
  • 网络kerman;J.P.Eckermann
  1. 售卖手工编织的、印有克尔曼传统图案的桌布的女人。

    A woman selling hand-woven tablecloths of a traditional design which originates from Kerman .

  2. 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德在伊朗城市克尔曼发表演讲时说,德黑兰正在准备向西方国家提出一整套新提议,以解决长期以来就其核项目问题产生的国际争端。

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told an audience in the town of Kerman that Tehran is preparing a new package of proposals for the west , aimed at resolving a lengthy international dispute over its nuclear program .

  3. 我宁愿你问楚克尔曼夫人的是与她本人相关的问题。

    I would much rather that you asked Mrs Zuckerman any questions pertaining to herself .

  4. 最后几年,我会去克尔曼沙。

    For the final years , I 'll go to kermanshah .

  5. 趋势无疑是向上的,泽克尔曼说。

    The trend line is certainly up , says Zuckerman .

  6. 歌德有一次讲到拿破仑,便对厄克尔曼说:

    When Goethe on one occasion said to Eckermann with reference to Napoleon :

  7. 事件发生在苏莱曼尼的故乡克尔曼,当时数千名哀悼者围在苏莱曼尼的灵柩旁。

    The crush took place when thousands of mourners surrounded Soleimani 's coffin during a memorial procession in his hometown of Kerman .

  8. 政策的‘调整’计划要使国家的经济回到西方经济系统的正常情况中来(爱德华祖克尔曼)

    Policy ' adjustments ' designed to bring the ... country 's economy back into kilter with the Western economic system ( Edward Zuckerman )

  9. 据伊朗电台报道显示,演讲之前,在艾哈迈迪的车队开往克尔曼省的路上,被支持者簇拥的艾哈迈迪正在挥手致意。

    Iranian TV showed Mr. Ahmadinejad being by supporters trying to shake his hand as his made its way into the city before he spoke .