- 名Contingency plan;fallback;contingency plan/planning;crash program/project

What is the CFA Institute contingency plan in the event of inclement weather ?
C conduct regular exercises to practise and hone counter-terrorism contingency plans .
We 've been dating a long time . We have contingency plans .
We should draw up a realistic contingency plan for meeting another energy crisis .
All bureaux and government departments have specific roles to play in accordance with the dbcp .
Contingency plans for nuclear attack .
At this point , Europe needs to spell out a contingency plan for a eurozone break-up .
The successful completion of the rehearsal proved the robustness of the contingency arrangements put in place .
Develop contingency plans to help put a project back on track when problems have been identified .
At this juncture , contingency plans would help to reduce uncertainty , rather than add to it .
Counter terrorism contingency plan
The central competent authority shall determine the content and format of the emergency response plan in the foregoing paragraph .
The Pollution Control Unit of the Marine Department formulates the government 's Oil Pollution Contingency Plan and cleans up oil spills .
The HKMA also developed detailed risk mitigation and contingency plans to cater for potential problems arising in the banking and monetary sector .
Again , for the above-mentioned financial crisis , a crisis to develop contingency plans and specific measures to deal with the financial crisis .
The report also notes that without clear contingency planning , governments are more likely to be driven by the short-term political and media pressures .
Local and state governments , federal agencies , and the electric utilities have emergency response plans in the event of a nuclear power plant incident .
That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .
The central competent authority shall draft marine oil pollution emergency response plans in order to handle major marine oil pollution emergencies and shall submit these plans to the Executive Yuan for approval .
Since fears about a break-up are already present and affecting investors ' flows , the cost-benefit analysis of announcing such contingency plans is very different to what it would have been in 1999 .
Politicians and government officials , under pressure to take action from the media and the public , may change course during a crisis , potentially undermining plans made by bureaucrats , it says .
The emergency response plans in the foregoing paragraph shall provide for a division of tasks , a notification system , a monitoring system , training , facilities , handling measures and other related matters .
At the sector-wide level , a set of detailed contingency plans was put in place to deal with situations where the financial services sector as a whole would be affected as a result of the problem .
The continental scale of global warming , the greenhouse effect , and the hole in the ozone layer all have shocked us . But no one has a contingency plan that includes controlling large international corporations or changing how we consume .
The operating procedure included seven steps , that is , management philosophy , tasks , business evaluation → environmental analysis → global strategy → plans of dealing with → subsidiary planning , budget → the system of control → amendment and implement of planning .
Several days ago , North Korea warned it may turn the South into a " sea of ashes . " That was a response to testimony by South Korea 's joint chiefs of staff chairman that Seoul has contingency plans to preemptively strike North Korean nuclear weapons sites .
Much of the North 's anger is focused on recent testimony by South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Kim Tae-young , who told lawmakers there are contingency plans to strike North Korea 's nuclear weapons sites , if it became clear the North seems poised to attack .
The maintenance strategy ; planned or reactive ?
Contingency plans and emergency procedures manual