
  • 网络middle manager;middle management
  1. CQ公司中层管理人员的激励问题研究

    The Study on Incentive Method of CQ Company 's Middle Manager

  2. 由于上述原因导致近几年来CQ公司中层管理人员流失,工作效率低下以及与基层和高层出现了不同程度的沟通问题。

    As a result of above reason the CQ Corporation middle manager drain in the last few years , the working efficiency is low and Invalid communication .

  3. 中层管理人员中女性所占比例已经上升至40%。

    The proportion of women in middle management has risen to 40 % .

  4. 一汽&大众公司选拔后备中层管理人员AC测评方法应用研究

    The Application of AC in Middle-level Manager Selection FAW-Volkswagen

  5. 构建政府绩效指标的几个要求&平衡记分卡特征的启示本文研究的主要内容为关键绩效指标(KeyPerformanceIndicators)管理体系在中层管理人员中的应用。

    Several Requirements of Building Government Performance Indicators The theme is about the application of Key Performance Indicators to the performance management of middle managers .

  6. 对SZ集团中层管理人员绩效考评体系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Performance Appraisal System for the Middle Management in SZ Group

  7. 中层管理人员是执行集团发展战略的关键岗位,DC房地产集团人力资源部门的一个重要课题就是中层管理人员的胜任力研究。

    Middle-level manager is key positions that carry out the group development strategy , the research of middle-level manager competency is an important topic for the human resource department of DC real estate group .

  8. SZ集团的中层管理人员主要包括集团总部的各部门部长和各下属子公司总经理。

    The middle management in SZ includes the general managers of sub-companies and the managers of every department in headquarter .

  9. 经过优化设计,基本健全了YL炼油厂中层管理人员的绩效考核体系。

    Optimized design , the basic sound of the YL refinery middle management staff performance appraisal system .

  10. 信息技术和MSS应用对企业中层管理人员决策工作上产生影响。我们从管理支持技术特征和决策模式等方面,探讨MSS对企业组织中管理决策工作影响。

    We discuss with the impact of MSS on the managerial decision works in the firms from the attribute of managerial support technique .

  11. 第三章在问卷调查和访谈的基础上,对KT公司中层管理人员的绩效管理现状及存在的问题进行了挖掘和分析。

    The third chapter analyzes and digs the status and performance management of the middle-level managers of KT corporate and the existing problems basing on the questionnaires and interviews .

  12. 第五部分内容是关于中层管理人员的KPI考核方式、和如何建立绩效改进的管理体制等。

    The fifth part tell about the KPI assess mode of the middle managers , and how can we set up an improved performance management for the middle managers .

  13. 以工作分析为基础,综合关键绩效指标法(KPI)、360度方法等,构建了中层管理人员定量与定性评价相结合的绩效考评实施框架。

    A quantitative appraisal and qualitative evaluation performance appraisal system of middle management have been established on the base of work analysis combining with Key Performance Index , 360-degree feedback , etc.

  14. 第四章针对KT公司目前绩效管理过程中存在的问题,结合中层管理人员岗位的特殊性,为KT公司建立了一套战略导向的绩效管理体系。

    For KT corporate current performance management process in the exists of problem , combined particularity of middle management personnel position , in the fourth chapter , this article established a strategic oriented performance management system for KT corporate .

  15. 企业的中层管理人员是企业的中坚力量,SZ集团快速扩张的规模和业务领域需要大量称职的中层管理人员来支撑。

    The middle management is the main power of the company , and SZ is in need for them to satisfy the requirements of the high-speed growing and the continuing expanding of business fields .

  16. 女性实现这一飞跃尤其困难:女性占美国专业岗位的一半以上,但她们只占中层管理人员的34%、高层管理人员的14%,在CEO中的比例更是只有4%。

    Women have particular trouble making the leap : while women hold over half of the professional jobs in the U.S. , they only make up 34 % of middle managers , 14 % of executive officers , and a mere 4 % of CEOs .

  17. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .

  18. 期间运用相关的培训理论,结合对ZQ集团二次创业的发展战略分解,提出与战略要求相配合的中层管理人员培训体系优化方案,从而填补ZQ集团培训体系中针对中层管理人员培训的空白。

    During the use of training theory , combined with the second pioneering the development of ZQ Group strategy decomposition proposed cooperating with the strategic requirements of middle management training system optimization program , so as to fill the blank ZQ Group training system for the training of middle managers .

  19. 企业中层管理人员培训评估体系研究

    Research of training effect evaluation system for the corporate middle manager

  20. 医院中层管理人员的培训需求分析

    An Analysis of Training Needs of Middle Level Managers Within Hospital

  21. 企业中层管理人员胜任特征初探

    The Study on the Competency Model of Middle-level Managers in Enterprises

  22. 高级酒店中层管理人员素质测评探究

    Quality Assessment Research of Mid Level Executives in High Level Hotel

  23. 你看我更像是公司的中层管理人员

    You see , I 'm more middle management for the company

  24. 企业中层管理人员甄选的定性模拟方法研究

    Qualitative simulation of the selection of middle - level manager in enterprises

  25. 企业中层管理人员绩效评估模型建构

    Construction of the Model of Performance Evaluation for Middle-level Managers in Enterprises

  26. 生产制造型企业中层管理人员激励因素研究

    Study on Incentive Factors of Middle Managers in Manufacturing Enterprises

  27. 企业中层管理人员培训的思考

    Thinking on Training of Management of Medium Level in Enterprise

  28. 国有企业中层管理人员薪酬体系构建研究

    The Study on Compensation System Construction of Middle-level Managers in State-owned Enterprises

  29. 高校中层管理人员考核评价指标体系研究

    Research on Evaluation Index System of Middle-level Management of Colleges

  30. 企业中层管理人员执行力手册式管理方法

    Middle Management in Execution of Corporate-style Management Practices Manual