
  1. 长期以来,在教育评价理论与实践领域,传统的逻辑实证主义价值中立原则始终居于主导地位。

    As a rationalistic paradigm , traditional theories and practices of educational evaluation usually focus on the value-free principle .

  2. 讨论价值中立原则在社会科学研究中的应用限度,有着重要的实践意义。

    Moreover , the author discusses the limitation in application of this principle in the research of sociology and its practicality .

  3. 人本主义心理学所遵循的价值中立原则,是心理咨询中回避价值干预的根源所在。

    The principle of " value neutrality " that humanistic psychology follows is the basic reason results in avoiding value intervention in psychological counseling .

  4. 首先,针对非婚同居的立法设想提出四大立法原则,即区分对待原则、价值中立原则、契约自由原则及保护与补偿原则。

    First , the legislation for the unmarried cohabitation , put forward four legislative principles assumption that distinguish treat principles , value neutrality principles , the freedom of contract principles and protection and compensation principle .

  5. 第一部分通过对图书馆社会职能历史演变的追溯,发现现代图书馆的社会职能的多样性。国际图书馆界为达成共识,以价值中立原则对图书馆职能进行了明文规定。

    In the first part , with historical of the social function goes , it is found that the modern library functions was Various , The international community to reach consensus according to the principles of " neutrality value " .

  6. 反思这些规定,我们发现价值中立原则与图书馆教育职能明显处于逻辑悖论之中,这意味着,国际图书馆准则不能成为我们判断我国高校图书馆的思想政治教育职能合理性的逻辑前提。

    Rethink these provisions , we find that it is a logical paradox between the value and educational function in the library , which means that international rules could not be yardstick to judge the validity of the ideological and political education .

  7. 再次,在整个研究的立场上力求保持价值中立原则,做到既能看到该乡镇政府在职能转变进程中的成绩,也能直面其依然存在的问题所在。

    Again , research on the position of seeking to maintain the principle of value neutrality as a whole , can not only see the results in the function of township government in the transformation process , but also face the problem still exists .

  8. 正是在这一层面上,韦伯的“价值中立”原则将成为本课题研究的内在逻辑锁链。

    It is just at this level that Weber 's principle of " Value Free " will become the inner logical chain of this research project .

  9. 西方“马克思学”以一种标榜价值中立的原则来研究马克思的文本,创造了超越意识形态界限的神话,同时也使西方“马克思学”因自身的问题而衰退。

    Western " Marxist Study ", who flaunts its value neutrality principle when researching on Marx 's test , but also make itself recession for its own problems .

  10. 这一准则不仅适用于社会学研究,也适用于其他社会科学研究领域,提醒人们在社会科学研究中必须遵循和坚持客观性和价值中立的原则,克服不健康的意识形态对社会科学研究的影响;

    This criterion applies not only to sociology research but also to other social science research . It reminds people to follow the principles of objectivity and neutrality and to overcome the influence of unhealthy ideology .

  11. 从这一哲学基础出发,麦金太尔分别得出两个结论:1、在价值观上,批判了新自由主义价值中立的普遍主义原则,主张善优先于权利;

    Naturally , Macintyre draws two conclusions separately as follows : 1 . On Concept of Values , he criticizes the principle , value-neutrality , of universalism of New Liberalism and advocates that good should take precedence over right ;

  12. 马克斯·韦伯把实证主义哲学关于事实和价值二分法理论引入法律社会学领域,强调在认识和解决社会问题时,必须严守价值中立原则,现代法的合理性基础是目的合理性(工具合理性)而非价值理性。

    Max Weber thinks that the principle of value-neutral must be complied with when we know and solve social problems and that the basis of rationality of Modern Law is purposive rationality ( instrumental rationality ) .