
  • 网络Survey company;Gfk;research the company
  1. 一家清一色由女性组成的市场调查公司成立了,其目的是调查女性对于重大新闻事件的看法。

    A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues .

  2. 伯恩斯坦调查公司的分析师莎拉·塞纳托尔表示,早餐市场具有很好的赚钱潜力,因为其利润相当高。

    Breakfast has the potential to be very profitable , says Sara Senatore of Bernstein , a research firm , because the margins can be high .

  3. “神秘购物”是市场调查公司和监管机构的外部调查工具,也可以由公司作为内部调查使用,以衡量服务质量、是否遵守规则,或作收集产品和服务的特定信息之用。

    Mystery shopping is a tool used externally by market research companies , watchdog organizations , or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service , or compliance1 with regulation , or to gather specific information about products and services .

  4. 像碳信息披露项目(CarbonDisclosureProject)这类国际组织正在调查公司面临的环境风险,并给予它们相应的评分。

    Organizations like the international Carbon Disclosure Project are surveying companies about their environmental exposures and scoring them accordingly .

  5. 独立市场调查公司哈里斯互动(HarrisInteractive)的最新调查显示,三星的用户恐怕对上述问题并不清楚。

    Probably not , finds a new survey from Harris Interactive .

  6. 根据市场调查公司TrendMonitor在2009年的统计数据,20%的首尔女性都做过整形手术。

    A 2009 survey by Trend Monitor , a market-research firm , suggested that one in five women in Seoul had gone under the knife .

  7. 另一家调查公司AppAnnie的数据也证实了这个说法。

    Data from App Annie , another research firm , corroborates the claim .

  8. 大卫•戈德堡是众多用户中的一员,他是在线问卷调查公司SurveyMonkey的首席执行官,同时还是休斯顿的朋友。

    One of them is Dave Goldberg , CEO of the online questionnaire company Survey Monkey and a friend of Houston 's.

  9. 美联报道,北京一家媒体调查公司AllMediaCount的调查显示,事件使公众对中国奶业的信心遭受重创。

    The incident has devastated public trust in Chinese dairies , according to a survey conducted by Beijing-based media research firm All Media Count , AP said .

  10. 据中国官方媒体称,这对夫妻开设的调查公司中慧(ChinaWhysCo.)非法获取了大量中国公民的个人信息。

    Official Chinese media said their investigative firm , ChinaWhys Co. , had illegally gathered large amounts of personal information on Chinese citizens .

  11. 另一家市场调查公司ccsinsight的本伍德称,与微软合作确实有益。

    Teaming up with Microsoft would indeed have benefits , says Ben wood of CCS insight , another market research firm .

  12. 据美国市场调查公司高德纳公司的预计,在2012年,将会有1.035亿台的平板设备被售出,而苹果公司的Ipad会占三分之二。

    Market research firm Gartner estimated that 103.5 million tablet devices will be sold in 2012 with Apple accounting for two-thirds .

  13. 据调查公司CegedimStrategicData称,2012年制药企业为了向医生推销药品,所花费用超过240亿美元;

    In 2012 pharmaceutical companies spent more than $ 24 billion marketing drugs to doctors , according to Cegedim Strategic Data , a research firm ;

  14. 调查公司JupiterMedia称,在2003年暴涨77%之后,这个行业去年的收入仅增长7%,只达到5.16亿美元。

    After surging by 77 per cent in 2003 , the industry 's revenues grew by only 7 per cent last year to $ 516m , according to Jupiter Media .

  15. 调查公司RetailMetrics表示,12月份,其月度同店销售指数上升了3%,为2008年4月以来最强劲的增长。

    Retail Metrics said its monthly index of comparable store sales rose 3 per cent in December , which represents the strongest increase in the index since April 2008 .

  16. 据市场调查公司NetMarketshare的数据称,Windows系统占桌面市场的份额高达惊人的92%。

    Windows has a desktop market share hovering around a whopping 92 % , according to netmarketshare data .

  17. 纽约市场调查公司PaoPrinciple的一项调查显示,将近90%的受访中国富人过去一年内都购买了一个名贵手包。

    A survey by New York market research firm Pao Principle found that almost 90 % of ' well heeled ' Chinese surveyed had purchased a designer handbag in the past year .

  18. 哈里斯互动市场调查公司的发言人NancyWong说,她很惊讶竟有这么多人转送过礼物。

    Nancy Wong , a spokeswoman for Harris Interactive , said she was surprised by the number of people who admitted to re-gifting .

  19. 波士顿调查公司(BostonConsultingGroup)在五月份公布的调查结果显示,企业高管认为,熟练的技术工人是“创新成功的最关键要素&也是最难获取的要素。”

    According to a Boston Consulting Group survey published in May , company executives say skilled workers are " the single most critical element of innovation success & and the hardest to acquire . "

  20. 资金紧张的公司可能禁不住选择更便宜的、自己动手做(diy)的方式,这惹恼了传统的调查公司。

    Hard-up companies will be tempted to opt for cheaper , DIY solutions , to the irritation of established pollsters .

  21. 今年5月,收视率调查公司尼尔森媒介研究(nielsenmediaresearch)开始发布一组收视率数据,衡量在广告时段还有多少观众在继续收看电视节目。

    Nielsen Media Research , the ratings company whose audience measurements serve as the benchmark for advertising-supported TV , in May started releasing a rating that measures how many viewers continue to watch a TV programme during the commercial breaks .

  22. 市场调查公司弗雷斯特的markmulligan称,音乐爱好者如今期望各种设备都可播放自个的收藏曲目。

    Mark Mulligan of Forrester , a research firm , says music fans now expect to be able to play their collections of tunes on all sorts of devices .

  23. 调查公司markit的经济学家克里斯威廉姆森(chriswilliamson)表示,法国和德国的增长目前得益于国内需求强劲和出口重见起色。

    Chris Williamson , economist at survey company Markit , said growth in France and Germany was now benefiting from strong domestic demand and revived exports .

  24. 信用与市场研究机构东京工商调查公司(tokyoshokoresearch)的数据显示,5月份企业破产数量同比下降6.7%,至1203例,为一年来最低水平。

    The number of company failures in may declined 6.7 per cent year-on-year to 1203 , the lowest level in a year , according to Tokyo Shoko Research , a credit and market research group .

  25. 艾瑞咨询(iResearch)表示,去年中国移动支付市场规模达到5.5万亿美元,而根据福里斯特调查公司(ForresterResearch)的数据,美国移动支付市场规模为1120亿美元,这意味着中国移动支付市场规模为美国的50倍。

    iResearch said China 's mobile payments hit $ 5.5tn last year , 50 times the size of the US 's $ 112bn market , based on Forrester Research figures .

  26. 根据行业调查公司IDC提供的数据可知,今年第二季度,苹果公司在中国智能手机市场份额的地位降至第六位。

    Apple dropped to sixth place in market share among smartphone vendors in China in the second quarter of this year , according to data from industry researcher IDC .

  27. 据调查公司CleantechGroup最近公布的数字显示,2012年,风投公司在全球清洁技术公司投资额达到65亿美元,比之前一年减少了33%。

    According to the latest numbers from the research firm the cleantech group , venture capital firms globally invested $ 6.5 billion in clean tech companies in 2012 & down 33 % from the previous year .

  28. 据Mintel市场调查公司预测,巧克力市场在经济衰退时期将持续升温。

    And market research firm Mintel predicts that the chocolate market will keep growing throughout the recession .

  29. 市场调查公司gartner预计,虚拟软件整体市场将从今年的27亿美元,增至2014年的63亿美元。

    Gartner , a market-research firm , predicts that the overall market for virtualisation software will grow from $ 2.7 billion this year to $ 6.3 billion in 2014 .

  30. 民意调查公司YouGov在美国开展的一项调查也突显出,茶叶在较年轻消费者当中越来越受欢迎。

    A survey by pollster YouGov in the US also highlighted the rising popularity of tea among younger consumers .