
  • 网络applied astronomy;practical astronomy
  1. 应用天文学研究进展

    The Progress in Studies on Applied Astronomy

  2. 尽管主要应用于天文学计划,其他学科也开始采用这一想法。

    Although astronomical projects still dominate , other sciences are starting to adopt the idea .

  3. 直到雷达技术应用于天文学以前,人类对金星的了解还极为肤浅。

    Until radar technique was used in astronomy , Man 's knowledge of Venus was still very superficial .

  4. 地球自转长期变化的研究依赖于古代天象记录.近年来这方面研究取得明显进展.古代天象记录与应用历史天文学

    732 Chinese lunar records are used to study the secular variation of the earth 's rotation . Ancient Astronomical Observation and Applied Historical Astronomy

  5. 图像处理最重要的分支之一是图像恢复,被广泛的应用于天文学、医学、遥感图像分析、考古研究、零件缺陷检测、工业控制和法律鉴定等各个领域。

    Image restoration is one of the most important branches in image processing , and has been widely applied in lots of fields , such as astronomy , medicine , remote sensing and industry .

  6. 它的应用已从天文学转移到通讯、服务机构。

    The applications have moved from astronomy to problems of communications , servomechanisms .

  7. 同时,该数据管理系统也可以推广到其它数据密集型应用领域,例如天文学、生物信息学等等,为这些领域的海量数据管理提供强有力的支持。

    At the same time , this platform can also be applied into other data-intensive application fields such as astronomy and bioinformatics and support massive data management in these fields .