
  • country rich in human resource
  1. 建设人力资源强国面临的问题及对策研究

    The Confronting Problem and Countermeasure Research to Build Human Resources Powerful Nation

  2. 对建设人力资源强国的微观思考

    A Microcosmic Thinking on Building Strong Human Resources Country

  3. 在建设人力资源强国的进程中,职业教育占到了半壁江山。

    In the process of constructing a powerful country in human resource , vocational education plays an important part .

  4. 早日将我国建设为人力资源强国。

    As a result , China can be built to be a great power with strong human resources as soon as possible .

  5. 十七大报告明确提出要优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国。

    The report clearly put to " giving priority to the development of the education , the construction of human resources power " .

  6. 我们要着力抓好这两个规划纲要的实施,争取在2020年左右,基本建成人力资源强国和创新型国家。

    Going forward , we will focus our efforts on implementing these two programs and build China into a country strong in human resources and innovation by 2020 .

  7. 教育培训市场的健康发展,关系着我国人力资源强国宏伟目标的实现,关系着公民教育质量的保障。

    Healthy development of education training market relates to accomplish of the grand goal of human resources making china more powerful and protection of the quality of civic education .

  8. 硕士研究生群体也是推进人力资源强国建设的后备军,推动国家经济建设发展的主要力量。

    Postgraduate groups are also promoting the construction of a powerful country with human resources of talents . Besides , they are the main force to promote the development of national economic construction .

  9. 本文从企事业组织的角度阐述了实施人力资源强国建设战略的微观依据、微观内涵以及微观层面的促进与保障措施。

    This study expatiates on the microcosmic foundation , connotation as well as the microcosmic promoting and ensuring measures of the strategy on building strong human resources country from enterprises and public institutions perspectives .

  10. 在新的历史时期,作为肩负建设人力资源强国重任的高等教育,逐步实现高等教育公平对于我国和谐社会的构建具有重要意义。

    In the new historical background , the importance for building a harmony society is to fulfill the justice in higher education , which is responsible for strengthening our country by developing the human resource .

  11. 党的十七大报告指出:教育是民族振兴的基石;优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国。

    In the report of the 17th congress of the representative Communist Party of China pointed out : " Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation ; Give priority to the development of education and building a strong human resources " .

  12. 从国家发展战略上看,今后一段时期,构建国家基础教育质量监测评价体系,是建设人力资源强国、提高国家竞争力的迫切的需要。

    From the national development strategy point of view , the coming period , the quality of basic education to build national monitoring and evaluation system is to build strong human resources , improve the national competitiveness of the urgent need .

  13. 义务教育是国家教育的基石,是平民的权利,平民的素质是一国整体国民素质的关键,只有每一个平民得到好的义务教育,才可能成为人力资源强国。

    The state education education is compulsory cornerstone , is " civilian " rights , civilians , is a country overall quality of key national quality , only every civilians to get a good education , just may be duty human resources power .

  14. 国家印发的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010‐2020年)》以到2020年,基本实现教育现代化,基本形成学习型社会,进入人力资源强国行列,为战略目标。

    National education reform and development of long-term planning programs ( 2010-2020 ) issued by our country , as the strategic objectives , which will be almost completely realize education modernization , and shape the learning-oriented society , join in the human resources powers by 2020 .

  15. 大学生是重要的人才资源,大学生的成长、成才不仅关系到个人的发展,更关系到国家的发展和人力资源强国目标的实现。

    College students are an important part of human resources . The college students ' grew , usefulness is not only related to the personal development , but also related to the national economy and the development of human resources to achieve the goals of power .

  16. 党的十七大提出了优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国的目标,这是我国进入全面建设小康社会新阶段的战略任务。

    The 17th National Congress of the CPC pointed out : It is our aim to give priority to educational development and build up a powerful country of human resources , and this is our new strategic task during the New stage to Build a Moderately well-off society .

  17. 基础教育面向广大公民,惠及千家万户,对提高中华民族素质,培养各级各类人才,建设人力资源强国具有全局性、基础性和先导性的作用。

    Basic education meet the majority of citizens , and benefit into thousands of families , playing an overall , fundamental , and vanguard role on improving the Chinese National quality , training all kinds of personnel at all levels , and making our country rich in human resources .

  18. 教师是高校发展的第一资源,高校教师队伍是建设人力资源强省、强国的重要支撑。

    Teachers are the primary resources of development in colleges and universities ; the construction of teaching staff in colleges and universities is important back-up of building a power of human resource .

  19. 随着人才价值与地位的日益凸显和国际人才竞争的日益激烈,有效地人才资源管理在我国取得国际竞争力优势方面的作用越来越重要,也是我国由人力资源大国向人才强国转变的重要因素。

    With the growing importance of human value and position , and the increasing competition of intentional , winning international competitiveness of our country depends on the effective human resources management , which becomes increasingly important .

  20. 当代大学生是祖国的未来,将来社会的中坚力量,提升大学生的诚信水准是我们由人力资源大国向人力资源强国转变所必须完成的任务。

    Contemporary college students are the future of our country as well as the backbone of society in the future . Enhancing students ' integrity standards is a task that must be fulfilled in the shifting process from the human resources major country to a big power .

  21. 要把我国人力资源大国转变为人力资源强国,关键的就是提高我国教育质量。

    To achieve the transformation of a human resource country to a human resource Great Power , the key is to improve our quality of education .

  22. 在我国研究和运用现代教育方式,对于又好又快地培养人才,将一个人力资源大国建成一个人力资源强国具有十分重要的特殊意义。

    There are great significances for our country to study and use the modern teaching methods which can help us with bringing up the people with abilities well and quickly , and also make one human resources great nation become one human resources powerful nation .

  23. 我国是一个人口大国,如何把沉重的人口负担转化为丰富的人力资源优势,把人口大国建成人力资源强国,是中国教育面临的重大课题。

    China has a large population . How to convert the population into rich human resources and build a country of large population into a nation of powerful human resources confronts the development of Chinese education .

  24. 坚持教育优先发展,强化人力资源管理是全面建设小康社会,实现从人口大国迈向人力资源强国的必然选择。

    It 's the necessary choice to persevere in upholding education preferentially , developing and intensifying the human resource management in order to achieve the transform from a great population state to a powerful one in human resources .

  25. 确立人力资源开发的发展战略,建设学习型社会是我国建设人力资源强国的重要对策。

    One of our important steps is to work out a strategy for the development of human resources and to make ours a learning society , so as to turn ours into a country rich in human resources .

  26. 人力资源已成为当今社会最有价值的资源,坚持教育优先发展、强化人力资源开发是全面建设小康社会,实现从人口大国迈向人力资源强国的必然选择。

    The Human Resource has become the most valuable resources at present society . It is the necessity to persevere in upholding education preferentially , develop and intensify the human resource development so that achieves the transform from a great population state to a human resource power one .