
  • 网络Survey research;Survey Research Method;survey study
  1. 在这样的背景下,研究选取上海X大学作为个案学校,将其辅导员队伍作为研究对象,采用文献研究法和调查研究法为主要研究方法,进行调查和分析。

    Therefore , this study is made on the team of instructors of X University in Shanghai with the literature research and survey research .

  2. 第二,运用实证研究法、调查研究法、仿真模拟法建立了广西北部湾港口群物流系统SD模型。

    Second , this paper establishes a SD model for Guangxi Beibu Gulf port group logistics system using of empirical research method , survey research method , simulation method .

  3. 本研究主要采用调查研究法,通过问卷调查与访谈,对H学院就业指导教师队伍建设的现状进行了全面了解。

    Through the analysis of questionnaires and interviews , the author has obtained the comprehensive knowledge of the current situations of Career guidance teachers ' construction .

  4. 本文通过文献研究法、调查研究法、数理统计等方法,研制出体操技术教学CAI课件,并在体操教学中加以应用。

    This paper analyzed the development of CAI and the application of CAI in gymnastics movements teaching by adopting the methods of literature research , video-observation , statistics and visit .

  5. 本文拟采用规范分析法、文献研究法、调查研究法和案例分析法等,针对XX企业集团资金管理模式进行分析,通过资料收集、与下属子公司沟通等方法了解该公司的资金管理现状。

    This paper adopts rules analysis and literature research , investigation method , the empirical analysis on XX enterprise group funds management system analysis , through questionnaire survey and data collection , and affiliates communication methods to understand this company funds management situation .

  6. 采用文献资料法、调查研究法、对比分析法和归纳分析法,对田径教学过程进行优化设计并对其结构进行分析。

    By literature , research , analysis , etc .

  7. 三是调查研究法。

    Third , the survey method .

  8. 调查研究法。

    Case Study 2 . Investigating .

  9. 研究的方法是观察法、实验法、心理测验法、调查研究法;

    The approaches such as observation , experiment , psychoanalysis , investigation were taken into the research .

  10. 文献研究法、系统分析法和调查研究法是理想的研究方法。

    Thus , literature research , system analysis and survey research are ideal research methods for the research .

  11. 本文采取了文献阅读法、比较法、案例分析法,调查研究法、历史研究法等。

    I use the methods of the document reading , comparison , case analysis , investigations , history study and etc.

  12. 本课题的研究方法涉及文献研究法、调查研究法、个案研究与总结结合法等。

    This topic research methods involve literature researchs , investigation methods , the case studies and the summary combinations , etc.

  13. 研究方法上,本研究主要采用了文献研究法、历史研究法、调查研究法与比较研究法。

    In the research methods , the research mainly adopts document research , history research , investigation research and comparative research .

  14. 在论证的过程中,主要运用文献研究法、调查研究法以及案例研究法。

    In the process of proving , literature research , investigation studies , as well as case studies have been frequently used .

  15. 研究的方法有:资料分析法,文献查阅法,调查研究法,比较法以及个案研究法等。

    The method used in the research includes data analysis , literature review , actual survey , comparison analysis and case analysis .

  16. 调查研究法是科学研究中一个常用的方法,在描述性、解释性和探索性的研究中都可以运用调查研究的方法。

    Survey research is a commonly used method of scientific research , which is widespread use in descriptive 、 explanatory and exploratory study .

  17. 除此之外,本文还采取了调查研究法等多种研究方法,以便使本文的研究结论更具代表性和实用性。

    In addition , the paper also takes a survey method , in order to make conclusions of this study more representative and practical .

  18. 主要研究方法有:行动研究法,调查研究法,经验总结法,文献研究法等。

    The principle research methods include action research method , investigatory research method , experiential summary method , historical documents research method , etc .

  19. 全文主要通过文献研究法、调查研究法、观察法、案例分析法等从以下六个方面展开研究。

    This essay carries on research from the following six aspects through the literature research , investigation method , observation method , case analysis . 1 .

  20. 辅导员在工作过程中还应该掌握一些好的工作方法,如调查研究法,说服教育法,交流沟通法,人格感化法等。

    Meanwhile , the assistant should hold some good working methods such as the method of investigating and researching , persuading , communicating and personality influencing .

  21. 运用调查研究法、战略分析法从广西北部湾港口群物流系统的现状着手分析该系统各子系统目前存在的主要问题。

    And it analyses major problems of plant systems from existing condition of Guangxi Beibu Gulf port group logistics systems using of survey research , strategic analysis methods .

  22. 本文紧密围绕女大学生创业教育问题展开,采用文献研究法和调查研究法,在高校对女大学生这一群体创业教育的构建上进行深入挖掘。

    The article focusing on entrepreneurship education for female students , taking documentary research and survey research , in-depth study the problem of entrepreneurship education for female college students .

  23. 调查研究法:(1)问卷调查法:先调查温州医学院研究生导师、管理人员和眼科学研究生对眼科学硕士专业学位毕业考核现状的看法和建议;

    Survey research method : ( 1 ) questionnaire : First for views and suggestions of tutors , management staffs and students on the current ophthalmology M. M. graduates assessment ;

  24. 研究采用文献研究法、调查研究法、深度访谈、案例分析法从中找出学生各类适应性问题的具体特征。

    Research using literature research method , survey method , interviews , case analysis method to find out all kinds of adaptive problems in students from the specific characteristics of .

  25. 本篇论文采用了调查研究法与比较研究法,相关研究为员工绩效管理工作的改进提供了必要的依据。

    In this paper investigation and contrast are main methods to make the research , which lays solid foundation for the improvement of personal performance management in Xi ' an Datang .

  26. 本文运用文献分析法、经验总结法、实例分析法、调查研究法,通过对四个部分的详细论述来阐明论题。

    With the methods of analyzing literature , summarizing experiences , analyzing cases , and making investigation , this article expounds the argumentation through the detail analysis of the four parts .

  27. 调查研究法:是一种获得第一手资料的方法,它一般通过抽样的基本步骤,多以个体为分析单位,通过问卷、访谈等方法了解调查对象的有关咨询,加以分析来开展研究。

    Using the individual as the unit of analysis , survey research usually through sampling 、 questionnaire survey 、 interviews and other methods to learn or analysis objects ' information to research .

  28. 根据课题的上述特点,在研究方法上笔者综合运用了:文献研究法,调查研究法,个案研究法及经验总结法。

    According to the above-mentioned characteristics of the subject , research methods in the integrated use of the author : literature study , research method , case studies and experience in law law .

  29. 对通过文献研究法和调查研究法总结出监理工程师管理下的结算纠纷类型,以及引起的纠纷产生原因,为下一步工作的开展给予理论依据。

    Through literature study and survey research , the paper concludes the settlement disputes type under the management of supervision engineers and the cause of disputes , applying theoretical basis for carrying out further work .

  30. 运用文献资料法、调查研究法、数理统计等方法对社会转型期前后我国男子甲级篮球队队员的运动年限的特征进行了深入的研究。

    By means of document , investigation , statistic and so on , the paper researched into the characteristic of influence factor which affect Chinese man basketball athletes ' fixed number of years during the society transformation .