
  • 网络Ecotourism in China;CHINA ECO-TOURISM
  1. 中国生态旅游理论与实践之反思

    The Reflection on the Theory and Practise of Ecotourism in China

  2. 了解更多关于中国生态旅游的知识,请点击此处。

    Read more about eco-tourism in China in our earlier post .

  3. 中国生态旅游实践的若干问题讨论

    Discussion on the Problems of Chinese Ecotourism Practice

  4. 中国生态旅游&可持续旅游的基石

    Chinese ecotourism & the foundation of sustainable tourism

  5. 中国生态旅游的类型

    The Types of Ecotourism in China

  6. 中国生态旅游业研究

    Research on Eco-tourism Industry in China

  7. 在中国生态旅游正方兴未艾,生态旅游鼓励大众加入共同保护自然环境。

    Ecotourism around China 's lakes has also emerged as a way to encourage community participation in and ownership of conservation goals .

  8. 在总结国外两种生态旅游开发模式:美国国家公园模式和肯尼亚模式的基础上,对中国生态旅游的发展方向进行了探寻。

    It sums up two foreign models of ecotourism exploration : American national park model and Kenya model , and direct a way of Chinese ecotourism exploration .

  9. 基于此,研究了生态旅游法律保障的内涵、构成与功能,分析了中国生态旅游法律保障的现状及存在的问题,提出了完善中国生态旅游法律保障的若干对策。

    Based on it , the connotation , formation and function of eco-travel 's legal protection have been studied , the current situation of it and the existed problems have been analyzed and several countermeasures for perfecting it have been put forward .

  10. 本文从介绍大安康观和国外生态旅游规划个案入手,探讨中国生态旅游业存在的问题,提出规范并发展中国安康型生态旅游的思路和建议。

    This paper gives an introduction to the cases of the foreign ecological tourism planning and analyzes the problems in the ecological tourism in China , along with a discussion on how to regulate and develop the " healthy and safe " ecological tourism in China .

  11. 2009年国家旅游局将这一年度确定为中国生态旅游年,宣传的主题为走进绿色旅游、感受生态文明,以此为契机,各省市纷纷加大生态旅游发展力度。

    In 2009 , the National Tourism Administration established this year as the " the year of eco-tourism in China ", described the theme as " go into the green tourism , to feel the ecological civilization " . So , many provinces or municipalities have increased eco-tourism development efforts .

  12. 中国发展生态旅游的可行性分析及发展定位

    Feasibility analysis of ecotourism and its orientation of development in China

  13. 中国发展生态旅游的研究与思考

    Research and Reflection on the Development of Ecological Tourism in China

  14. 中国草原生态旅游资源及可持续开发利用

    Study on the Ecotourism Resources and Sustainable Utilization of Chinese Grassland

  15. 中国实施生态旅游认证的机遇与挑战

    Opportunity and Challenge in Implementing of Ecotourism Accreditation in China

  16. 试论中国的生态旅游对发展我国农业旅游的思考

    On the Development of Agricultural Tourism in China

  17. 试论中国的生态旅游

    Discussion on Ecological Tourism in China

  18. 中国湿地生态旅游开发研究&以东洞庭湖湿地为例

    Study on the development of wetland ecotourism in our country & an investigation into East Dongting Lake

  19. 中国西部生态旅游产品绿色创新的理论范式与路径选择模式

    A Research on the Theoretical Mode and Path-Choosing Model of Green Innovation on Eco-tourism Products in Western China

  20. 中国竹林生态旅游业的迅速发展推动了竹制旅游商品生产及市场的蓬勃发展。

    The rapid development of bamboo-based ecotourism in china has promoted the development of bamboo tourism commodity production and its market .

  21. 还分析了中国目前生态旅游住宿的现状,包括住宿的基本类型,以及现存的能源消耗大、环境污染重、资金浪费大、与自然景观不协调等问题;

    And also analyzed the current eco-tourism accommodation situation including the basic accommodation type , extant energy consumption , heavy environmental pollution is , the large wastes of fund , and incongruous question of natural landscape ;

  22. 第三产业重点是大力发展生态旅游与丝路旅游,把旅游业培育成第三产业的支柱产业,把河西建成中国西部生态旅游示范区。

    The emphases of tertiary industry are to develop the ecologic tourism and Silk Road tourism , to cultivate tourism into the main part in tertiary industry and to make Hexi region into demonstration district of ecologic tourism in western China .

  23. 中国保护区生态旅游人文资源利用模式探索

    The Research of Eco-tourism Model by Using the Cultural Resources in Chinese Protected Area

  24. 发展中国西部的生态旅游业

    Developing Ecotourism Industry in West China

  25. 针对我国发展生态旅游的具体问题,用马克思的生态思想有力地解决我国生态旅游发展中存在的不足,提出强而有力的措施,选择有中国特色的生态旅游道路。

    According to the specific issues for the development of the eco-tourism in China , we use the Marxist ecological theory to solve the shortcomings effectively in Chinese eco-tourism development , propose effective measures , and choose the eco-tourism road with Chinese characteristics .

  26. 中国南海发展滨海生态旅游的思考

    Consideration on Developing Ecotourism in the Area of the South China Sea

  27. 中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。

    Tonglu , the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River .

  28. 中国沙漠化地区生态旅游开发研究

    On Eco-Tourism Exploitation in China Desertification Region

  29. 土家族文化资源开发的战略构想&构建中国武陵地区文化生态旅游经济走廊

    The Strategic Conception of Developing the Cultural Resources of the Tujia Nationlity & Constructing on economic district of cultural and ecological tourism in Wuling Region of China

  30. 第3部分着重就生态旅游与中国旅游业可持续发展的关系进行分析,指出中国生态旅游与旅游业可持续发展存在内在统一性,中国生态旅游与旅游业可持续发展二者之间的相互作用。

    Then the author has expatiated on the relationship between Eco-tourism and sustainable development of China tourism that was a kind of process mixed with interaction and unification .