
jiù jīn shān
  • San Francisco
旧金山[jiù jīn shān]
  1. 这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。

    The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation .

  2. 他在旧金山做酒吧服务员。

    He had a job tending bar in San Francisco .

  3. 我出生在东部,但现住在旧金山。

    I was born in the East , but now live in San Francisco .

  4. 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。

    The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3 .

  5. 旧金山建在40座小山丘上,其中一些非常陡峭。

    San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very steep .

  6. 1月19日离开新泽西后,他到了旧金山。

    He arrived in San Francisco , having left New Jersey on January 19th

  7. 米奇出生于旧金山。

    Mitch was a San Franciscan by birth .

  8. 我到他在旧金山的家中作客。

    I visited with him in San Francisco .

  9. 这些发表在旧金山报纸上的文章都出自一个化名为多萝西·道奇的人之手。

    The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge

  10. 由于今天的示威游行,警方封锁了旧金山一条主干道上大约12个街区。

    Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today 's march

  11. 在旧金山听到了这次演说的转播,但不知道是不是实况。

    A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco , but it is not known if this was live .

  12. 当局不允许我们直飞旧金山,所以我只好在突尼斯机场不耐烦地等待。

    The authorities wouldn 't grant us permission to fly all the way down to San Francisco , so I had to kick my heels at Tunis Airport .

  13. 旧金山和纽约是美国的重要商港。

    San Francisco and New York are important mercantile ports in America .

  14. 旧金山是美国“通向东方的大门”。

    San Francisco is generally known as the U.S. “ gateway to the Orient ” .

  15. 这架飞机在飞往纽约途中从旧金山上空经过。

    The airplane went over San Francisco on its way to new york .

  16. 在旧金山的探索研究院,我们最近研究了学习提出好问题如何影响科学研究的质量。

    At the Exploratorium in San Francisco , we recently studied how learning to ask good questions can affect the quality of peopled scientific inquiry .

  17. 这也正是旧金山一家名为Aclima的新公司过去几个月以来一直在做的事情。

    And that is just what Aclima , a new firm in San Francisco , has been doing over the past few months .

  18. Aclima的老板戴维达·赫茨尔说,他们发现污染值高的时候正是旧金山的运输工人罢工而居民不得不使用私家车的时候。

    Davida Herzl , Aclima 's boss , says they have revealed pollution highs on days when San Francisco 's transit workers went on strike and the city 's inhabitants were forced to use their cars .

  19. 霓虹灯之于香港,就像红色的电话亭之于伦敦,大雾之于旧金山一样。

    Neon is to Hong Kong as red phone booths are to London and fog is to San Francisco .

  20. 旧金山加利福尼亚大学的伦纳德·海弗里克教授说,衰老可以被治愈这一想法意味着人类的寿命可以延些研究人员认为这是可能的。

    Leonard Hayflick , a professor at the University of California , San Francisco , said the idea that aging can be cured implies the human lifespan can be increased , which some researchers suggest is possible .

  21. 这种感觉与扎克伯格旧金山综合医院的治疗食品储藏室计划的信念相呼应,该计划已完成其试验阶段,并将继续扩展到全市的五家诊所。

    That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital , which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city .

  22. 他们在旧金山和洛杉矶开了新餐馆。

    They opened new restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles .

  23. 他们全家搬到了旧金山。

    They moved their family to San Francisco .

  24. 旧金山消防车之旅

    San Francisco Fire Engine Tours

  25. 这趟令人愉快的旅程将带你去体验旧金山那些最欢快的节日。

    This attractive tour takes you to some of San Francis ’ s most cheerful holiday scenes .

  26. 在我们带您游览旧金山品尝免费冰淇淋的时候,您可以欣赏有趣的历史。

    Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream .

  27. 旧金山酒庄之旅

    San Francisco Winery Tour

  28. 这趟旅行将您带回到旧金山最美妙的时期之一,1950年代!

    This tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco 's most fantastic periods , the 1950s !

  29. 这场美味之旅会穿过这座城市,到达金银岛,在著名的旧金山酒庄停留。

    This delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF .

  30. 还会提供可靠的消防设备,在我们的艺人带您前往旧金山最惊险刺激的角落时让您免于受寒。

    Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the most thrilling parts of San Francisco .