
lián hé zuò zhàn
  • combined operation;joint operation
  1. 为适应舰船编队联合作战分布性、动态性的新需求,本文引入多智能体(Multi-Agent)理论,建立了一种动态分布式舰船电磁频谱管理系统原型。

    For the new distributed and dynamic requirement of ship formation in combined operation , this article proposes a dynamic distributed ship electromagnetic spectrum supervision system prototype based on multi-agent theory .

  2. 在适应未来联合作战需要的基础上,分析了装备保障GIS在做好军事准备中的意义和影响,介绍了构建装备保障GIS的途径和方法,包括系统需求分析、总体结构设计及功能模块实现等。

    This Paper analyses the significance and effect of the equipment ensuring geographical information system in the future combined operation , introduces the way to establish the system , including system requirement analyzing , the design of the overall frame and the realization of some function modules .

  3. 历史昭示我们,多数国家联合作战,其进行甚为困难。

    History testifies to the ineptitude of coalitions in waging war .

  4. 在联合作战的历史中,这种相持不下的局面是很普通的,往往也是灾难性的。

    In the history of coalition warfare such impasses have been common , and sometimes disastrous .

  5. 基于多Agent的HLA联合作战可视化仿真系统研究

    Visible Simulation System of HLA Joint Operations Based on Multi-Agent

  6. 基于FLAMES和HLA的联合作战仿真研究

    Research on Joint Operation Simulation Based on FLAMES and HLA

  7. 基于MAS的一体化联合作战指挥系统

    The command system of integrated and joint operation based on MAS

  8. HLA联合作战仿真训练系统研究

    Training system for HLA join operation simulation

  9. 为满足一体化联合作战对武器装备发展的需求分析,美军开发了联合能力集成开发系统(jointcapabilitiesintegrationanddevelopmentsystem,JC-IDS)。

    To meet the requirements of the weapon equipment systems development desired for joint operations , the US army has founded the joint capabilities integration and development system ( JCIDS ) .

  10. 基于ANP的联合作战中数字化装甲团装备保障能力评估

    Application of ANP on the Evaluation of Digital Armored Regiment 's Equipment Support

  11. 通用态势图(CommonOperationalPicture)是战场空间中实时态势感知的窗口,其最大特点就在于能够连通各兵种和指挥机构,实现实时态势信息的互通,从而保障联合作战。

    Common Operational Picture is the window of real-time situational awareness in battlespace , The most important feature of COP is its connect of all echelons and commands .

  12. 基于CPN的联合作战自适应分队分布式协同结构性能评价

    Evaluation of Distributed Coordination Structure About Adaptive Decision Making in Joint Operation Based on CPN

  13. 联合作战的双方看上去能够掌控局面,但代价是疏远了逊尼派,这在政治上对ISIS有利。

    But this is at the cost of Sunni alienation , a political benefit for Isis .

  14. 联合作战仿真信息交互基础结构(SII)研究

    The Study on Simulation Information Interaction Infrastructure for Joint Operations Simulation

  15. 针对目前联合作战建模与仿真中存在的困难和问题,运用多分辨率建模(MRM)方法对其进行了探索研究。

    The multi-resolution modeling ( MRM ) is used to study the problems in the modeling and simulation of joint operations .

  16. JTIDS系统在多次战争中保证了信息的实时和畅通,对联合作战的胜利起了巨大的作用。

    JTIDS system ensures real time and expedite of information in many battle , and it is very important to victory of joint operations .

  17. 这对于F-35联合作战战斗机及其首席承包商LockheedMartin来说可是个坏消息,F-35是历史上耗资最多的军工项目。

    That could be bad news for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter , the most expensive military-industrial programme in history , and its lead contractor , Lockheed Martin .

  18. 在未来以信息优势为基础的联合作战中,GPS将成为精确指挥控制、精确打击和定点兵力投送的关键设备,它在战争的各个阶段影响着战争的效能。

    GPS will become the key strength equipment of precision command and control , precision strike and accurate delivery , which has an important impact on the effectiveness of war in various stages , during joint operations based on the advantages of information in the future .

  19. 在嵌入式应用方面,最先引入CORBA的是军用和电信领域,美国军方的三军联合作战系统(JTRS)中的软件通信体系结构(SCA)就是应用CORBA的一个典范。

    In embedded applications , CORBA is used in military and telecommunication at first . The Software Communication Architecture of Joint Tactical Radio System ( JTRS ) is a typical application based on CORBA .

  20. 基于效果作战(EBO)的概念是根据联合作战中各相关行动的总体效果提出来的。

    The Effects Based Operations ( EBO ) concept is based on relating actions in a combined operations to overall effects .

  21. 基于EAP-GA的联合作战行动计划

    Methodology for Action Planning in Joint Operation based on EAP-GA

  22. 为了实现仿真模型的互操作性和重用性,采用高层体系结构(HLA)开发联合作战仿真训练系统,直接利用单兵种作战仿真训练系统的成果,提高联合作战仿真训练系统开发效率。

    This paper realizes the interoperation and its reuse between federate-based HLA training system for joint operation simulation . We prove that the program efficiency of the training system for joint operation simulation can be advanced using directly the operation simulation training system of a single arm of service .

  23. JTIDS系统是美国三军联合作战C3I系统中的主要组成部分,由于其采用了大量的通信新技术使得其具有很强的的抗干扰性,能在各种恶劣的条件下保持通信的可靠性和稳定性。

    Joint Tactical Information Distribution System ( JTIDS ) is the main component of the joint three army combating C 3I system of America . Since adopting many new communication technologies , it has very strong resistance to jamming .

  24. 针对作战模拟想定的仿真规模和仿真粒度的多变性和作战任务的复杂性,提出了联合作战模拟想定模型的关键子模型即统一任务规划模型UTPM。

    Due to the flexibility of simulation scale and granularity in joint warfare simulation , the key sub-model & Unified Task Plan Model , UTPM is carried out .

  25. 介绍了联合作战的概念,着重分析了C4I在联合作战中的地位和作用、新军事革命对C4I的影响,并提出了几点看法。

    This paper discusses the concept of joint operation , with the emphasis on the analyses of the roles and position of C 4I in joint operation , the effect of the New Military Revolution on C 4I . In the end , some views are suggested .

  26. 浅析联合作战装备指挥协同

    Primary Analysis on the Equipment Command Cooperation Issue in Joint Operation

  27. 联合作战仿真应用中的想定系统框架

    Architecture of Scenario System in the Applications of Joint Battle Simulation

  28. 联合作战中常规导弹作战效能仿真评估研究

    Simulation Evaluation of Battle Effectiveness of Conventional Missile Under Joint Operation

  29. 联合作战复杂信息远程火力打击战法-应用

    Long-range Fire Attack Tactics Based on Complex Information for Joint Operation-principle

  30. 联合作战中空间力量指挥体制方案的仿真评估

    Simulation and Evaluation of Space Force Command Scheme in Joint Operation