
  • 网络Lushan County;lushan county sichuan
  1. 四川省芦山县蛾类调查

    Record of moths in Lushan country of Sichuan Province

  2. 进行芦山县旅游资源开发的模式研究。

    Make Lushan tourism resources developing research .

  3. 地震灾区芦山县正在进行传染病防治工作。

    Epidemic prevention work is also underway in the earthquake affected area of Lushan County .

  4. 地震发生后,约有54000名流离失所的人涌进芦山县。

    There have been some 54-thousand displaced people flooding into the county since the earthquake .

  5. 其中,耕地相对变化率超过全市平均水平的有名山县、汉源县、芦山县、宝兴县,耕地利用相对变化率大致分布的空间格局是:北部和南部相对变化大,中部相对变化小;

    These counties that comparative rate of plowland change had exceeded average are Mingshan , Hanyuan , Lushan , Baoxing .

  6. 在胜利村以及芦山县境内其它严重受灾地区,地震造成的破坏比比皆是。芦山地震是自2008年以来中国发生的最大地震。

    In Shengli , and other areas in the badly affected Lushan county , devastation from the worst quake to hit the area since 2008 met the eye everywhere .