
cè shì bào ɡào
  • test report
  1. 以下是由SGS出具的测试报告。

    The test report release by SGS .

  2. 完成系统测试报告以后,COE将发起NFR测试。

    After completing the system test report , the COE initiates NFR testing .

  3. 在TestNavigator中,展开项目文件夹,双击测试报告。

    From the Test Navigator , expand the project folder and double-click the test reports .

  4. 许多的标准数据项目和测试报告已经提供,以与RationalInsight一起使用。

    Many standard data items and test reports are provided ready to use with Rational Insight .

  5. 在去年12月发表的测试报告中,席图姆让来自两种不同病毒的DNA与水的混合物流过棘轮。

    In tests published last December , Sturm ran a mixture of water and DNA from two different kinds of viruses through the ratchet .

  6. 您已经看到了如何使用Ant显示JMeter测试报告。

    You 've already seen how to display JMeter test reports using Ant .

  7. 机场飞行区域安全系统(AMASS)2000年测试报告/技术报告

    Year 2000 Test Report for the Airport Movement Area Safety System ( AMASS ); Technical note

  8. ±500kV直流输电工程送端接地极大地参数测试报告

    The Measurements of Earth Parameter of Sending End Grounding Electrode for ± 500kV DC Transmission Project

  9. 蛋种鸡中ALV-J、REV感染及相关疫苗的检测褐壳蛋鸡17个品系种鸡血型测试报告

    ALV-J and REV Co-Infection in Layer Chickens and in Live Virus Vaccines The Blood-group Detected Report of 17 Parental Lines in Brown Egg-hen

  10. 质量:Q&Q测试报告将在装货港进行,由SGS或同等标准的检测单位,卖方付费。

    Quality : Q & Q test report will be conducted at the loading port by SGS or Equivalent at the expense of Seller .

  11. 使用在屏幕顶部附近的绿色菜单栏中提供的选项,我们能够选择查看更加详细的测试报告,比如,页面访问、CPU负载和平均负载时间。

    Using the options provided in the green menu bar near the top of the screen , we could have chosen to see more detailed reports covering , for example , page access , CPU load , and average load times .

  12. 它不但已拥有多国的合格测试报告,在港更通过香港生产力促进局(HKPC)的合格水质测试报告。

    The Test Report on the water sample has been obtained from the Hong Kong Productivity Council .

  13. 尽管DominoR5已经出来,供应商还在继续发布新的硬件更新、新的可伸缩性策略、不断改进的I/O配置选项和新的基准测试报告。

    Even though Domino R5 is out , the vendors continue to release new hardware upgrades , new scalability strategy techniques , continuously improved I / O configuration options , and new benchmark reports .

  14. 论文主要的研究内容包括基于CMMB标准移动多媒体广播接收与播放系统中嵌入式软硬件平台的介绍,CMMB相关标准的研究,系统软硬件的设计与实现过程,以及最终系统的测试报告。

    The research content of this paper include introduction of embedded system software and hardware platform , study of CMMB specification , software and hardware design and implementation , system test and result analysis .

  15. 本软件还具备了许多方便现场平衡的辅助功能如矢量合成分解,对影响系数进行保存和调用,自动生成专业的测试报告,对波形进行bmp、jpg等图像格式文件保存,进行远程数据采集分析。

    The software also has functions as FFT , recording and reviewing the influence coefficient , composing and decomposing vector , automatically build measurement record with office , save waveform as bmp and jpg image file format , execute remote data acquisition and analysis .

  16. 人体红外辐射的测试报告

    A Report on Measurement of the Infrared Radiation of Human Body

  17. 每个工厂,测试报告将于今天晚些时候准备。

    Per factory , test reports will be ready late today .

  18. 测试报告。在本测验中,必须使用一个以上的镇流器。

    A sample of one or more ballasts must be used .

  19. 可生成喷油泵测试报告。

    You can get a test report of a tested pump .

  20. 相反的,你已经送往实验室测试报告。

    Instead of that you had sent the lab test report .

  21. 高等师范毕业生的状态&特质焦虑测试报告

    Report of the Test of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory of Teacher College Graduates

  22. 煤矿工人眼手协调机能的测试报告

    A Report of the Mineworkers ' Eye-hand Coordination Ability in a Colliery

  23. 文章的最后附上了系统测试报告。

    Finally the system testing report about PRN is attached .

  24. 我想你已经看过弹道测试报告了吧

    You have seen the ballistics report , I suppose ?

  25. 基于透明计算的龙星网络计算机系统测试报告

    Performance Report of LongXing Network Computer Based on Transparent Computing

  26. 图4显示了压力测试报告中的吞吐量图表。

    Figure 4 shows the throughput chart in the stress test report .

  27. 智力成就责任问卷298名中学生测试报告

    Test Report on 298 High School Students by Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionaire

  28. 公司2011年最新各项环保测试报告请点击此处下载。

    Please click here to download product testing report for2011 .

  29. 学生听力认识调查和耳语测试报告

    Report on Survey of Pupils ' Hearing Knowledge and the Whispered Voice Test

  30. 由实验室撰写的测试报告是否直接送交客户或其代理人?

    Are laboratory test reports sent directly to the client or authorised agent ?