
  1. 同样,高等职业教育在面临着培养具有现代化和信息化素质的高水平的应用技术人才的重任。

    And as for high vocational education , it isfaced the strong mission of cultivating modern and informational person .

  2. 近年来,上海各行各业尤其是现代制造业对高学历、高技能的应用技术人才需求猛增。

    In recent years , Shanghai is a modern manufacturing industries in particular , on a highly educated and skilled application of the surge in demand for technical personnel .

  3. 摘要实践教学是培养应用型技术人才的重要环节。

    Practical teaching is an important loop for fostering applied technological talents .

  4. 长沙市应用型技术人才的调查与分析

    Survey and analysis on applied technological talents in Changsha

  5. 房地产专业应用技术型人才培养模式研究

    Research of Personnel Training Mode of Technical Talent for Application of Real Estate Professionals

  6. 职业教育的培养目标是各类型应用型技术人才和高素质的劳动者。

    The target of vocational education is cultivating various types of technical talents and high-quality workers .

  7. 现代旅游业的发展进步,旅游市场的激烈竞争,迫切需要培养高层次的应用技术型人才。

    The development of modern tourism and the keen competition of tourism market demand the high-level applied personnel .

  8. 发展高等职业技术教育,培养高素质应用性技术人才,是社会发展的迫切需要。

    It is the urgent social need to develop higher vocational education and train applying technique talents with high quality .

  9. 高职院校的培养目标一般定位为培养具有较高综合素质的高级应用技术型人才。

    The higher vocational training objectives generally defined as a culture with high overall quality of the advanced application technology talents .

  10. 因此,大力发展职业教育和职业培训,培养一大批高素质应用技术型人才己刻不容缓。

    Thus , it is of great necessity to promote professional education and training so as to cultivate quality technical talents .

  11. 高等职业教育的重要使命就是为行业、企业培养所需要的高级应用型技术人才。

    One of the important missions of higher vocational education is to train advanced technical talents needed for industries arid companies .

  12. 实践教学是职业教育培养德智体等方面全面发展的应用型技术人才的重要手段。

    Practical teaching is an important method of training technical personnel of all-round development in moral , intellectual and physical education .

  13. 伴随着经济的高速增长,社会对应用型技术人才的需求与日俱增,使得我国中等职业教育呈现出巨大的发展潜力。

    Rapid economic growth matched with its huge demand for applied technicians help drive Chinese secondary vocational education into a bright prospect .

  14. 黑龙江工程学院职业技术学院自2001年经黑龙江省教育厅批准成立以来,坚持以生为本的办学理念,培养社会所需的工程、管理等一线应用型技术人才。

    Heilongjiang institute of technology and profession has established since 2001 . The department adheres to the school in the view of students .

  15. 职业教育作为教育事业不可缺少的一部分,担负着为国家培养并输送高素质应用型技术人才的重任。

    As an important part of education , professional education shoulders the significant task of culturing and transporting high-qualified talents of applied technology .

  16. 高职高专的人才培养目标是高等应用型技术人才和管理人才,因此,其专业建设的指导思想与普通高校专业建设的指导思想有明显地不同,具有鲜明地特色。

    The objective of talented persons training is the higher technological personnel and management personnel . Thus , the guiding idea has its own features .

  17. 毕业综合课题环节是高职教育的一个重要组成部分,是高职应用性技术人才培养的关键实践环节。

    The graduation synthesis topic link is a higher vocational education important constituent , is the higher occupation application technology talented person raise key practice link .

  18. 作为我国职业教育体系的有机组成部分,中等职业教育担负着向社会输送合格的劳动者和应用型技术人才的重要任务。

    As an organic part of vocational education system in our country , secondary vocational education undertakes the important task of providing qualified workers and application technology personnel to the society .

  19. 二十世纪九十年代以来,我国高等职业技术教育蓬勃发展,为经济、社会的发展培养了大批应用型技术人才。

    Since 1990s , the high vocational and technical education of our country grew vigorously . It have trained large quantities of applied technicians for the development of the economy and society .

  20. 我国的高等职业教育是在中等文化起点、基础上,培养生产、管理、服务第一线、具备综合职业能力和全面素质的高级应用技术型人才的专业教育。

    The education of higher vocational Technical College in our country takes secondary education as starting points to train advanced practical people of talent in production , administration , service who possess multiple abilities and all-round developments .

  21. 我国高职教育以培养掌握一定的专业基础知识,具备较强的职业综合能力,在建设、管理、服务等第一线工作的高级应用技术型人才为目标。

    The target of China higher vocational education is to equip the high-level application technical talents who work on the front line of construction , management and service etc. with certain professional knowledge and strong vocational comprehensive ability .

  22. 伴随着我国经济社会的高速发展,高职教育办学规模也在迅速扩大,为社会培养了大量的高级应用型技术人才,这在一定程度上缓解了国家对技术型人员的需求。

    With the rapid development of economy and society , the scale of higher vocational education is also expanding rapidly , which provides a large number of high-level trained mechanics and eases the supply-and-demand contradiction on skilled personnel to some extent .

  23. 论述了高职高专学校人才培养模式的特点,简要介绍职业技能鉴定及其意义,通过参加职业技能鉴定可提高学生的综合素质,有助于应用型技术人才的培养。

    This essay discusses characteristics of the cultivation mode in colleges and significance of craftsmanship appraisal on occupation . Joining craftsmanship appraisal can raise comprehensive quality of the college students and do much good to the cultivation of applied technical personnel .

  24. 构建实践型实验实训中心培养应用型高级技术人才

    Constructing Practic-Oriented Training Center to Foster Senior Application-Oriented Technical Manpower

  25. 欠发达地区应用型技术管理人才培养模式探索

    Research on training model of applied talents of technology management in less-developed areas

  26. 以行业学会为平台,探索应用型工程技术人才的培养

    Exploring the Cultivation of Applied Talents in Engineering and Technology on the Platform of Industrial Associations

  27. 由于市场的激烈竞争,企业需要大量掌握CAD/CAM的应用型高级技术人才。

    With the fierce market competition , companies need a large number of master CAD / CAM application-oriented high-level technical talents .

  28. 阐述了测绘工程专业高级应用型工程技术人才的培养目标及应用型人才的内涵;

    It presents the training target of the advanced practical personnel of the surveying and mapping engineering specialty and practical personnel 's intention .

  29. 高职应用电子技术专业人才培养规格和课程体系改革的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Talent-developing Standards and Course System Reform for the Specialty of Applied Electronic Technology of Higher Vocational and Technical Education

  30. 产学结合,让学生在工程环境中成长,是培养应用型工程技术人才的途径;

    This paper showed the combination of practice and learning , letting students grow in the engineer - ing environment was one way to train applied engineering technical talents .