
  • 网络plaid skirt;gingham
  1. 爸爸,难道你认为你能把我送进贵族学校,让我穿上廉价的格子裙,给我地铁卡,就万事大吉了吗?

    Dad , did you think that you can just send me off to school with a plaid skirt and a metro card , and everything will be okay . -

  2. 这件羊毛混纺的苏格兰格子裙我要搭配什麽?

    What should I put with this wool-blend plaid skirt ?

  3. 别了,唐(Don)和他完美的西服;别了,佩姬(Peggy)和她的格子裙;别了,琼(Joan)和她的珠光宝气以及紧身连衣裙。

    Farewell to Don and his perfect suits , to Peggy and her plaids , to Joan and her jewel tones and sheaths .

  4. 穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。

    B : My tartan skirt . It 's scottish night .

  5. 你看起来就像是被格子裙给吞了。

    You look like you were swallowed by a kilt .

  6. 如果你喜欢购物,你会发现那里有柔软的羊绒毛衣和厚厚的苏格兰格子裙打折。

    If shopping is your thing , you 'll find great deals on soft cashmere sweaters and thick tartan kilts .

  7. 因为我必须这样做。爸爸,难道你认为你能把我送进贵族学校,让我穿上廉价的格子裙。

    Jenny : Because I had to . Dad , did you think that you can just send me off to school with .

  8. 这可是件不得了的事,为了与店内传统的苏格兰氛围相衬,Hootananny的员工们从开业伊始就穿着格子裙了。

    That 's a pretty big deal , since Hootananny staff have been wearing tartan to match the traditional Scottish atmosphere , ever since the place opened .

  9. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。

    She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater .

  10. 那里有各种各样的毛衫和格子呢裙…

    They have all kinds of jumpers and tartan skirts and ...

  11. 那不是古其格子迷你裙吗?

    Is that a Gucci tartan mini ?

  12. 从上世纪五十年代开始,女王在这方面就没什么变化——一件花呢外套或者女式两件套毛衣,以及一条起褶格子呢裙。

    From the 1950s it has remained unchanged - a tweed jacket or knitted twin-set , and a pleated Balmoral-tartan skirt .

  13. 确实浮现了一些趋势,天主讲授校的女孩衣领非常60年月风行的早了格子呢格子裙。

    Some trends did emerge , Catholic school girl collars were very popular in the early sixties as were tartan plaid skirts .