
  • 网络China's petroleum industry;petroleum industry of China
  1. 塔里木盆地的含油气性问题一直为中国石油工业界所关注。

    Hydrocarbons exploration in the Tarim basin , northwest China has been a focus for a long time by the petroleum industry of China .

  2. 面对新世纪更加激烈的国际竞争和加入WTO的挑战,中国石油工业面临着严峻的考验。

    Aiming at keener international competition and challenges to enter WTO , Chinese petroleum industry is face to severe test .

  3. 加入WTO,中国石油工业面临的首先是对行业管理体制和企业内部运行机制的挑战。

    China 's petroleum industry is first exposed to the challenge to its industrial system and the internal mechanism of enterprises after the country joined WTO .

  4. 详尽探讨了公司竞争战略环境,其中包括国际石化市场状况、我国石化工业发展状况、加入WTO对中国石油工业发展的影响、石化行业环境综合分析以及公司市场分析、

    The first , studying the competitive environment on strategy of company . The development condition of world petrochemical market , the development direction of petrochemical industry in China , the market analysis of company , and the influence result of WTO are systematically discussed .

  5. 经过50年的发展,中国石油工业已进入稳步发展的壮年期。

    China 's oil industry has developed into manhood stage .

  6. 21世纪中国石油工业面临诸多挑战。

    Petroleum industry in China will face many challenges in 21st century .

  7. 持续发展的中国石油工业与繁荣世界石油工业

    Sustaining Oil Industry Development in China and Prosperity Worldwide

  8. 海相沉积岩是中国石油工业未来的希望

    Marine Facies Sedimentary Rocks : The Future Expectation of China 's Petroleum Industry

  9. 加快中国石油工业发展的关键是深入改革扩大开放

    Expanded Reform and Opening Key to Accelerating Development of China 's Oil Industry

  10. 中国石油工业体制转轨步骤

    System reform steps of china 's petroleum industry

  11. 中国石油工业的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development for China 's Petroleum Industry

  12. 中国石油工业出版社

    China Petroleum Industry Press

  13. 提升国际竞争力融入世界经济大循环&王涛纵论中国石油工业跨国经营战略

    Economic Globalization and Greater International Competitiveness & Wang Tao on the International Strategy of China 's Oil Industry

  14. 中国石油工业要想有更广阔的发展空间,就必须走出国门,实行跨国经营。

    China petroleum industry must go abroad and implement transnational management , if it expects the wider development space .

  15. 中国石油工业遭受石油资源严重不足的困绕,石油工业本身的可持续发展举步艰难。

    Chinese petroleum industry faces serious shortage of the resource , as results , sustainable development in petroleum industry is in hard progress .

  16. 随着中国石油工业的发展,低渗透油藏在开发中所占的比例越来越大。

    With the development of petroleum industry in the world , the development of the low - permeability oil fields has received more and more attention .

  17. 随着中国石油工业管理逐渐与国际先进管理理念接轨,井下作业工程监督得到了发展和完善。

    With the gradual integration of Chinese petroleum industry management with international advanced management ideas , the project supervision of downhole operation is developed and perfected .

  18. 通过建立油气资源最优开采模型和基于社会物理学原理的可持续发展调控模型,探讨了实现中国石油工业可持续发展的途径。

    The ways to realize sustainable developing were discussed through setting up the optimal model of oil-gas resources developing and adjusting model based on the social physical principle .

  19. 分析了中国石油工业发展的基本现状,简述了可持续发展的基本原理和系统工程的方法,提出了中国石油工业的系统模型和可持续发展的综合评价方法。

    The basic developing situation of China petroleum industry was analyzed , the principles of sustainable developing and the methods of systematic engineering were introduced . The systematic model of China petroleum industry and the method used to evaluate sustainable developing were presented .

  20. 中国石油工业的发展,离不开社会主义制度能把各方面力量集中起来办大事的优越性,离不开独立自主、自力更生和改革开放政策的有机结合,更离不开艰苦创业、无私奉献的大庆精神。

    It could not have made such a rapid development without the socialist advantage of being able to concentrate all China 's resources on one industry , without the effective combination of self-support with an open policy , and without the Daqing spirit , the spirit of unselfish devotion .

  21. 加入WTO,将更大程度地引入外国企业的竞争,对中国石油化工业可谓机遇和挑战并存。

    The competition from overseas enterprises will become fiercer after the WTO entry . There are both opportunities and challenges to China 's petroleum and chemical industry .

  22. 中国石油化工业可持续发展及政策选择

    The Sustainable Development and Its Policy Selections of Oil and Chemical Industry in China

  23. 前景看好的中国海洋石油工业

    The Prosperous Offshore Petroleum Industry in China

  24. 中国石油石化工业资源与需求的竞争能力分析

    An Analysis of Competitive Ability of China 's Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries in Resources and Demands

  25. 中国海洋石油工业高速发展的20年,也是中国近海油气地球化学研究不断开拓、进取和发展的20年。

    During the twenty years when China offshore petroleum industry developed rapidly , organic geochemistry was opened up and expanded continuously .

  26. 方兴未艾的中国海洋石油工业海洋石油工业国产化的探索

    The Offshore Petroleum Industry of Chian Is Developing Vigorously Research of China Domestic Equipment and Material Which Be Applied to Offshore Oil Development

  27. 1994年,中国海洋石油工业取得了令人鼓舞的成绩。

    The China Offshore oil industry has got a heartening achievement in the year of 1994 . All works , including oil and gas exploration , development .

  28. 中国的石油工业只要科学制定发展战略,不断提高核心竞争力,就一定能在国际石油市场的竞争中取得主动。

    The Chinese petroleum industry will certainly take an active position in the international oil market so long as it follows a workable development strategy with its key competitiveness being steadily raised .

  29. 探讨了90年代世界石油化工企业的基本战略、油价走势及对策,论述了中国石油化学工业发展精细石油化工的长远战略。

    The basic strategy of global petrochemical enterprises , the trend of oil price and the way to deal with the situation during 1990s were discussed . The long-term developmental strategy on Chinese petrochemical industry was proposed in view of the above .

  30. 中国石油和化学工业协会(ChinaPetroleumandChemicalIndustryAssociation)的分析师说,中国公司还没有在这方面做太多的工作。

    Chinese companies aren 't sweating the issue , say analysts at the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association .