
zhōnɡ lì tiáo yuē
  • neutrality treaty;treaty of neutrality
  1. 日苏中立条约在中国的争议及其政治延伸

    Chinese Disputes over the Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Treaty and Their Extension to Politics

  2. 日苏中立条约的缔结与美国

    The Signing of the Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Treaty and the U S Response to It

  3. 《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移论阎锡山的中的哲学思想在抗战时期的体现

    YAN Xi-shan 's Philosophical Thought of Neutrality During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  4. 《苏日中立条约》与中国

    The Soviet - Japan Neutral Treaty and China

  5. 试论《苏日中立条约》的签订对中国的影响

    Modest Discussion about the Influence on China of the Neutrality Treaty Between Russia and Japan

  6. 1941年“日苏中立条约”是日、苏瓜分中国“满蒙”之侵略事件。

    Japan-USSR Neutrality Treaty of 1941 was an invasion incident to divide China 's Manchuria and Mongolia .

  7. 苏联为防止日本进攻,避免东线战争,同日本签订中立条约。

    Soviet signed the neutrality treaty with Japan for preventing from Japanese attack and eastern line war .

  8. 在合作的过程中,《中苏互不侵犯条约》和《苏日中立条约》等问题也要慎重对待。

    In the cooperation process , the Sino-Soviet non-aggression pact and the Soviet-Japanese neutrality Treaty and other problems have to be extremely careful .

  9. 《苏日中立条约》的签订作为二战期间苏日关系和国际关系中的一个重大事件,使苏日双方得以避免两线作战。

    The Soviet-Japan Neutral Treaty , which was a significant issue between former Soviet Union and Japan and among the international relations , has made the both countries each avoid the two route fight .

  10. 交换关于巴拿马运河的永久中立和经营的条约及巴拿马运河条约批准书的议定书巴拿马签发证书计划

    Protocol of Exchange of Instruments of Ratification Regarding the Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Treaty

  11. 日俄战争中清政府局外中立的历史考察《苏日中立条约》与东北抗日联军的战略转移

    Historical Research on the Qing Government 's Policy of Neutrality in the War Between Japan and Russia