
  • 网络Adjustment Issues;coordination problem
  1. 对环境成本与GDP调整问题的思考

    To Think for Problems of the Environment Cost with GDP Adjustment

  2. 本文研究的是WTO后过渡期我国对外贸易战略的调整问题。

    This paper studied the foreign trade strategy adjustment of our country in post-WTO transition period .

  3. 本文探讨了采用PLC软件的方法实现变行程控制的行程调整问题。

    The variable travel control based on PLC software is adopted in this paper and a new programming method is come up with for reference .

  4. 另外,针对加热炉炉温设定值在线调整问题,本文提出了基于钢坯预报温度与理想温度之间偏差的PID动态补偿策略。

    Thirdly , in order to solve the problem of adjusting furnace 's temperature setting value online , this paper gives a PID adjusting strategy which based on the difference between billet 's predicted value and wanted value .

  5. 模糊RBF神经网络利用模糊推理机产生的分目标学习误差进行训练,避免了采用直接反馈误差进行训练可能造成的过饱和调整问题,并能有效抑制测量噪声的影响,提高系统的控制品质。

    FNN is trained by using disparity target learning error produced by FIE . This can avoid supersaturating problem made by feedback error directly , and restrain influence of measuring noise and improve control performance .

  6. 研究了综合火力/飞行控制系统(IFFCS)模糊控制器因子的自调整问题。

    The self turning problem of the factors of fuzzy controller for integrated fire / flight control system ( IFFCS ) is studied .

  7. 论文研究了ROLAP中的实化视图的选择与调整问题,推广了现有的实化视图选择方法,并证明了这个推广的有效性。

    In this paper , we study the problem of materialized views selection and adjustment in ROLAP , extending the existing method of views selection and proving the validity of extension .

  8. 圆弧齿线(CATT)圆柱齿轮凸、凹齿面刀盘展成半径的大小对该齿轮的啮合特性具有重大影响,本文就该齿轮的刀盘展成半径调整问题进行了分析和研究。

    The paper analyzes and discusses the problem about how to adjust the radius of a cutter head for machining the convex and concave tooth flanks of circular-arc-tooth-trace cylinder gears , which has great effect on their mesh property .

  9. 结果表明,运用LINGO软件解决空车调整问题不仅节省开发时间,而且从运算时间和精度上都具有显著的优越性,是解决大规模路网上空车调整问题的有效途径。

    The result showed that using LINGO to solve this problem not only saves developing time also had obvious adventage in both computing time and precision aspects . Therefore the LINGO is a effective method to solve the problem of empty car adjustment on large scale railway network .

  10. 人民币汇率失衡与调整问题研究

    The Research of Unbalance and Adjustment of Exchange Rate of RMB

  11. 广东畜牧业结构调整问题探讨

    Discussion on the Structure Adjustment of Animal Husbandry of Guangdong Province

  12. 我国农村土地整理中土地权属调整问题研究

    Study on Land Ownership Adjustment in Rural Land Consolidation in China

  13. 采用蚁群算法求解铁路空车调整问题

    Solving Railway Empty Cars Adjustment Problem by Ant Colony System Algorithm

  14. 农村中小学布局调整问题研究

    A Study on the Rearrangement of Rural Middle and Primary Schools

  15. 关于福建省树种结构调整问题的几点思考

    Thinkings of the Problems of Tree Species Structure Adjustment in Fujian Province

  16. 西部工业结构调整问题研究

    Research into the Adjusting of Industrial Structure in Western China

  17. 北京门头沟区产业结构调整问题研究

    Study on Adjusting the Industry Structure of Mentougou in Beijing

  18. 对我国养老金给付调整问题的思考

    Thinking on the problem of the Chinese pension payment adjustment

  19. 路基土石方计算中的系数调整问题

    Factors Revising Issue in the Calculation of Earthworks and Stoneworks for Subgrade

  20. 对我市农业结构调整问题的思考

    On the Problems in the Adjustment of the Agricultural Construction

  21. 临床试验中评价处理效应的协变量调整问题

    Statistical adjustment of treatment effect for covariates in clinical trials

  22. 一类价格调整问题的数学模型及其求解方法

    Model and Computation of a Kind of Price Adjustment Problem

  23. 市场经济下空车流调整问题

    Adjustment of Empty - Wagon Flow under Market Economy

  24. 牡丹江市区产业结构调整问题初探

    Study on adjustment of industries structure of Mudanjiang City

  25. 吉林省农业结构调整问题研究

    The Research for Agricultural Structure Adjustment of Jilin Province

  26. 高含水期井网加密调整问题的研究

    A study on development adjustment by infill drilling at high water cut stage

  27. 飞机成员开发中编队调整问题的处理

    The Problem of Formation Adjustment in Aircraft Federate Development

  28. 混沌蚁群算法在空车调整问题中的应用

    Application of Chaos Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in railway empty wagon adjustment problem

  29. 国有企业战略性调整问题研究

    On the Strategic Adjustment of State - Run Enterprises

  30. 科研部门、教育部门都有一个调整问题。

    Both the scientific research and educational departments face the problem of reorganization .