
  • 网络United Nations Convention against Corruption;UNCAC;Anti-Corruption Convention
  1. 富裕国家还应该对那些为盗取的资产提供避风港的新兴市场国家施加压力,让它们批准和执行《联合国反腐败公约》。

    Wealthy countries should also pressure emerging market countries serving as havens for stolen assets to ratify and implement the UNCAC .

  2. 在卡塔尔,非政府组织的小组被尴尬地限制了参与联合国反腐败公约的审查,而且公布的信息数额也被遏制了。

    In Qatar , the awkward squad campaigned to limit the right of NGOs to take part in reviewing compliance with UNCAC , and also to curb the amount of information that must be published .

  3. 在g8峰会召开前夕发表的这份报告,批评东道主日本以及德国、意大利没有批准《联合国反腐败公约》(unitednationsconventionagainstcorruption)。

    The report , released on the eve of the G8 summit , criticises host Japan as well as Germany and Italy for not ratifying the United Nations Convention against corruption .

  4. StAR动议呼吁所有国家批准《联合国反腐败公约》(UNCAC)。目前,只有大约一半的经合发组织与八国集团国家批准了这个公约。

    StAR calls for the ratification by all countries of the UN Convention against corruption ( UNCAC )– something that only half of the OECD and G-8 countries have done .

  5. 《联合国反腐败公约》资产返还国际合作机制探析

    Consideration of the International Cooperation Mechanism for Asset Recovery in UNCAC

  6. 论反腐败的社会公众参与&以《联合国反腐败公约》为视角

    Social Participation against Corruption : from the Perspective of UN Convention against Corruption

  7. 关于斡旋受贿犯罪独立性的立法思考&与《联合国反腐败公约》接轨

    Legislative Thinking About the Independence of Medi-bribery Offence

  8. 包括美国在内的很多国家还没有签署《联合国反腐败公约》。

    Many countries , including the US , have yet to sign the agreement .

  9. 《联合国反腐败公约》是第一个全球性的反腐败国际法律文件,它从国内防范和国际合作两方面对反腐败问题做了规定。

    The United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention is the first globe legal instrument on anti-corruption .

  10. 《联合国反腐败公约》的制定,是国际社会反腐败合作的重要成果。

    United Nations Convention against Corruption is the important achievement of international cooperation against corruption .

  11. 对《联合国反腐败公约》前提下引渡制度的重新审视

    A New Viewpoint to the Extradition on the Basis of the UN Convention of Anti-corruption

  12. 反腐败国际合作法的新发展&《联合国反腐败公约》评析

    Comments on United Nations Anti-Corruption Convention

  13. 从《联合国反腐败公约》看我国境外追缴腐败犯罪所得国际合作制度的完善

    From United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption to the Improvement of International cooperation on Investigating Illicit Money Abroad

  14. 影响力交易罪,是《联合国反腐败公约》规定的一类新型犯罪。

    The influential transaction crime is a new crime that is prescribed in the UN Anti-corruption pact .

  15. 健全与完善我国反腐败法律制度论纲&以《联合国反腐败公约》为视角

    Establishing and Improving the Law System against Corruption in China : From the United Nations Convention against Corruption

  16. 追回腐败资产国际合作机制研究&以《联合国反腐败公约》为研究视角

    Studies on International Cooperation System of Corruption Property Recovery & In the Viewpoint of UN Convention Against Corruption

  17. 为有效打击腐败犯罪,《联合国反腐败公约》确立了刑事缺席判决制度。

    In order to crack down on corruptions , United Nations Convention against Corruption established Criminal Absent Judgement .

  18. 论《联合国反腐败公约》资产追回与返还机制及在我国的适用

    The Asset Recovery and Return Mechanism of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and Its Application in China

  19. 国际执法合作:反腐败斗争的新路径&以《联合国反腐败公约》为主要视角

    International Justice Cooperation : A New way for Fighting against Corruption in View of United Nations Convention against Corruption

  20. 腐败犯罪的法律控制与国际刑法的演进&以《联合国反腐败公约》为视角

    Legal Enforcement Against Criminal Corruptions and Evolution of International Criminal Law & a Snapshot of UN Convention Against Corruption

  21. 《联合国反腐败公约》提出,治理腐败犯罪必须建立一套科学的、可行的、综合的社会预防机制。

    Comparison between the United Nations Convention against Corruption and Bribery in the Private Sector in Criminal Law of China ;

  22. 关于我国刑事法治与《联合国反腐败公约》协调的几点初步探讨

    Preliminary Comment on the Coordination between the Development of Rule of Law in China and the United Nations Convention against Corruption

  23. 试论我国刑事证人保护制度的完善&以《联合国反腐败公约》为视角

    On Improving the System for the Protection of Criminal Witness in China & From the perspective of UN Convention Against Corruption

  24. 刑法措施是《经合组织公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》为治理跨国商业贿赂所确立的重要措施。

    Penal sanction is the important approach to regulate transnational bribery in the OECD Convention and the United Nations Convention against Corruption .

  25. 反腐败国际合作法律问题探析&兼谈中国对《联合国反腐败公约》的应对

    An Analysis of Legal Affairs in International Anti-corruption Cooperation & Concurrently discussing about China 's corresponding measures to The UN Convention Against Corruption

  26. 作为第一项全球性反腐败法律文件&《联合国反腐败公约》的通过,为反腐败国际合作提供了一个新的平台。

    The UN Convention Against Corruption , the first global anti-corruption legal document , has offered a platform for the international anti-corruption cooperation .

  27. 贿赂外国公职人员或国际公共组织官员罪是《联合国反腐败公约》规定的一类新型犯罪。

    Bribery of foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations is a new type of crime in United Nations Convention Against Corruption .

  28. 《联合国反腐败公约》的通过和签署,使我国在打击腐败犯罪方面获得了有力的武器。

    " United Nations Convention against Corruption , " and through the signing of a country in the fight against corruption prevention was effective weapons .

  29. 中国与非洲六国双边引渡条约比较研究《联合国反腐败公约》中的引渡制度探析

    The Comparable Research about the Six Extradition Treaties between China and the Six Countries of Africa Investigation on Extradition of United Nations Convention against Corruption

  30. 我国已加入《联合国反腐败公约》,我国行贿犯罪的刑事立法应当与之协调并趋于完善,但也要充分考虑国内立法现实和国情。

    China has joined the " UN Convention against Corruption ", so the legislation of bribery crime should be coordinated with the Convention and made perfect .