
  • 网络Green Park
  1. 哪趟车在格林公园停?

    Which bus stops at Green park ?

  2. 在最重要的时刻白金汉宫附近的格林公园也立刻静了下了。

    The big crowd in Green Park , near Buckingham Palace , also went quiet when the big moment finally arrived .

  3. 喜欢打猎的亨利八世给我们留下了今天的圣詹姆士公园、格林公园和海德公园。

    Because Henry VIII was fond of hunting , we have , today , three parks that form a large area of green : St.

  4. 路线集中于伦敦数个风景最优美的遛狗热门地点,包括海德公园和格林公园。狗主人们可以选择在这些地方下车,带着他们的狗散散步。

    The route itself centers on a number of London 's most scenic dog-walking hotspots , including Hyde Park and Green Park , for owners to disembark the bus and take their pooch for a stroll if they choose .

  5. 格林先生正在公园里散步。

    Mr Green is walking in the park .