
  • Gulliver's Travels;Jonathan Swift
  1. 《格列佛游记》是他在爱尔兰写的,稍后于一七二六年时在英国出版。

    In Ireland he worked on gulliver 's travels , which he later had published in England in1726 .

  2. 《格列佛游记》的作者斯威夫特出生于爱尔兰的首都都柏林,父亲是一位定居在爱尔兰的英国人。

    Jonathan Swift , the author of Gulliver 's Travels , was born in Dublin , Ireland and his father was a British who settled in Ireland .

  3. 乔纳森·斯威夫特(JonathanSwift)的小说《格列佛游记》(Gulliver'sTravels)中,格列佛遇到了一小群被称为“斯特鲁德布鲁格”的长生不老之人。

    In Jonathan Swift 's'Gulliver 's Travels , 'Gulliver encounters a small group of immortals , the struldbrugs .

  4. 由于乔纳森采取间谍式的隐瞒策略,连他的出版社也不知道《格列佛游记》(Gulliver'sTravels)的作者是谁。这位作家派中间人在夜间把自己的手稿送出,还附上信函,暗示去信人是格列佛的表亲。

    Thanks to Swift 's cloak-and-dagger tactics , not even his publisher knew the true identity of the author of " Gulliver 's Travels . " The writer sent an intermediary to hand off the manuscript under the cover of night , along with a letter supposedly from Gulliver 's cousin .

  5. 赏析《格列佛游记》中的精湛反讽艺术及其文化影响

    Appreciate the Satiric Arts and the Cultural Influence in Gulliver 's Travels

  6. 《格列佛游记》在第四部分达到了高潮。

    Gulliver 's Travels reaches a powerful climax in its fourth part .

  7. 明显的例子有《格列佛游记》,《鲁滨逊飘流记》和《奥德赛》。

    Obvious examples are GULLIVER 'S TRAVELS ROBINSON CRUSOE and the ODYSSEY .

  8. 《格列佛游记》与18世纪西方理性的反思

    Gulliver 's Travels and the Reflection of Western Rationalism in 18th Century

  9. 《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》中的反讽

    Irony in Gulliver 's Travels and Flowers in the Mirror

  10. 《格列佛游记》两个中译本对比谈

    A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Translations of Gulliver 's Travels

  11. 斯威夫特在《格列佛游记》中的教育观

    Swift 's Idea of Education in Gulliver 's Travels

  12. 《格列佛游记》的讽刺艺术

    The Art of Satire in Gulliver 's Travels

  13. 然而《格列佛游记》中斯威夫特对欧洲中心主义的矛盾态度尚未得到充分的研究。

    However , the attitude of Jonathan Swift to Eurocentrism has not been fully discussed .

  14. 《格列佛游记》;接受理论;期待视野;意义未定点;翻译;

    Gulliver 's Travels ; reception theory ; horizon of expectation ; indeterminacy ; translation ;

  15. 他可能因为他经典著作《格列佛游记》和《一个小小的建议》闻名于世。

    He is perhaps most known for classics like Gulliver 's Travels and A Modest Propsal .

  16. 斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》讲述了随船医生格列佛的游历故事。

    Swift 's Gulliver 's Travels narrates the traveling legends of Gulliver , a doctor on the ship .

  17. 从儿童文学视角比较《镜花缘》和《格列佛游记》

    Flowers in the Mirror and Gulliver s Travels : A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Children s Literature ;

  18. 奇特的想象,绝妙的讽刺&《格列佛游记》和《镜花缘》讽刺手法之比较

    Queer Imagination , Unique Satire & A Comparison of the Techniques of Satire Between Gulliver 's Travels And Flowers in the Mirror

  19. 使得他的名字为我们所熟知的是描述四次奇异旅行的《格列佛游记》(1726)。

    Yet his name is linked with the fanciful account of four voyages known to us as Gulliver 's Travels ( 1726 ) .

  20. 《格列佛游记》是18世纪英国伟大的讽刺作家斯威夫特的代表作。

    Gulliver 's Travels is a masterpiece of Jonathan Swift , one of the greatest satirical writers in Britain in the 18th century .

  21. 自从首次介绍进中国以来,《格列佛游记》多次被不同的译者翻译及重译。

    In China , it was translated for dozens of times by different translators since the first time it had been introduced to China .

  22. 融现实于幻想寄愤懑于讽刺&《镜花缘》与《格列佛游记》讽刺艺术之比较

    Integrating Fantasy into Reality and Satire into Indignation : Comparison between the " Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror " and " Gulliver 's Travels "

  23. 对《镜花缘》和《格列佛游记》进行比较研究的成果不多,且主要集中在成人眼光中的社会批判和讽刺艺术上。

    Most comparative studies on Flowers in the Mirror and Gulliver 's Travels focus merely on criticism of the society and art of satire from the point of view of adults .

  24. 以信达切这一翻译标准为基点,从理解、表达以及风格的传递这三个角度进行对比,《格列佛游记》两个中译本各有得失。

    Based on the well-known translation standard : faithfulness , expressiveness and closeness , it is necessary to compare the two Chinese translations of Gullivers Travels from three aspects : comprehension , expression and the representation of style .