
  1. 我国工业产品质量综合评价的抽样模型

    A Sample Model of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on Chinese Industrial Products

  2. 信息产业部邮电工业产品质量监督检验中心

    Posts and Telecommunications Industry Products Quality Surveillance and Inspection Center of MII

  3. 无损检测技术在工业产品质量检验中的作用

    The Role of Non-destructive Testing of Industrial Technology in the Product Quality Examination

  4. 如何提高和保证工业产品质量诌议

    How to Improve and Ensure Quality of Industrial products

  5. 工业产品质量的模糊抽样评价方法

    Fuzzy Sample Evaluation Method of Industrial Product Quality

  6. 工业产品质量的宏观综合评价

    A Synthetic Evaluation of the Industrial Product Quality

  7. 工业产品质量指数编制的理论探讨

    Theoretical Research in Industry Product Quality Index Establishment

  8. 工业产品质量的宏观管理是经济运行中的重要课题。

    The macro management of industrial product quality is an important subject in economic motion .

  9. 快速而稳定的三维面形检测技术对于工业产品质量控制具有重要的意义。

    Fast and robust 3D shape inspection is of big importance for industrial quality control .

  10. 中国轻工业产品质量保障中心授予“全国质量信得过产品”称号;

    China Light Industry Products Quality Assurance Center awarded the " National Quality Trustworthy Product ";

  11. 聚酯工业产品质量的在线软测量

    On-line Soft-sensor of Industrial Poly Production Quality

  12. 工业产品质量状况的综合评价是宏观经济管理中的重要问题。

    The comprehensive evaluation of industrial product quality situation is an important problem in macroscopic economic management .

  13. 缺少合格工人会减缓工业产品质量提高的步伐。

    The lack of qualified workers might slow the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced .

  14. 为对工业产品质量状况进行综合评价,提出了一种以模糊数学为基础的非离散抽样理论。

    A non discrete sample theory was developed using fuzzy mathematics for the comprehensive evaluation of industrial product quality .

  15. 通过借鉴工业产品质量控制中过程能力指数的内涵,提出了服务企业过程能力指数的概念。

    This article mainly discusses the process capacity index for service enterprises which is commonly used in the industry production .

  16. 通过对工业产品质量标准的分析,提出了杜绝三无产品,优选名牌产品,质量对比分析等一般的设备选择原则。

    This paper suggests some general choice principles for the mormal equipment or products after analysis the quality standands of the industrial products .

  17. 该技术还可应用于计算机视觉、模式识别、工业产品质量检测、医学影像等应用领域。

    And the matching technique can be applied in the fields of computer vision , pattern recognition , industrial products quality inspecting and medical imaging .

  18. 这个理论用于工业产品质量的宏观管理将带来质量管理体制的变化并节约质量管理的费用。

    The theory applied to the macroscopic quality management of industrial products will change the management of product quality and reduce the costs of quality management .

  19. 现行工业产品质量指数因直接相加产品抽查批次、没有考虑产品市场占有率、且不具抽样随机性原则而有失科学性。

    The present industry product quality index is unscientific because of its direct adding of products sample , without the consideration of the rate of its occupation in the market , etc.

  20. 由于墨量系统对印刷工业产品质量具有关键的作用,所以在印刷机的生产制造中,墨量控制系统越来越具有重要的意义。

    As for the ink quantity system plays an important role in quality of printing product , so it becomes more and more significant in the field of printing machine production .

  21. 光谱分析测试技术和光谱仪器的应用非常广泛,在物理化学基础理论研究、天文观测、矿产资源勘测和工业产品质量分析等领域发挥着重要作用。

    Spectral analyzer and Spectrometer are used widely , play an important role in research of physical chemistry basics , astronomical observation , mine reconnaissance , product quality analysis and so on .

  22. 现代科技的发展对纺织工业产品质量提出了新的要求,纺织工业各种设备的更新改进势在必行。

    The development of modern science and technology information has put forward new requirements on the product quality of textile industry . It has become a necessity to improve and update all equipments in this industry .

  23. 介绍了催化动力学的原理,研究了其理论基础,评述了其在催化动力学光度法、催化荧光分析法等领域以及工业产品质量检验等方面的应用、发展趋势。

    The article introduces and studies the theory of catalysis dynamics and its theoretic foundation , and reviews its application and development trend in photometry method of catalysis dynamics , catalysis fluorescence analysis method and quality inspection of industrial production . Thirty-two disquisitions are cited .

  24. 提高工业氧化铍产品质量的工艺措施

    Technologic Measures for Improvement of Commercial BeO Quality

  25. 微粒粒径是材料学科中一项重要的参数指标,其直观的反应了工业产品的质量。

    The particle size is an important parameter index in materials science , which response to the quality of industrial products intuitively .

  26. 选择反应性能好的还原剂、原料以及合理的电炉参数是提高工业硅产品质量和工业硅电炉热效率,降低能耗的方向。

    Choosing reducers and charges with better reactive performances and rational furnace parameters are the ways to improve the quality of products and heat efficiency of furnaces and to reduce power consumption of silicon metal .

  27. 工业生产的产品质量模型和质量控制模型及其应用

    Product quality model and quality control model for industries and their applications

  28. 工业企业的产品质量问题关键是菅理问题。

    The issue of quality for the · enterprise relates mainly to management .

  29. 基于填充函数算法的工业产品小波网络质量模型

    A Wavelet Neural Network Model for Industrial Product Quality Based on Filled Function Algorithm

  30. 如何克服电腐蚀对化学工业设备和产品质量造成的不良影响

    How to overcome the harmful effect made by electrocorrosion on chemical industry equipment and product quality