
  • 网络gloucester;Glouceste;Gloucestershire
  1. 他去了伦敦,在格洛斯特路的一所房子里租了房间住。

    He went to London and lived in digs in Gloucester Road

  2. 摩根家族的住宅在格洛斯特路接近山顶的地方。

    The home of the Morgan family was up Gloucester Road , towards the top of the hill

  3. 在牛津,『我的四川(MySichuan)』已经接管了【格洛斯特格林(GloucesterGreen)】的旧校舍,来自成都的大厨周军(音译)主持着一间提供全套传统川菜的厨房。

    And in Oxford , My Sichuan has taken over the old school house at Gloucester Green , where chef Zhou Jun from Chengdu presides over a kitchen offering all the classic Sichuanese specialities .

  4. 小王子身穿海军蓝短裤、白色T恤,还有他常穿的StartRite牌鞋子,看上去非常可爱。他和爸妈(威廉王子和凯特王妃)一起到达了格洛斯特郡的皇家国际航空展示会。

    The young Prince looked adorable in navy shorts and a white T-shirt with his customary Start Rite shoes as he arrived at the Royal International Air Tattoo in Gloucestershire with his parents , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge .

  5. 前往格洛斯特的旅客请在Filton换车。

    Passengers for Gloucester change at Filton .

  6. 霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  7. 经济复苏从2008年的崩盘后才刚刚开始,在远离类似格洛斯特和切尔滕纳姆(Cheltenham)之类的地方,市场还不太稳定。他说。

    The recovery [ from the 2008 crash ] was just getting going by then and , away from places like Gloucester and Cheltenham , the markets did falter , he says .

  8. 我也在五年前坐飞机从空中看过一次。霍维斯先生纪念亡妻的方式,是有一名42岁的热气球乘客AndyCollett上周从格洛斯特郡飞越丛林时发现。

    I also flew over it myself about five years ago . Winston 's memorial was shown in all its glory after keen hot air balloonist Andy Collett , 42 , from Wotton-Under-Edge , Gloucestershire , soared over the wood last week .

  9. 如今,达明安·赫斯特在英国格洛斯特郡生活和工作。

    Damien Hirst lives and works in Gloucestershire , Great Britain .

  10. 他们要送她去格洛斯特的医院。

    They 're taking her to a hospital in gloucester .

  11. 格洛斯特大教堂是电影里面的霍格华兹魔法学校的走廊。

    The Gloucester Cathedral is the Hogwart 's aisle in the movie .

  12. 上周各位大四学生前往格洛斯特礼堂

    Every senior stopping by gloster hall over the past week

  13. 安海角马萨诸塞州东北部的一个半岛,伸入格洛斯特东北的大西洋中。

    A peninsula of northeast Massachusetts projecting into the Atlantic Ocean northeast of gloucester .

  14. 在现代风格的生活中允诺终极,格洛斯特将会设定脉膊竞赛。

    Promising the ultimate in stylish living , THE GLOUCESTER will set pulses racing .

  15. 格洛斯特郡斑点猪是一个古老的品种,它们非常适合广阔的户外养殖。

    The Gloucestershire Old Spots is a traditional breed suited to extensive production systems .

  16. 大教堂所在城市格洛斯特。

    The cathedral city of gloucester .

  17. 格洛斯特派遣了一只狮子,会在一连窜的战役中烦扰狂怒的野猪。

    Gloucester shall send a lion which will harass the raging Boar in a series of battles .

  18. 为感激卓越的风格,而且预约美人的居民设计,格洛斯特超越所有期待。

    Designed for residents who appreciate sublime style and bespoke beauty , THE GLOUCESTER surpasses all expectations .

  19. 包括牛津、格洛斯特和纽卡斯尔在内的六个主教教区可能很快就会任命新主教。

    Half a dozen British dioceses may soon appoint new bishops , including Oxford , Gloucester and Newcastle .

  20. 斯特兰奇和阿拉贝拉结婚的时候,亨利(阿拉贝拉的哥哥)还在格洛斯特郡的格雷斯奥都村担任副牧师。

    At the time of Strange and Arabella 's marriage Henry had been Rector of Grace Adieu in Gloucestershire .

  21. 这种风格现存最古老的范例可能是格洛斯特教堂(约1335年)内唱诗班的座位。

    The oldest surviving example of the style is probably the choir of Gloucester Cathedral ( begun c.1335 ) .

  22. 她说:“一些学生的裙子太短,不是学校适当的长度。”如果禁止穿裙子的规定实施了,该学校即是格洛斯特郡第一所这样做的学校。

    She said : 'Some pupils ' skirts are too short and not an appropriate length for school . '

  23. 位于南威尔士和格洛斯特郡地区的暗绿色反映了与蒸发岩有关的高锶值。

    The dark green tints in the south of Wales and the Gloucestershire area reflect high strontium values associated with evaporites .

  24. 在以后的几个月里,亚瑟领导的中队以新的英国格洛斯特格斗者代替了年老的美国鹰派战斗机。

    In the months that followed , Arthur 's squadron replaced its older American Hawk fighters with newer British Gloster Gladiators .

  25. 香港,梅24日,2011AB的观念正在采取设计到用它关于格洛斯特的计划使新高度晕眩。

    Hong Kong , May24,2011 – AB Concept is taking design to dizzying new heights with its plans for THE GLOUCESTER .

  26. 目前,我们出售格洛斯特斑点猪、桑迪猪、黑猪,肉的品质和塔拇猪一样好。

    At the moment we favour Gloucester Old Spot but we also sell Sandy and Black as well as Tam worth pork .

  27. 小约翰·海斯·哈蒙德是一位美国发明家,其成就使他成功地在马萨诸塞州的格洛斯特构建中古造型的哈蒙德城堡。

    John Hays Hammond Jr. was a US inventor whose success allowed him to build the medieval-style Hammond Castle in Gloucester , Massachusetts .

  28. 格洛斯特郡图克斯伯里学校的女学生被迫穿裤子作为消除邋遢服装的一项措施。

    Girls at Tewkesbury School in Gloucestershire could be forced to wear trousers as part of a move to stamp out sloppy dress .

  29. 本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇饰演了莎翁剧作中最著名的反英雄式人物,格洛斯特公爵理查,后成为英格兰国王,惊艳之极。

    Benedict Cumberbatch cut an impressive figure as Shakespeare 's greatest anti-hero , Richard , Duke of Gloucester ( and future king of England ) .

  30. 摄影师雷亚兹-利玛利亚日前在英国格洛斯特郡的伯德利普附近目击到了被称作“冰彩虹”的光学现象并记录在了自己的相机里。

    Photographer Reyaz Limalia spotted an optical phenomenon known as " ice rainbow " near Birdlip , UK and stopped his car to register the moment .