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zào fǎn
  • rise in rebellion;rebel;revolt;muting;uprising;insurgency;rise up
造反 [zào fǎn]
  • (1) [rebel; revolt]∶同处于统治或支配地位的个人或集团抗衡,试图推翻之

  • (2) [muting]∶反叛行为

造反[zào fǎn]
  1. 几个造反的下院议员已与反对派站在一起。

    The rebel MPs have realigned themselves with the opposition party .

  2. 要是一天23小时被关在一间牢房里,谁都会造反的。

    You become a rebel if you are banged up in a cell 23 hours a day .

  3. 农民威胁说要造反。

    The peasants threatened to revolt .

  4. 农民起来造反了。

    The peasants rose in revolt .

  5. 如果他们造反,他们就要发生危险。

    They will be in danger if they are rebellious .

  6. 他的目的是,在主教方面煽起一场小小的造反。

    His object was to instigate a little rebellion on the part of the bishop .

  7. 同志们,我要告诉你们的就是这个:造反!

    That is my message to you , comrades : Rebellion !

  8. 因此,选民的造反并不令人震惊,也并不荒谬。

    So voters " insurrection is neither shocking nor irrational .

  9. 特赦造反的人经大赦释放回家。

    The rebels returned home under a general amnesty .

  10. 我发誓,我没想造反。

    I meant no harm , I swear .

  11. 事实上精神规则规定如果发生队内造反

    Actually , spirit law states that if there 's ever a cheer mutiny ,

  12. 造反那次叛乱很快被平定,双方死亡人数还不到十二人。

    The insurrection was easily suppressed , less than a dozen being slain on both sides .

  13. 可是,他不但没有将风暴平息下去,反而由于一系列欠考虑的演说,促使造反群众一致起来坚决反对他。决心做某事。

    Instead of calming the storm , he arrayed the insurgent masses decisively against him by a series of indiscreet speeches

  14. 一天,国王得到消息,边境地区有一群不法之徒正在造反。

    The king received news one day that a group outlaws were committing outrages on a distant border of the kingdom .

  15. 我也不知道造反会在何时发生,或许近在一周之内,或许远在百年之后。

    I do not know when that Rebellion will come , it might be in a week or in a hundred years ,

  16. 在其恶名达致顶峰之际,只要他动一动嘴皮子,成千上成的布尔人马上就能起兵造反。

    At the peak of his notoriety , said that tens of thousands of commandos would rise up when he gave the word .

  17. 但是,仅仅几年之后,随着青年造反运动在世界各地兴起,反威权主义者把军装用于颠覆活动。

    But only a few years later , as a youth revolt emerged around the world , anti-authoritarians pressed the army jacket into subversive service .

  18. 因为遭受了残暴统治的巨大痛苦,刘邦在秦末和项羽一起揭竿造反。

    Having suffered a lot under the despotic rule , Liu Bang rose against it at the end of the Qin Dynasty together with Xiang Yu .

  19. 公元前771年,当许多诸侯国造反时,犬戎族的军队趁机夺取了镐京,杀掉了周幽王。

    In 771 B.C. when several of the vassals rebelled , the army of the Quanrong ethnic group took its chance , captured Haojing and killed King You .

  20. 但是宦官并不满足于此,公元169年,他们对13岁的灵帝说朋党欲造反。

    The eunuchs were not content with just removing the partisans from government . In 169 , they persuaded the 13-year-old Emperor Ling that the partisans were intent to rebel .

  21. 别人给朱元璋提议:不要只做一个受欢迎的造反者,而要当民族领袖,反抗处于崩溃边缘的元朝统治者——外来的蒙古人。

    He was advised to present himself not as a popular rebel but as a national leader against the foreign Mongols whose Yuan Dynasty was on the point of collapse .

  22. 至于皮卡丘是否致电过他的对手来表示祝贺,或是与同类的电系咚咚鼠及雷丘密谋造反,就不得而知了。

    There 's no word as to whether Pikachu has called his rival to congratulate him , or is instead meeting with fellow electric-types Dedenne and Raichu to plot a coup .

  23. 这些被池看在眼里,忘了“老老实实改造”的训示,在大庭广众面前就吼了起来,造反派组织了“现场批斗会”,狠狠斗这条“翻天”的“牛”。

    When he saw such behavior he forgot the directive of " remoulding in real earnest ' and roared with indignation at these actors . A public meeting wits held on the spot by the rebels to severely denounce this " ox " who wanted to " overturn heaven . "