
  • 网络channel construction;channel building
  1. 本研究为MES公司的渠道建设提供了有力的支持和指导。

    The study offers powerful support and guidance to channel construction of MES .

  2. Rx药品营销渠道建设的探索

    Exploration of Rx Drugs Marketing Channel Construction

  3. Kodak公司在中国民用感光行业的渠道建设

    Marketing Channels ' Construction of Kodak Company in Consumer Imagining Industry in China

  4. APIs关注于创收和渠道建设,而SOA所传达的信息(可能不太明显)则围绕着节约成本和重复使用。

    APIs focus on revenue generation and channel creation , while SOA has a ( perhaps less tangible ) message around cost savings and reuse .

  5. 深入分析ATM市场发展趋势及其利益机制,对国内银行加强渠道建设、提高整体竞争力将具有重要的现实意义。

    Analyzing the progress trend and profit mechanism of ATM market in deep level is crucially realizable meaning to strengthen the transaction channel and enhance the ability of competition in local commercial bank .

  6. 在该研究的基础上,在第四章里提出DM公司经销渠道建设的方案,以最大程度的开发市场,减少营销成本,提高市场占有率。

    Based on this research , the distribution channels construction program DM Company was put forward , to develop the market with the greatest degree , reduce marketing costs , improve market share in the fourth chapter .

  7. DF汽车公司是国内发展最快的一家乘用车制造企业,经过几年的飞速发展,在渠道建设过程中逐渐暴露出的一些问题,已经成为DF汽车公司顺利实现其战略目标的障碍。

    DF auto manufacture , a fastest developing manufacture in china recently , has been facing obstacle from some problem exposed gradually during the building up of channel , when execute strategy objective .

  8. 新的3G运营商必注重宣传策略和创新,力争获得市场先机。未来运营商将会十分关注手机补贴、渠道建设和品牌打造等问题。

    New 3G carriers must be paying attention to the strategies of publicize and innovation , fend to acquire the opportunities in markets , In future the carriers will pay a lot of attention on the mobile allowance , channels construction , and brand creation etc.

  9. 本文根据市场营销SWOT,PECT等工具对所在SH企业地毯国际营销策略进行分析,找出企业现在的发展瓶颈以及未来的国际营销渠道建设的策略。

    According to the marketing methods of SWOT , PECT and other analyzing tools , the paper focus on the carpet business where SH Business Company will make an international marketing strategy . The paper analyzes to identify bottlenecks for the development .

  10. 移动通信服务营销渠道建设的探讨

    The Discussion of the Service Sale Channel Construction of Mobile Communication

  11. 浅谈电信企业营销渠道建设的重要性

    Briefly on the importance of sales channels construction of telecom enterprises

  12. 旅行社营销渠道建设和管理研究

    Research of Construction and Management in Marketing Channel for Tour Agents

  13. 中国快速消费品生产企业渠道建设研究

    Research on Channel Construction of Chinese Fast Moving Consumer Goods Manufactures

  14. 和谐出版生态视野下的渠道建设与维护

    Construction and Maintenance of the Distribution Channel under Harmonious Publishing Environment

  15. 渠道建设理论的经典研究及其评价

    Classical study and evaluation on the theory of channel construction

  16. 我国保险公司营销渠道建设问题研究

    The Studying on the Construction Channel in Insurance Company Market of China

  17. 图书馆上游出版发行渠道建设探析

    Study on the Publishing and Circulation Channels as the Upriver of Library

  18. 家电行业营销渠道建设研究

    Study on the marketing channel construction of household appliance industry in China

  19. 中国人民财产保险股份有限公司销售渠道建设研究

    Marketing Channel Construction of PICC Property and Casualty Company

  20. 第七章提出渠道建设的改进建议。

    The seventh chapter is different channels comprehensive analysis .

  21. 构建开放式营销网络,进行渠道建设;

    Establish the open marketing network and build channel .

  22. 西安五矿分销渠道建设和管理研究

    Xi'an Minmetals Marketing Channel Constructing and Managing Study

  23. 随着全球竞争的加剧,信息时代的来临,几乎所有的制造商和分销商都意识到渠道建设的重要性。

    Almost all the manufacturers have realized that the importance of the channel construction .

  24. 南水北调中线工程数字电子渠道建设研究

    Study on Digital Electronic Channel of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  25. 最后提出了怀化移动营销渠道建设与管理进一步的研究方向。

    Finally , the further research of Huaihua mobile marketing channels was put forward .

  26. 商业银行分销渠道建设策略研究

    Commercial Banks ' Distribution Channels Construction Strategy Research

  27. 如何加强营销渠道建设

    How to strengthen the operating and selling channel

  28. 最后对汽车分销渠道建设和服务提出一些对策。

    Finally it developments some counter plans of the builds and services of car distribution channel .

  29. 基于企业危机的渠道建设

    Channel constructing based on enterprise crisis

  30. 委托人有权了解代理人授权区域的市场渠道建设、产品使用状况及销售预测。

    ESD has right to know the market situation , products application condition and sales forecast .