
  • 网络quxian county;Qu county
  1. 经检测,渠县19所医疗机构的灭菌器材与一次使用性医疗器材的无菌率分别为83.2%与85.7%。

    It was found that the sterility rate of the sterilized and disposable supplies and equipment in 19 medical institutions of Qu County was 83.2 % and 85.7 % respectively .

  2. 被调查的329名教师中,阳性症状有78人,占总数的22.5%,即:在此次调查中,渠县教师心理健康问题检出率为22.5%。

    Among the 329 teachers surveyed , 78 have positive symptoms , accounting 22.5 % . That is to say , the rate of psychological problems for the teachers in Qu County is 22.5 % .

  3. 渠县中小学生暴力行为流行病学调查

    Epidemiology of Violence Behavior Among Primary and Middle School Students in Quxian

  4. 天下粮仓的支柱:市场机制和政策性金融支持&渠县国家粮库个案研究

    The Solution of State-owned Grain Enterprises : Market Mechanism and Policy Finance Backing

  5. 渠县天然气净化分厂循环冷却水处理方案设计与现场应用

    Design and application of circulating cooling water treatment scheme in Quxian natural gas purification plant

  6. 带绦虫0.01%;其中纳溪县和渠县蛔虫感染率高达41.87%和45.53%;

    The infection rates of roundworm in Naxi and Quxian counties reached 41.87 % and 45.53 % .

  7. 通过对四川渠县杂卤石矿水文地质条件和矿坑充水危害的分析研究,在开采过程中采取了防治水害的技术措施:处理地表陷坑与裂缝;预留顶底板隔水层;

    Technical measures are taken to prevent flooding in the mine operation on the basis of the hydrogeological Conditions and the flooding analysis .

  8. 以2001年对四个国定贫困县(四川渠县、贵州威宁、甘肃通渭和陕西商州)的582户农户的调查数据进行实证研究。重点分析贫困地区劳动力农业劳动时间和家务劳动时间的影响因素。

    We use the investigation data of 582 households in 4 poor counties ( Quxian , Weining , Tongwei and Shangzhou ) to study the kinds of working hours .

  9. 文章结合天然气净化装置生产的特点和装置大修的现场实际,阐述了评价与风险管理理论在渠县净化装置大修中的应用过程。

    Integrating the operation features of gas purification plant and the field real situation of the plant overhaul , the application of evaluation and risk management theory in the overhaul of Quxian purification plant is described .