
  • 网络system of all employees signing labor contracts
  1. 企业可以实行合同化管理或者全员劳动合同制。

    An Enterprise can implement the contract management or the labor contract system to all the staff .

  2. 阐述了实施全员劳动合同制是企业走向市场的需要,也是建立现代企业制度和加强企业人事制度配套改革的需要。

    In the paper , the author points out the necessity for the enterprises to carry out the labour contract system of the whole people , come into the market , build modern enterprise system , and strengthen the reform of personnel system as well .

  3. 严格控制人员编制、实行全员劳动聘任合同制同样可以增加经济效益。

    While holding the staff establishment and carrying out engaged contract institution could also improve the economic benefit .