
  • 网络value brand
  1. 为了避免调控者阻碍自己的交易,赫兹可能出售其名下优势价值品牌。

    To avoid any regulatory hurdles for its own deal , Hertz is conducting a sale of its Advantage value brand .

  2. BrandZ全球最具价值品牌百强榜新鲜出炉,总部位于深圳的腾讯名列第10位,成为历史上首次进入榜单前十名的中国公司。

    Shenzhen-based tech firm Tencent has broken into a ranking of the top 10 most valuable brands published by BrandZ .

  3. 在全球最具价值品牌百强榜上,有15个中国品牌上榜,比去年多一个,较10年前大有增加,当时中国移动(ChinaMobile)是唯一上榜的中国品牌。

    There are 15 Chinese brands in the top 100 , one more than last year and a sharp rise on a decade ago , when China Mobile was the only Chinese brand .

  4. 2004-2005年,世界品牌实验室(WorldBrandLab)相继推出2004、2005年《中国500最具价值品牌》排名,这是中国品牌第一次经由世界顶尖品牌研究机构所做出的较为全面、科学的评估。

    2004-2005 , the World Brand Lab promotes 2004 , 2005 " China Top 500 Brand " rank , this is the first time for china to hold such kind of brand evaluation which is made by a first-rank brand research institute .

  5. 虽然苹果是全球第二大最有价值品牌【它最近被谷歌(Google)超越】,但一些传统的Beats用户可能并不喜欢自己的耳机被科技巨头纳入囊中。

    Apple may be the world 's second most valuable brand recently trumped by Google but some traditional Beats customers may not like the idea of the tech giant owning their headphones of choice .

  6. 以下是今年BrandZ全球最具价值品牌百强榜出现的一些趋势:

    Here are some of the trends that emerge from this year 's BrandZ rankings : Star risers

  7. KantarMillwardBrown公司2017年3月的一份报告显示,中国五大最有价值品牌,腾讯、阿里巴巴和百度占据三席。

    According to a March 2017 report by Kantar Millward Brown , Tencent , Alibaba and Baidu rank among the top five most valuable brands in China .

  8. 根据年度BrandZ全球最具价值品牌百强榜,苹果品牌价值高达1530亿美元,接近苹果公司市值的一半。iPhone和iPad都是苹果公司旗下产品。

    The iPhone and iPad maker 's brand is now worth $ 153 billion , almost half Apple 's market capitalization , says the annual BrandZ study of the world 's top100 brands .

  9. BrandZ表示,最具价值品牌的表现超过金融市场,这说明了它们的财务实力和对股东的价值。

    The biggest brands outperform financial markets , according to BrandZ , which says this illustrates their financial power and value to shareholders .

  10. 在过去的四年里,谷歌一直坐在全球最具价值品牌排名第一把交椅。全球最具价值品牌是由米渥布朗集团编辑,它是WPP广告公司的一个子公司。

    For the last four years , Google has dominated the BrandZ Top100 ranking of the most valuable global brands , compiled by Millward Brown , a subsidiary of advertising company WPP .

  11. 根据研究机构MillwardBrown编制的BrandZ最新排行榜,全球100个最具价值品牌的品牌价值仍远远领先于其他品牌,今年它们的总价值上升3%,至3.4万亿美元。

    The world 's 100 biggest brands still command a significant premium over others and that value increased by 3 per cent to $ 3.4tn this year , according to the latest BrandZ rankings compiled by Millward Brown , the research agency .

  12. 根据品牌咨询公司Interbrand的一项最新报告显示,苹果,谷歌和可口可乐在2016年全球100个最有价值品牌排行中位列前三;而在整个榜单中,科技品牌和汽车品牌占据了相当大的一部分。

    Apple Inc. , Alphabet Inc. 's Google , and Coca-Cola Co. topped the list of the world 's 100 most valuable brands in 2016 , while technology and automotive brands dominated the overall rankings , according to a new report from brand consultancy Interbrand .

  13. 前10位最有价值品牌排名如上图。

    The 10 most valuable brands were then listed in the ranking .

  14. 世界10大最有价值品牌:中国1个、美国9个

    Most valuable brands : 9 American and 1 from China

  15. 谷歌已经连续两年被评为世界最具价值品牌。

    For the second year running Google is the world 's most valuable brand .

  16. 战略目标:打造中国最受尊敬企业和中国最具价值品牌。

    Strategic objectives : creating China 's most respected enterprises , and China 's most valuable brands .

  17. 自2007年4月以来,全球最具价值品牌100强的品牌价值增长106%。

    Since April 2007 , the value of the top 100 brands has increased by 106 per cent .

  18. 一些最具价值品牌同时获得了信赖与推荐这是此次排行的另一个重大发现。

    Some of the most valuable brands are underpinned by both trust and recommendation another key finding from the rankings .

  19. 我们依照客户的发展需求,生产出极其准确的商业价值品牌体验。

    We accordance with the development needs of our customers to produce highly accurate commercial value of the brand experience .

  20. 它也应该拥有全球性的价值品牌,或它自己的前沿科技,或真正的创新和令人赞赏的商业模式。

    It should have a globally valued brand , or its own leading-edge technology , or a genuinely innovative and admired business method .

  21. 过去10年,全球最具价值品牌100强的品牌价值增长一倍多,增幅达到133%。

    Over the past 10 years , the value of the top 100 brands has more than doubled - increasing by 133 per cent .

  22. 美国仍是最具价值品牌大国,2016年该国10强品牌的品牌价值增长10%,至1.3万亿美元。

    The US remains home to the biggest brands and the value of its top 10 increased by 10 per cent to $ 1.3tn in 2016 .

  23. 价格的影响,以及最强大、最具价值品牌的价格更为抗跌的事实,是我们从明略行研究中得出的又一个重要发现。

    The role of price , and the fact that the strongest and most valuable brands are more price-resistance , is a further important finding from research by MBO .

  24. 作为行业最具价值品牌,嘉力丰实现连年跨越发展,销售网络覆盖全球。

    As the most valuable brand in the industry , GAREFU 's sales network covers the whole China , and even extends to Europe , United States and other western countries .

  25. 信用卡自20世纪初面世至今近百年,已成为西方发达国家商业银行重要的盈利产品和价值品牌。

    Credit card has gone about one century from being born in early 20th century , which has become a main profitable product and brand value of commercial banks in Western developed countries .

  26. 今年黏合度最高的品牌也是最具价值的品牌谷歌(google),黏合度为45%。

    The brand with the highest bonding this year is also the most valuable Google with 45 per cent .

  27. bp在英国最有价值的品牌中位列第七,在石油行业排名第一。

    BP is ranked as the seventh most valuable brand in the UK , and the most valuable in the petroleum category .

  28. 第三章是品牌体验模型设计,主要是建议如何通过SEMs模型和CP模型来设计有价值的品牌体验;

    Chapter 3 is about designing brand experience in order to create customer value by SEMs and CP model ;

  29. 本文通过对品牌忠诚理论系统的梳理和研究,总结出移动3G品牌忠诚的影响因素:品牌感知价值,品牌形象,品牌信任和转换成本。

    The paper analyzed the brand loyalty theories and summarized the factors that influence the brand loyalty . Those factors are perceived brand value , brand image , brand trust and transferring costs .

  30. 三星电子巩固了其作为销量最高的科技公司的地位,还超越日本丰田(Toyota),成为亚洲最有价值的品牌。

    It cemented its place as the world 's biggest technology company by sales , and as Asia 's most valuable brand , ahead of Japan 's Toyota , no less .