
yìnɡ biàn jì huà
  • Contingency plan;fallback;contingency plan/planning;crash program/project
  1. 在遇到恶劣天气的时候,CFA有什么应变计划?

    What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather ?

  2. 定期举行演习以操练反恐应变计划。

    C conduct regular exercises to practise and hone counter-terrorism contingency plans .

  3. 经过长期的约会训练,我们已经有一套应变计划

    We 've been dating a long time . We have contingency plans .

  4. 为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应变计划。

    We should draw up a realistic contingency plan for meeting another energy crisis .

  5. 各决策局及政府部门会按照应变计划执行不同的具体任务,而。

    All bureaux and government departments have specific roles to play in accordance with the dbcp .

  6. 对付核攻击的应变计划。

    Contingency plans for nuclear attack .

  7. 目前看来,欧洲需要宣布一个针对欧元区解体的应变计划。

    At this point , Europe needs to spell out a contingency plan for a eurozone break-up .

  8. 演习顺利完成,证实业界所拟备的应变计划稳健妥当。

    The successful completion of the rehearsal proved the robustness of the contingency arrangements put in place .

  9. 建立应变计划,当发现问题时可以使项目回到正轨上来。

    Develop contingency plans to help put a project back on track when problems have been identified .

  10. 在目前这种情况下,应变计划将有助于减少、而非增加不确定性。

    At this juncture , contingency plans would help to reduce uncertainty , rather than add to it .

  11. 反恐怖活动应变计划

    Counter terrorism contingency plan

  12. 前项紧急应变计划之内容及格式,由中央主管机关定之。

    The central competent authority shall determine the content and format of the emergency response plan in the foregoing paragraph .

  13. 海事处污染控制小组负责制订政府的油污紧急应变计划,并负责清理海面油污。

    The Pollution Control Unit of the Marine Department formulates the government 's Oil Pollution Contingency Plan and cleans up oil spills .

  14. 金管局亦制定详尽的减低风险及应变计划,以应付银行及货币体系万一出现的问题。

    The HKMA also developed detailed risk mitigation and contingency plans to cater for potential problems arising in the banking and monetary sector .

  15. 再次,针对上文提到的财务危机问题,制定出危机应变计划及应对财务危机的具体措施。

    Again , for the above-mentioned financial crisis , a crisis to develop contingency plans and specific measures to deal with the financial crisis .

  16. 报告也指出,在缺乏明确的意外事故应变计划的情况下,政府较容易受到来自政界和媒体的短期压力左右。

    The report also notes that without clear contingency planning , governments are more likely to be driven by the short-term political and media pressures .

  17. 如果核电站事件,当地的州政府和联邦机构、电力设施部门要有紧急应变计划。

    Local and state governments , federal agencies , and the electric utilities have emergency response plans in the event of a nuclear power plant incident .

  18. 那是对韩国高级将领有关北韩核问题一番话的反应。韩国韩国参谋长联席会议主席说,首尔有向北韩核武器基地进行先发制人袭击的应变计划。

    That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .

  19. 为处理重大海洋油污染紧急事件,中央主管机关应拟订海洋油污染紧急应变计划,报请行政院核定之。

    The central competent authority shall draft marine oil pollution emergency response plans in order to handle major marine oil pollution emergencies and shall submit these plans to the Executive Yuan for approval .

  20. 既然对欧元区解体的担忧已经出现、并影响了投资者的资金流动,那么宣布此类应变计划的成本效益分析,就完全不同于1999年的情况。

    Since fears about a break-up are already present and affecting investors ' flows , the cost-benefit analysis of announcing such contingency plans is very different to what it would have been in 1999 .

  21. 报告称,在危机期间,政界人士和政府官员在媒体和公众要求采取行动的压力下,可能会改变行动方针,从而破坏官方事前制定的应变计划。

    Politicians and government officials , under pressure to take action from the media and the public , may change course during a crisis , potentially undermining plans made by bureaucrats , it says .

  22. 前项紧急应变计划,应包含分工、通报系统、监测系统、训练、设施、处理措施及其它相关事项。

    The emergency response plans in the foregoing paragraph shall provide for a division of tasks , a notification system , a monitoring system , training , facilities , handling measures and other related matters .

  23. 个别金融机构和整体金融服务业均制定应变计划,以防范、减低及应付电脑公元二千年数位问题对金融服务可能造成的影响。

    At the sector-wide level , a set of detailed contingency plans was put in place to deal with situations where the financial services sector as a whole would be affected as a result of the problem .

  24. 全球变暖、温室效应、臭氧层大洞都以其洲际规模让我们感到震惊,但是还没有人提出一项包括限制大型跨国公司或者改变我们的消费方式的应变计划。

    The continental scale of global warming , the greenhouse effect , and the hole in the ozone layer all have shocked us . But no one has a contingency plan that includes controlling large international corporations or changing how we consume .

  25. 而其运作程序,主要由7个步骤构成,即管理哲学、任务、业务评价→环境分析→全球战略→应变计划→子公司计划、预算→控制系统→计划修订实施。

    The operating procedure included seven steps , that is , management philosophy , tasks , business evaluation → environmental analysis → global strategy → plans of dealing with → subsidiary planning , budget → the system of control → amendment and implement of planning .

  26. 几天前,北韩警告说,它可以把韩国夷为焦土。那是对韩国高级将领有关北韩核问题一番话的反应。韩国韩国参谋长联席会议主席说,首尔有向北韩核武器基地进行先发制人袭击的应变计划。

    Several days ago , North Korea warned it may turn the South into a " sea of ashes . " That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .

  27. 北韩的愤怒多半集中在韩国参谋长联席会议主席金泰荣最近发表的讲话上。金泰荣对韩国议员说,如果有迹象显示北韩确实准备进犯,那么韩国也备有袭击北韩核武器场地的应变计划。

    Much of the North 's anger is focused on recent testimony by South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Kim Tae-young , who told lawmakers there are contingency plans to strike North Korea 's nuclear weapons sites , if it became clear the North seems poised to attack .

  28. 应变安排,应急计划保养维护的策略&预先计划或随机应变?

    The maintenance strategy ; planned or reactive ?

  29. 意外事故预先计划及应急程序条令应变安排,应急计划

    Contingency plans and emergency procedures manual