
  • 网络Applied sociology
  1. 本文从中国电梯应急救援管理的现状入手,应用社会学、管理学、行政学等相关理论,采用查阅资料、比较研究、系统分析的方法来分析研究我国电梯应急救援管理的发展过程。

    We analyze the elevator emergency rescue management development process with applied sociology , management , administration and other relevant theories . Literature review , comparative study and systems analysis are proposed for the investigation .

  2. 本文除了主要应用社会学方法外,还用了图像分析和文本分析的方法。把宋代绘画置于美术史、历史和学术史的背景中来综合考察。

    This text still used the methods of image analysis and text analysis apart from the main applied sociology method , at the same time had the investigation of the painting of the Sung Dynasty within the background of art history , history and academic history .

  3. 应用社会学是社会学的重要分支学科之一。

    Applying sociology is one of sociological main branch course .

  4. 交通社会学:对一门新生应用社会学的构想

    Traffic Sociology : Conceiving on the New Applied Sociology

  5. 这使得应用社会学的方法来研究法律成为一种趋势和必然。

    This makes researching laws by the way of sociological method become a trend .

  6. 这方面的分析可以应用社会学研究中的生命历程典范。

    The life-course research , which is widely applied in recent decades , can be utilized in such analyses .

  7. 首先,应用社会学的基本原理得到了农民工再社会化的基本结论。

    Firstly , the some basic conclusions are found for the resocialization because of using the sociological basic knowledge .

  8. 近年来,应用社会学的发展主要表现在调查和研究方法方面。

    In recent years , the development that uses sociology basically is behaved in investigation and research technique respect .

  9. 对作为一种社会现象的排球运动,从宏观的角度,应用社会学原理对排球运动的社会价值进行了分析研究,排球运动主要有健身、健美、娱乐、教育、政治、经济价值等。

    This paper studies bodybuilding , shape-up , entertaining , educational , political and economical social values of volleyball from sociological point of view .

  10. 第四章主要应用社会学的社会控制的观点和角色理论对矿上的经常性安全教育方法进行系统的说明和分析。

    The paper analyzed the methods about the standing education of the safety norms in Tao he coal mine by social control and role theory .

  11. 应用社会学理论分析科技产业转移中的热点事件,笔者认为科技产业中公众社会行为模式主要分为三类。

    Applied Sociological Theory in the hot transfer technology industry event , I believe that civil society in the technology industry is divided into three patterns of behavior .

  12. 方法应用社会学评估方法,对试行合同购买卫生Ⅷ项目重点卫生服务1年以上的某项目县运行情况进行现场调查分析。

    Methods Applying sociological evaluation method , the operation of contract pur - chased priority health interventions service of health ⅷ project for more than one year in a polit county was investigated and analyzed .

  13. 为此,作者从社会学的视角出发,参考前人的研究方法、借鉴前人的研究成果,在实地调查的基础上,应用社会学的原理与方法,对农村居民生活质量问题展开研究。

    So taking the angle of sociology and consulting the methods and conclusion of former researchers ' , the author applied relative theories and methods of sociology to studied the QOL of habitants of villages .

  14. 本文旨在应用社会学的基本理论来分析中国近代文学翻译活动的变异现象,揭示文学翻译活动与社会、历史事件之间深刻的关系。

    The purpose of this thesis is to apply the basic sociological theories to literary translation to analyze the deviant phenomena in literary translation and explore the relationship between the literary translation activity and broader social and historical events .

  15. 本文就是围绕虚拟企业的发展及其对信任的需要,综合应用社会学、管理学、数学模型、博弈论及信息建模等多种理论工具研究了虚拟企业信任机制问题。

    This dissertation talks about Virtual enterprise 's trust mechanism . It tries to analyze requirement of trust in the development of Virtual enterprise through the sociology and some other theories and tools such as management , mathematics and information modeling .

  16. 因此,笔者认为应用社会符号学理论作为翻译研究和翻译教学中的核心理论是比较合适的。

    Social semiotics is appropriate to be the core theory of the translation study and translation teaching .

  17. 为中医治未病在外科临床中应用的社会学和经济学价值提供了参考。

    For surgical clinical application in the treatment of disease development , sociology and economics value provides a reference .

  18. 历史决定论断言,由于社会规律具有历史相对性,因而大多数的物理学方法不能应用于社会学。

    Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology .

  19. 这一理论已被应用于社会学、国际关系学、伦理学以及教育学的各门学科。

    The theory has been applied in many fields , including sociology , international relationships , ethics and various subjects in education .

  20. 作者在教学实践中应用了社会学群体动力理论,提出了教学过程中的两种转换:一是教师身份的转换,即授课者由教师角色转换成班集的群体领袖;

    The author applies the theory of group dynamics sociology and put forward two changes : one is the change of teachers ' arole ;

  21. 本文综合应用城市社会学、社区地理学、创新理论、新公共管理理论、城市经济学和可持续城市理论对城市社区管理理论和实践进行深入的研究。

    The thesis comprehensively applies urban sociology , community geography , innovation theory , new public management theory , urban economics and sustainable city theory in profound research on the theories and practices of urban community management .

  22. 通过对浙江省丽水市竹产业发展的背景条件及发展过程的简要总结,进而应用山区社会学社会发展理论,对浙南山区丽水市竹产业发展的个案进行实证研究。

    A case study of the development of bamboo industry in Lishui , a mountainous city in the south of Zhejiang Province , was conducted by briefly concluding the backgrounds and process of the development of bamboo industry in Lishui and applying the theories of social development in mountain areas .

  23. 其主要目标在于能够应用人类学与社会学理论的观念来诠释文化现象。

    The goal is to be able to use , in writing , the concepts of anthropological and social theory to interpret cultural phenomena .

  24. 规范被广泛地应用于法学、社会学、国际关系学等社会科学的诸多领域。

    The concept of norms is widely used in the social sciences , from law and ethics to social psychology and international relations .

  25. 作为一种有效的建模工具,它被广泛应用于生物学、社会学、物理学等领域。传染病模型可描述疾病在人群中传播的动力学过程。

    As an effective modeling tool , it is applied in biology , sociology , physics , etc. Epidemic models can describe the dynamics of epidemic spreading among individuals .

  26. 本论文以各国监狱艾滋病管理的先进经验和体系模式作为借鉴和补充,应用管理学、社会学、法学等理论和方法,立足云南监狱艾滋病管理现状,对监狱艾滋病的预防与控制进行研究。

    It applies theory and methods in Management , Sociology , Law and so on . As based on the status of ADIS management in Yunnan Prison , this paper researches AIDS prevention and control of the prison .

  27. 本文将以历史唯物史观和辩证唯物主义史观为基本指导思想,应用教育学、社会学相关理论,运用历史学等多学科研究方法,利用各种有效的研究资源,来实现本文的研究目的。

    This paper will take historical materialism and dialectical history view as the basic guiding principle , and meanwhile use applied education , sociology theories , history perspective as multi-disciplinary research methods , using a variety of effective research resources to achieve the purpose of this study .