
  • 网络testing item;Test Item
  1. 如果它不可见,在TestNavigatorpane中右击测试项,并选择OpenBehavior。

    If it 's not already visible , right-click the test item in the Test Navigator pane and select Open Behavior .

  2. 同时还阐述用PMAC同时对上述两个测试项进行实时运动控制的硬件系统设计和相应软件流程图。

    Two measurement items of hardware system and soft flow chart which are real-time controlled based on PMAC are described .

  3. 首先,我认为,如果您不是Nokia公司,同时你已决定将这些测试项作为您的绝对标准,您已经失去了敏捷的精髓。

    First off , I think that if you are not Nokia and you have decided to use this test as your golden standard , you have already missed the point about agility .

  4. 根据相关标准整理总结了TD-LTE射频测试项以及相应的测试方法、测试流程等,然后对总结出的测试方法进行自动化测试需求分析,根据分析结果搭建了软件的框架,制定了软件的测试流程。

    In accordance with the relevant standard , I summarize TD-LTE RF test items and test method , testing process to analysis automated testing requirements , and then build a software framework and develop the software testing process according to the analysis results .

  5. 想想最初的那些问题,这些测试项有效果吗?

    Related to the original questions , are these tests useful ?

  6. 同时也就需要更多的测试项来筛选器件和检测功能。

    This requires more and more tests to screen out its defects and verify its functionality .

  7. 结论自动生化分析中应注意测试项之间试剂对检测结果的影响,可用带模块的生化分析仪排除干扰,或者利用仪器的清洁程序,消除干扰。

    It can be eliminated by clinical chemistry analyzer with modular or the clean procedure of the instrument .

  8. 就单音节字词测试项而言,存在以下几个方面的问题:在选字上存在难和偏的问题;

    As far as the uni-syllable test in Putonghua test , there are at least four problems , i.

  9. 随着半导体行业的发展,芯片的设计和功能变得越来越复杂,这样也就需要更多的测试项来筛选器件和检测功能。

    With the development of semiconductor , the design and the function of the chip become complicate dramatically which requires more and more tests to screen out its defects and verify its functionality .

  10. 文章对这个建成的系统进行了评估,并建立了测试项来对系统进行测试,运用测试结果的数据来说明元搜索技术在具体的应用中所取得的成果和经验。

    The article made a simple evaluation for this system , and set up test-items to test this system , work out the production and the experience on the application of Meta-Search technology by the test results .

  11. 应该说了解说话测试项的基本要求,克服说话测试项容易出现的问题是应对测试的基本保障,而这一探讨,在普通话水平测试实践理论建设上,具有一定的学术价值。

    To understand the basic demand of speaking item and to solve the problems in examination are basic guarantee of successful test . The survey has certain scholastic value of theoretical construction in the practice of PSC .

  12. twitter表示,它从上月就开始测试这项新api。

    Twitter said it began testing the new API last month .

  13. 为了测试这项功能,我在设置-用户-添加用户或档案里,创立了一个叫做假装小孩(PretendKiddo)的账号。

    I tested this by creating a Restricted Profile named ' Pretend Kiddo ' in Settings , Users , Add User or Profile .

  14. 在JCS中,没有定义只测试缓存项是否存在的测试缓存方法。

    In JCS , no test cache method is defined for simply testing for a cached item 's existence .

  15. SCL-90测试焦虑项均值独生子女极显著高于非独生子女,强迫、抑郁项均值显著低于非独生子女及全国常模。

    SCL - 90 examination revealed that for only child , the average value of anxiety was higher , but the average values of Self - de-termination and self-suppression were lower as compared with non - only child and the national norm .

  16. 今年夏天非洲已经开始测试这项装置。

    Tests of the device begin in Africa this summer .

  17. IVA&CPT测试5项商数与儿童感觉统合能力的分析

    Analysis of Five Quotients in IVA-CPT Test and Ability in Sensory Integration in Children

  18. 他现在计划对约30位患者构成的更大群体测试这项技术。

    He now plans to test the technique on a larger group of about 30 patients .

  19. 系统测试是项复杂的工程,仿佛一个迷宫一样,有许多条路径,每一条路径又有许多不同的选择。

    System testing is a labyrinth , with several paths , each path featuring additional alternative flows as well .

  20. 一个名为谷歌操作系统的非官方博客称,总部位于加州的谷歌公司于去年开始测试这项下载技术。

    According to the unofficial Google Operating System Blog , the California-based began testing its download feature last year .

  21. 普通话水平测试朗读项“语调偏误”主要表现为“方言语调”。

    The reading item " Intonation Tolerance " in ChineseMandarin Proficiency Test grossly shows as " d i-alect intonation " .

  22. 谷歌通过在非营利性机构克利夫兰诊所存储上千志愿患者的医疗记录来测试该项服务。

    Google tested the service by storing medical records for a few thousand patient volunteers at the not-for-profit Cleveland Clinic .

  23. 贝宝正在测试这项服务,希望在2011年下半年面向全中国的商户推出。

    PayPal is testing the service and hopes to offer it to merchants across China in the second half of 2011 .

  24. 他的工作室已经和北京政府签订了协议,允许他在北京的一处公园中测试这项技术。

    His studio has reached an agreement with the Beijing government to test the technology in one of the capital 's parks .

  25. 其次,参照已分解出的功能测试需求项,利用各种军用软件黑盒测试方法进行测试用例的设计,并且分析需求覆盖。

    Secondly , design the test case by the military software black-box test method , referring to the functional testing demand items .

  26. 采用桩顶压力盒和表面应变计测试桩项反力,分析其变化规律。

    Taking the pressure cell on the pile and surface strain cell to measure pile counterforce , the variation law will be summarized .

  27. 为测试这项理论,心理学家把目光转向了肉毒杆菌,他们用这种毒素使控制皱眉的肌肉麻痹无力。

    To test the theory , psychologists reached for the botox . They used the toxin to deaden the muscles that control frowning .

  28. 这些投资反映了北京对面部识别的认可,这为企业测试这项技术创造了比西方更好的环境。

    The investments reflect facial recognition 's embrace by Beijing , which has created a better environment for companies to test the technology than in the West .

  29. 该公司正在测试一项技术,在每粒药片中都安装一个微型芯片,患者如果未能遵医嘱服药,芯片就会向患者手机发送提醒短信。

    The company is testing technology that inserts a tiny microchip into each pill swallowed and sends a reminder by text message if they fail to follow their doctors ' prescriptions .

  30. 但是,虽然好几家集团正在路上测试这项技术,同时备有司机在方向盘后以防万一,但大多数人仍认为,完全自动驾驶的到来至少还要两年时间。

    But while a number of groups are testing the technology on the streets with back-up drivers behind the wheel , most believe the advent of full autonomy is at least two years away .