
  • 网络Investigation steps;stages of survey
  1. 并随后公布了调查步骤和进展情况。

    This was followed later by the publication of investigation procedures and processes .

  2. 调查步骤:(1)对每位入院的卒中患者进行详细的病史询问、体格检查。

    The procedure of investigation : ( 1 ) a detailed history was taken and a physical examination was performed to every eligible patient .

  3. 自我介绍:开朗外向、良热情、容随和。并随后公布了调查步骤和进展情况。

    SELF-DESCRIPTION : I am open-minded , extroverted , kind , passionate , tolerant , easy-going . This was followed later by the publication of investigation procedures and processes .

  4. Lyubomirsky博士首先进行世界价值观调查,这个步骤要收集生活在世界各地的人的大量数据。

    Dr Lyubomirsky 's first port of call was the World Values Survey . This is a project which gathers huge amounts of data about the lives of people all around the planet .

  5. 水分地势与华支睾吸虫感染有关。提出开展疑似病区流行病学调查方法与步骤。

    The methods and procedures for epidemiologic survey in suspected areas were recommended in the paper .

  6. 根据印第安纳大学的社会学者麦宜生所做2002年及2010年的调查,这些步骤减缓了乡村地区的压力。

    Those steps have reduced strains in the countryside , according to surveys in2002 and2010 by Ethan Michelson , a sociologist at Indiana University .

  7. 十八项电网反措继电保护若干细则的落实与改进在四级指标的基础上进行评价细则和问卷的设计:阐述调查实施的步骤和处理数据的方法;

    Performance and Improvement on Several Relay Protection Regulations of Electric Network Prevent Accident Measure Based on the four-grade index , the detailed evaluating regulations and questionnaire are designed .

  8. 主要包括:调查目的、步骤、内容、案件审理特点、分析和取证方法及判断危险局面主要要素等。

    Mainly includes : the investigation goal , the step , the content , the characteristic of case trying , the accident analysis , the evidence collecting method and the particulars of judging dangerous condition and so on .

  9. 以我国畜牧业为例选择适合我国行业科技技术预测的调查方法和步骤,应用德尔菲调查法,对我国畜牧业近20年左右的科技发展进行了预测研究。

    This paper selected the survey method and the steps of technology foresight suitable for China industry science and technology with animal husbandry industry as a case , and applied the Delphi survey method to study the development of science and technology in near 20 years .

  10. 此外,OOT结果调查所采取的步骤应科学有理有据,调查程度的原理应有文件记录。

    Moreover , the steps taken to investigate OOT results should be scientifically defensible , and the rationale for the investigation 's depth should be documented .

  11. SOP不应是过分说明性的,因为OOT结果调查所采取的步骤取决于最初发现和调查发现的性质。

    The SOP should not be overly prescriptive because the steps taken to investigate OOT results will depend on the nature of the initial finding and the investigation findings .

  12. 教育行政处罚一般程序是教育行政处罚的常用程序,可分为立案、回避、调查等12个步骤和环节。

    It can be divided into three procedures common procedure , comprising 12 steps and links ;

  13. 包括本次调查的目的、被试、测量工具以及调查步骤。

    The objectives , subjects and the instrument employed are introduced as well as the procedure of the investigation .

  14. 作者旨在探讨病人满意度调查问卷的研制过程,阐述了研制调查问卷各步骤的关键内容,强调问卷指标选择的科学方法和流程。

    The paper discusses the process of developing patient satisfaction questionnaires , explains the key contents of each of the steps in the process , and highlights the scientific methods and flow for selecting the questionnaire indexes .

  15. 分析调查引擎的作用和特点,论述利用调查引擎进行网络调查的步骤和方法,指出使用调查引擎时需要注意的事项、存在的问题和具有的优势。

    Analyzes the role and features of survey engines , discusses the steps and ways of making network investigation by using survey engines and points out the matters needing attention while using survey engines , the existing problems and advantages .