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tiáo xiào
  • make fun of;poke fun at;tease
调笑 [tiáo xiào]
  • [make fun of;tease;poke fun at] 互相开玩笑;戏弄别人

  • 依倚将军势,调笑酒家胡。--辛延年《羽林郎》

调笑[tiáo xiào]
  1. 人们常常调笑吉姆。

    People often make fun of Jim .

  2. “但是你自己也非常美啊,”他的口气文雅有礼,毫不包含粗鲁调笑的意味。

    " but you 're very beautiful yourself ," he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular .

  3. 他们调笑了她一整天,直到天黑。

    They teased her till the day drew by .

  4. 她只是个调笑对象不构成威胁

    She was a flirt , not a threat .

  5. 最重要的是他享受女人的调笑

    Most of all , I think he loved women because they teased him ,

  6. 一些年长的居民为之侧目,觉得这是对一个严肃问题的不当调笑。

    It is also raising the eyebrows of older residents who fret that it is mocking a serious issue .

  7. 我和一个穿粉红色衣服,长着小眼睛的小妞儿坐在一块儿,拼命地和她调笑。

    I attached myself to a young creature in pink , with little eyes , and flirted with her desperately .

  8. 虽然我们经常拿拖延症来调笑,但它确实是一个坏习惯。

    OK , not really . Although we often joke about procrastinating , it can be a really bad habit .

  9. 今年7月,刘烨和他的法国摄影师女友安娜伊丝正式结婚,二人亲吻调笑的照片不久便公开流传了。

    In July , Liu Ye married French photographer Anais Martane and photos were soon released showing them kissing and flirting .

  10. 在伊利诺的原来的俱乐部之一调笑摔跤的联盟。包括队名誉堂,新闻和相片。

    One of the original clubs in the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation . Includes team hall of fame , news and photos .

  11. 他们力避庸俗浅薄的调笑,在逗笑中杂以讽谏,显现出伟大的喜剧精神。

    They make fun of force to avoid vulgar shallow , mixed with the laugh in the allegorical , revealing the spirit of the great comedy .

  12. 森林里的绿光和少年人的笑声有一种古怪的不协调感,这里太阴森了,有一种不祥的气氛,跟我周围的轻松的调笑一点儿也不搭调。

    The green light of the forest was strangely at odds with the adolescent laughter , too murky and ominous to be in harmony with the light banter around me .

  13. 维克多,你是班里最差的学生。你不觉得害臊吗?爸爸说。有人出言不逊,调笑奚落,而你不能袒护她时,你不觉得害臊吗?

    Aren 't you ashamed of yourself , Victor ? You 're the worst pupil in your class . Said the father . Some one passes a slighting remark or uses improper language , won 't you be ashamed if you can 't take her part ?