
jiù ɡuān niàn
  • old ideas
  1. 由于受旧观念的影响,有些单位分配工作按资排辈。

    Influenced by old ideas , some units assign posts according to seniority .

  2. 我们必须与旧观念彻底决裂。

    We must make a clean break with old ideas .

  3. 他顽固坚持旧观念使得他不受欢迎。

    His rigid adherence to old-fashioned ideas made him unpopular .

  4. 我们应该抛弃旧观念。

    We should discard old beliefs .

  5. “明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”要摒弃不合时宜的旧观念,冲破制约发展的旧框框,让各种发展活力充分迸发出来。

    We should abandon the outdated mindset , break away from the old confines that fetter development and unleash all the potential for development .

  6. 布莱克认为,直至现在HIV患者的生育健康服务仍未得到优先安排,这是因为旧观念认为他们不能生育。

    Black believes that reproductive health services for HIV-infected people have not been prioritized until now because of a persistent belief that they should not be having children .

  7. 通胀和名义GDP之间的巨大鸿沟使得一些经济学家,比如Bentley大学的ScottSumner开始考虑摒弃一个旧观念。

    The gap between the performance of inflation and that of nominal GDP is so big that some economists , such as Scott Sumner of Bentley University , are dusting off an old idea .

  8. 这是用新方式来表达宿命论的旧观念。

    It was the old concept of determinism in a new form .

  9. 我们得抛弃许多旧观念。

    We have to get rid of a IOT of old notions .

  10. 职业教育应以能力培养为出发点,转变旧观念。

    Vocational education must start with ability train , changeover old opinion .

  11. 必须努力破除旧观念。

    Increasing effort must be made to break down the old impression .

  12. 旧观念是进步的障碍。

    The old ideas are a drag on progress .

  13. 研究人员把这称之为一种威胁&它提醒了实验参与者的那些旧观念。

    Researchers call this a threat & it reminds participants of the stereotype .

  14. 死抱住做男人的旧观念解决不了问题。

    Clinging to old notions of being male will not solve the problem .

  15. 培养学生的创新思维,必须改变旧观念,树立创新教育思想;

    The views are as follows : change old ideas and establish innovative thoughts ;

  16. 他们指责那种用新模式套旧观念的管理制度。

    They accused the management of dressing up old ideas in a new format .

  17. 技术的变革也挑战了那种将设计师视为孤独艺术家的旧观念。

    The technological change also challenges old ideas about the designer as lone artist .

  18. 对旧观念的蓄意曲解。

    Deliberate distortion of an old idea .

  19. 对市民社会的理解应摆脱以往的旧观念。

    The understanding of the civic society ought to be free of the old notion .

  20. 必须改变那种认为所有的发展都只不过是砖头和水泥的旧观念。

    The old idea that all development is only brick and mortar has to change .

  21. 我真的一定要改变我的旧观念!

    I truely must take massive action !

  22. 但是我们不能老守着关于台阶的旧观念。

    But we can 't stick to the old concept of a " staircase " forever .

  23. 有些人仍相信太阳绕地球转的旧观念。

    Some people still believe in the old concept that the sun move round the earth .

  24. 有些人仍相信太阳绕着地球转的旧观念。

    Some people still believe in the old concept that the sun moves round the earth .

  25. 浅谈石油企业职工旧观念的表现及对策

    On a Brief Talk of Old Ideas and Countermeasures Among Workers and Staff Members in Oilfield

  26. 我们将战胜这种旧观念。

    And we shall overcome .

  27. 但是因为当时的中国处于新旧过渡的时期,一般知识青年的思想一方面接受了新学说的启蒙,另一方面又不可避免地受到传统旧观念的影响。

    However , in the interim , the new theory and the old thought influenced intellectual youth simultaneously .

  28. 研究者们还给实验参与者一份污名意识问卷调查表,用来检测负面的旧观念对他们的影响到底有多强。

    Researchers also gave participants a stigma consciousness questionnaire to test how strongly they bought into negative stereotypes .

  29. 排列码加密解密算法突破了传统的分组密码的旧观念,使加密强度有了较大幅度的提高。

    Permutation code broke through the traditional concept of block algorithm , and improved the encrypt intensity greatly .

  30. 为了改变官员和社会大众的旧观念,政府将作出努力。

    Efforts will be made to change the old mindset among both officials and members of the public .