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  1. 市场条件决定价格应高还是低。

    Market conditions dictate whether the price should be high or low .

  2. 也就是说,没有人告诉你到底该做什么,也没有人告诉你应高优先做什么。

    By that I mean there 's no one else telling you what to work on or what tasks to prioritize .

  3. 梗阻性黄疸可导致淤胆性肝硬变,术前应高蛋白饮食,补充维生素,保肝药物治疗,改善肝功能。

    Jaundice obstructive poses the risk of leading to cholestatic hepatitis , the pre-operative prophylactic measures include high protein diet , supplement of vitamins , liver protectant application , and the improvement of liver function .

  4. PET的改性应向着高性能化、高功能化、高附加值的方向发展。

    The modification of PET should face to the direction of high performance , high function and high additional value .

  5. 这一假说认为,生产率较高(如人均国内生产总值(gdp)较高)的国家,其平均价格水平也应更高。

    This hypothesis stipulates that average prices should be higher in countries with higher productivity ( ie higher gross domestic product per head ) .

  6. PLA纤维染色应选用高浓度、高耐晒牢度的中温型分散染料。

    This suggests that PLA fibers should be dyed with high dye concentration and moderate temperature disperse dyes of higher lightfastness .

  7. 结论:对儿童时期发生的不明原因的感音神经性听力损失或(和)突发性聋,应行高分辨率CT扫描,以了解是否存在不伴耳蜗畸形的大前庭水管综合征。

    Conclusion : It is important to identify followed by high-resolution computer tomography whether a large vestibular aqueduct syndrome when a causal uncertain sensorineural hearing loss or / and a sudden deafness onset in childhood is represented .

  8. 为了改善烧结矿的软熔性能,应生产高碱度的含微孔的烧结矿,同时在烧结混合料中应配加适量的MgO。

    In order to improve softening and melting characteristic of sinter , highly basicity sinter having microholes should be produced and magnesia should be properly added into the sinter feed .

  9. 当前应维持高水平的OPV免疫接种率,但随着全球消灭脊灰的进展,应适时修订免疫策略。

    High level of OPV vaccination coverage should be maintained but immunization strategy should be modified in time with the development of global polio eradication .

  10. 高技术企业经营业绩的评价应结合高技术企业的特点,借鉴BSC基本原理,构建财务、成长性、价值链流程、产品与技术创新、智力资本开发五个维度的评价指标体系。

    Performance evaluation to high-tech enterprise should be taken into its characteristics account . By means of BSC principles , we can construct five dimension evaluation indices : financial , growth , value-chain process , production and technology creation , intelligence capital developing .

  11. 结果表明,内壁赤道带原始焊缝处残余应力高达0.72sσ,说明球罐建造时的热处理效果较差;

    The results show that the residual stress is as high as 0.72 σ s at the prior welded equatorial zone .

  12. 为此,1.3μmDFB激光管是关键器件,应具有高线性特性,以便同时传输较多路数的电视,又要求提供大功率,以便扩大服务用户数。

    Thus , 1.3 μ m DFB laser is the most critical device for multichannel AM-VSB video transmission . High linearity is necessary for transmission of more video channels , and high output power is necessary to serve greater number of subscriber terminals .

  13. 发电机组的一次调频控制回路中由于数字电液调节系统与机械液压调节系统的并存,使得本应发挥高灵敏度作用的DEH调节系统中设置了和机械液压机组相同的调频死区。

    In China , Digital electro-hydraulic ( DEH ) and Mechanical hydraulic control ( MHC ) exist together in primary frequency regulation loop in power system , so the DEH systems with high sensitivity has been placed dead bands as the same as MHC system .

  14. 因此,应提高高粘度指数(HVI)基础油的比例,并选用溶剂精制与加氢处理相结合的方法由中间基原油生产HVI基础油。

    So the proportion of high viscosity index ( HVI ) base oil should be increased , and the method of combining solvent refining and hydrotreating should be applied to produce HVI base oil from intermediate base crude oil .

  15. 在SCE-UA算法中,目标函数的建立对于参数优化具有重要作用,在次洪模拟时,目标函数应突出高水过程和洪峰对模拟效果的影响;

    In SCE-UA algorithm , the establishment of the objective function is important for parameter optimization , and the effects of high-water flood process and flood peak should be emphasized in the establishment of the objective function for flood simulation .

  16. 低应力高周疲劳的寿命计算

    The calculation for the low stress and high cycle fatigue life

  17. 理想的肿瘤标记物应具有高特异性,适于人群普查。

    Ideal tumor marker should be highly specific and suitable for detecting .

  18. 陶瓷砂轮比金刚石砂轮的磨削残余压应力高。

    The residual stresses of ceramics wheel are higher than diamond wheel .

  19. 评价优等生作文的标准应更高一点。

    The standard of evaluating top students should be higher .

  20. 系统应具有高可靠性和实用性。

    Reliability and availabilityof the system shall be very high .

  21. 高校党员教师应做高层次道德规范的实践者

    CPC Member Teachers in Colleges and Universities Should Enthusiastically Practice High-level Moral Norms

  22. 管理结果应带来高士气和高效率。

    The result of management should accord with high morale and high efficiency .

  23. 他们认为,学生在大学里应学到高水平的知识和技能;

    They think , students should learn high-level knowledge and skill in the university ;

  24. 应调高设计基准期等参数;

    Such parameters as design benchmark period , etc.

  25. 税收分流的对象应为高收入阶层所拥有的储蓄存款。

    The scattering object of tax should be the savings owned by the higher class .

  26. 专家建议,在城市规划和建筑物选址时应注意高氡地质背景区。

    It is proved that the magmatic mixing occurred in a special geological time and setting .

  27. 为实现对高功率氧碘激光器腔内偏振态的控制,不能采用常规的偏振控制元件,最好应采用高反射位相延迟镜。

    In order to control the polarization characteristics , the phase retardance mirror must be used .

  28. 即:注入的能量在各絮凝阶段的水体中应具有高程度的均匀分布;

    The energy input should have a more uniform distribution in each stage of hydraulic flocculator .

  29. 静电复印纸应具有高白度、高挺度、纸面细腻和良好的表面强度等要求。

    Electrostatic duplicating paper is required to show high whiteness , high stiffness and good surface strength .

  30. 喂养干预对特应性高风险婴儿湿疹、食物过敏影响的跟踪研究

    Effects of feeding intervention on development of eczema in atopy high-risk infants : an 18-month follow-up study