
qú dào
  • channel;canal;route;ditch;watercourse;irrigation ditch;medium of communication
渠道 [qú dào]
  • (1) [canal;ditch]∶在河、湖或水库周围开挖的排灌水道

  • (2) [channel]∶比喻门路或途径

  • 扩大商品流通渠道

  • 一份请愿书通过适当渠道递交总统

渠道[qú dào]
  1. 降低渠道水量损失。

    Reducing losses of water in irrigation ditch .

  2. 服务营销渠道设计上产生的差距;

    Disparity in the marketing service irrigation ditch on design ;

  3. 发简讯是沟通师生的有益渠道。

    The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students .

  4. 我们一直从各种渠道收集资料。

    We 've been collecting data from various sources .

  5. 那家机构充当了从军火工业向他处中转资金的渠道。

    The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry .

  6. 通过官方渠道是压根儿搞不到票的。

    You simply can 't get a ticket through official channels .

  7. 她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。

    She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route

  8. 莫斯科和波罗的海诸共和国正在重启沟通渠道。

    Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication .

  9. 他凭着自己特有的干劲找到了新的新闻渠道。

    With typical energy he found new journalistic outlets .

  10. 政府肯定会利用各种现有的外交渠道。

    The government will surely use the diplomatic channels available

  11. 谈判专家说他们保持着沟通渠道的畅通。

    Negotiators say they 're keeping communication lines open .

  12. 我们从多方渠道得到信息。

    We 're getting input from gobs of sources .

  13. 目前,我们正从各种渠道收集信息。

    At present we 're gleaning information from all sources

  14. 美国人认识到可以通过联合国这个渠道开展更多的外交活动。

    The Americans recognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity

  15. 很多食物都是通过私人渠道直接配送和销售,根本没有进过商店。

    A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately without ever reaching the shops .

  16. 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。

    Canals have been built to take water to the desert .

  17. 修这条渠道要多少人工?

    How many man-days will be needed to construct this irrigation canal ?

  18. 水顺着渠道流进田地里。

    Water runs along the channel to the fields .

  19. 清澈的水涌进了灌溉渠道。

    Clear water gushed into the irrigational channel .

  20. 海洋是各大陆间的主要运输渠道。

    Oceans serve as the main arteries of transportation between continents .

  21. 修建这条渠道不需要很多人工。

    It won 't take a lot of manpower to construct this irrigation canal .

  22. 渠道走水很通畅。

    Water flows unimpeded in the canal .

  23. 商品流通渠道不畅。

    The commodity circulation is poor .

  24. 科学新闻是在公众当中普及科学信息的主要渠道。

    Science journalism is the main channel for the popularization of scientific information among the public .

  25. 从其他渠道,我们也能知道青少年犯罪、吸毒、婚前性行为在普遍减少。

    From other sources , we also know teenage crime , drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline .

  26. 这个休假季中,梅西相对的亮点在于其线上销售渠道,该领域的销售額增长达到了两位数,而实际订单也增长了25%。

    One   relative   bright   spot   for   Macy 's   during   the   holiday   season   was   the   online   channel ,   where   it rang   up   " double-digit "   increases   in   sales   and   a   25 %   increase   in   the   number   of   orders   it   filled .

  27. 他们把包括从英国海军舰队19世纪的一次航行到现代自动化海洋探测器等各种渠道测量到的温度读数收集到一起。

    They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th century voyage of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes .

  28. “很多控制肥胖症的政策措施都假定人们能够有意识并理性地选择吃什么、吃多少,因此这些政策措施重点在于提供有关健康食品的信息和获取渠道,”两位研究者提到。

    " Many policy measures to control obesityassume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods , " note the two researchers .

  29. 该词由omni-(意为“所有、全部”)和channel(渠道)合并而成。

    The word comes from the combination of omni - ( 'all ' ) and channel .

  30. “multichannel”与之类似,但意思不同,这个术语是指“运用或占有多种不同的电视或通信渠道”。

    A similar term with a different meaning is multichannel , which refers to something that ' employs or possesses many television or communications channels .