
  • 网络joint degree;combined degree
  1. 联合学位:培养复合型人才的新模式

    Combined Degree : A New Model for Well-rounded Student Education in 21st Century

  2. 此外,莱特教授正与肯尼迪政府学院(Kennedyschoolofgovernment)进行磋商,准备推出一个联合学位,培养环境和领导力等领域的管理人员。

    Moreover , Prof Light is in talks with the Kennedy School of Government to develop a joint degree to train managers in areas such as the environment and leadership .

  3. 斯坦福法学院(StanfordLawSchool)也放宽了三年级的课程限制,允许学生获取该院系与其他大学院系的联合学位。

    Stanford Law School also broadened its third-year curriculum for students to earn joint degrees with other university departments .

  4. 过去10年,斯坦福大学商学院推出了跨学科mba课程以及两种联合学位:mba-ms环境资源学位以及mba-ma公共政策学位。

    Over the past decade , the business school introduced cross-disciplinary MBAs , and two joint degrees : the mba-ms environment and resources and the MBA-MA in public policy .

  5. 现在已有100多名囚犯获得了联合学位。

    More than one hundred prisoners have received an associate 's degree .

  6. 其它的联合学位课程也将随后推出。

    Other joint degrees will follow .

  7. 但与其说是联合学位,倒不如说是联合人际网络,她表示。

    But it 's not so much the joint degree but the joint network , she says .

  8. 除了提供交换生项目和联合学位,全球公共政策联盟的成员学校还会合作开展跨境活动和研究。

    As well as offering exchange programmes and joint degrees , the network 's schools collaborate on cross-border events and research .

  9. 另一种方法是与校内其他学院建立合作关系,提供联合学位或者创建新的跨学科机构。

    Another approach is to form partnerships with other schools on campus to offer joint degrees or to create new cross-disciplinary institutions .

  10. 联合学位使香港科技大学获得了全球范围内的顶尖师资。

    The joint degree has given HKUST access to some of the best business school faculty in the world and provided brand recognition .

  11. 他需要学习更多课程以获得联合学位,同时他希望获得心理学硕士学位。

    He needs a few more courses to receive his associate 's degree , and he wants to earn a master 's degree in psychology .

  12. 近日,一项对美国北达科他州狄克森州立大学的审计报告发现,该校一项联合学位计划录取了数百名不具备入学资格的外国学生,并且在学生没有完成课程的情况下授予学位。

    Hundreds of foreign students in a joint degree program at a North Dakota state university were admitted despite lacking credentials and awarded degrees without completing coursework , an audit of the program has showed .

  13. 巴黎高等商学院等其他学院已不再投资新建海外校区,而是选择与世界各地的商学院合作,提供联合学位、双学位课程以及师生交换项目。

    Other schools , such as HEC Paris , are stopping short of investing in new campuses abroad , choosing instead to partner with business schools around the world to offer joint and double degrees and student and faculty exchanges .

  14. 史密斯商学院与加州蒙特里的海军研究生院(navalpostgraduateschool)有一个合作项目,2002年开办,使得华盛顿地区的军事人员有机会攻读一个联合mba学位。

    The Smith School has a partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey , California , that since 2002 has enabled military personnel in the Washington area to take a combined MBA degree .

  15. 一门法语和俄语的联合荣誉学位课程

    A joint honours course in French and Russian

  16. 他们可以修得加州奥克兰市佩丁大学文科的一个联合文学学士学位认可的学分。

    They earn credits toward an associate of arts degree in liberal arts from Patten University in Oakland , California .

  17. 该调查发现,近三分之一的美国研究生院与国外大学建立了联合或双学位课程,这表明高等教育正在不断全球化。

    The survey found that nearly a third of US graduate schools have established joint or dual-degree programmes with international universities an indication of the growing globalisation of higher education .

  18. 他说:清华大学与欧洲工商管理学院联合开办的双学位清华项目,参与的企业家数量一直在飙升。

    There has been a surge in the number of entrepreneurs on the Tsinghua programme [ the dual degree run by the Beijing school and Insead ] , he says .