suffering Condition of Internal Medicine and Chinese Medicine Outpatients with Anxiety Disorder of General Hospitals in Shenyang and Investigation of Physician 's Diagnostic Status

  7. 晨会交班时二线点评在中医科的实践最小二乘时滞实时在线估计方法的试验研究

    Practice of second-line doctors ' comments in morning shift in department of traditional Chinese medicine Experimental Study of a Real-Time Online Approach to Delay Estimation Based on the Least-Square Algorithm

  8. 熊胆富含某类酸性物质,据中医科医生所说,熊胆不仅能够退热清心,还能够明目,治疗胆囊结石。

    Bear bile contains a special acid , which practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine say can not only reduce fever , but also improve eyesight and eliminate stones in the gall bladder .

  9. 强化了医疗质量实时控制;为了提高中医科的工作效率,我院采用计算机技术模拟中医科的工作流程。

    Thirdly , real-time control medical quality is reinforced ; To improve the medical quality , increase the efficiency and decrease the cost , a Traditional Chinese Medicine E-Prescription System has been developed .

  10. 全部100例病人来自2008年8月&2009年3月在武汉市一医院消化内科和华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院中医科的住院病人。

    All 100 patients from August 2008-2,009 in March at a hospital in Wuhan City Department of Gastroenterology and Huazhong University of Science Medicine , Union Hospital , Tongji Medical College , Division of patients .

  11. 结果:放疗科和五官科首诊诊断正确率高,分别为100%和67%,而外科、内科、中医科等的首诊诊断正确率较低,仅分别为8%、7%和0%。

    Results : The department of otolaryngology and the radiation oncology have the high correction rates for the first diagnosis , but misdiagnosis rates in departments of surgical , internal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine were very poor .

  12. 方法:抽样调查2003年8月至2004年5月就诊于综合医院中医科及中医专科医院的患者1318人(门诊698人,病房620人),均自愿参加并完成测试。

    Method : To sampling 1318 patients ( 698 outpatients , 620 inpatients ) in TCM department of the general hospital and the TCM hospital from August in 2003 to May in 2004 , all join voluntarily and complete the test .

  13. 其次,通过Delphi法两轮专家咨询形成了中医全科医师绩效评价指标体系,其中一级指标5个,二级指标32个。

    Second , form the target system of performance evaluation in general practitioners after twice consulting from experts by Delphi , including 5 targets in grade 1 and 32 in grade 2 .

  14. 王静,另一个附属医院的医院,是一家综合医院CACMS与主要特点和中医骨伤科放在中国。

    Wang Jing Hospital , another affiliated hospital of CACMS , is a general hospital with the main features laid on Chinese orthopedics and traumatology .

  15. 血液流变学检测技术在中医骨伤科实验研究中的运用

    Hemorheological assay techniques used in orthopedic experiments of the Chinese School

  16. 探讨提高中医呼吸科后期临床教学质量。

    To explore the quality of respiratory department 's late clinical teaching .

  17. 研究、制定中医骨伤科辩证框架;

    To help to research the standardization of Zheng about the TCM orthopaedics ;

  18. 中国中医骨伤科杂志

    Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics

  19. 中医皮肤科中的直观论治法

    Visual Theory Therapy in Dermatology of TCM

  20. 运用模拟医院加强中医骨伤科操作技能教学

    Strengthen Teaching of Operating Skills in Department of Osteonosus and Traumatism of TCM by Imitating Hospital

  21. 中医骨伤科具有丰富的理论和实践内容。

    Orthopedics and traumatology department of traditional chinese medicine has abundant content of the theory and practice .

  22. 它在中医伤科学术的记载、传承、发展中所起的特定作用,正是其学术价值所在。

    Their special role in record , inheritance and development of Chinese Traumatology is just their academic value .

  23. 骨碎补具有促进骨折愈合、强骨补肾的功效,是中医骨伤科方剂中的常用药。

    Drynaria fortunei which is common in TCM prescriptions for fracture can promote healing of bone fractures and strengthen kidney function .

  24. 含中医骨伤科之骨折脱臼整复及脊椎矫正和一般伤筋的治疗。

    The naprapathy also includes the Traditional Chinese Traumatologic naprapathy on fracture , dislocation , spinal manipulation , and general wounded tendon treatment .

  25. 选择具有副高职称以上的10名中医消化科专家,对筛选量表的内容进行取舍和提出意见。

    Select 10 digestive specialists of Traditional Chinese Medicine to make their choices about items and put forward their opinions about the contents .

  26. 依据中医骨伤科病症诊断疗效标准,96例均达到治愈,无肘内翻发生。

    According to disease diagnosis and treatment standard of Orthopaedics and trauma of TCM , all the patients had fracture healing without cubitus varus .

  27. 从继承和创新双方面探讨中医骨伤科医师继续医学教育自学方法。

    This paper is the discussion on the probe of self-continuing medical education for the traditional Chinese medical Orthopedics department both from inherence and innovation aspects .

  28. 中医全科学士〔香港大学〕很多中国学生还学生物学,然后去上医科大学。

    Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine [ University of Hong Kong ] Many Chinese students also study biology in college and then go on to medical school .

  29. 通过对中医呼吸科的后期临床教学的研究分析,找出目前后期临床教学存在的问题,提出了在新形势下加强后期临床教学应采取的对策和措施。

    According to research on late clinical teaching , we found the problems and put forward the countermeasures to strengthen late clinical teaching under the new situation .

  30. 中医全科医学的思想特点突出体现在整体观,包括天人合一、形神统一、人与社会统一、人是有机整体四个方面。

    Holistic view of the core ideas in medicine , including Harmony , Form and Spirit , the unity of man and society , man is an organic whole aspects .