
  • 网络Industrial Arts;industrial arts education;sloyd
  1. 而工艺教育学院(InstituteofTechnicalEducation,ITE)的发型设计和美容理疗培训中心却与所想大相径庭。

    The hair-design and beauty-therapy training centres at the Institute of Technical Education ( ITE ) are rather different .

  2. 在不久之前,工艺教育学院的缩写ITE还被望子成龙的中产阶级家长嘲讽为是“It'sTheEnd”(到此为止)的缩写,被视为新加坡教育不光彩的一面。

    Until recently ITE - dubbed " It 's The End " by ambitious middle-class parents - was the dark side of Singaporean education .

  3. 从上世纪九十年代起,新加坡政府努力改善工艺教育学院的形象。

    Since the 1990s the government has worked hard to change ITE 's image .

  4. 调整一些东西,像工艺教育学院,就需要时间。

    Fixing things like ITE takes time .

  5. 大多数学生都能够完成中学教育,升上工艺教育学院、理工学院或大专院校修读。

    A large majority of our students are progressing beyond school to post-secondary and tertiary institutions .

  6. 我们将在工艺教育学院,理工学院和大学创造全新的学业高峰,为学生提供磨练的机会。

    We will create new peaks of excellence in ITEs , polytechnics and universities , to stretch our students .

  7. 今年,我改换了地点,来到位于宏茂桥的这所新的工艺教育学院。

    This year , I have changed the venue to ITE Headquarters and College Central located in Ang Mo Kio .

  8. 但是这样一个体制也会生产出失败者——很多排名倒数几名不能上大学的就去了工艺教育学院。

    But such a system also produces losers - and many of the bottom third who do not make it to university come to ITE .

  9. 新加坡实施职业教育的主要机构有新加坡国家工艺教育学院、新加坡国立理工学院、大学本科的职业教育。

    There are several organizations which provide vocational education , such as Singapore National Institute of Education , Singapore National Polytechnic , and vocational educa .

  10. 王元德凭着为我国工艺教育领域取得的卓越成就,刚在去年荣获行政功绩奖章(银)表扬。

    Last year , Mr Heng received the Public Administration Medal ( Silver ), which recognises the level of excellence he has attained in the field of technical education in Singapore .

  11. 第一章,阐述新加坡工艺教育学院改革和发展的主要内容,包括办学职能、培训对象和培训项目、课程设计和课程设置、教学模式、职业资格证书体系、组织管理。

    Chapter one , explains the main contents of reform and development of ITE , function , target and training project , course design and course offered , teaching mode , job credentials system , organizational management .

  12. 本文介绍了ASP和ADO技术,分析了机械制造工艺远程教育系统的结构,讨论了ASP/ADO技术在该远程教育系统中的应用,并举例具体进行了说明。

    In this paper , the author introduces the ASP and ADO technology , analyses the structure of this distance education system , discusses the application of ASP and ADO technology in distance education and explains it with example .

  13. 陈之佛对中国工艺美术教育的贡献

    CHEN Zhi-fo 's Contribution to the Fine Arts Education in China

  14. 中国现代设计教育中的传统工艺美术教育

    The Traditional Education of Art and Crafts in Chinese Modern Design Education

  15. 略论地方高校的民间工艺设计教育

    On Folk Craftwork Design Education in Local Colleges and Universities

  16. 中小学工艺美术教育的现状及展望

    Status quo and Prospect of Arts and crafts education

  17. 中国画与工艺美术教育

    Chinese painting and education of Arts and crafts

  18. 第二,要花很多的技能和创造力,工艺木制教育玩具。

    Second , it takes a lot of skill and creativity to craft wooden educational toys .

  19. 我们必须努力构建民族工艺美教育体系,突出特色教育。

    We must construct the educational system of ethnic arts and crafts and emphasize the features .

  20. 地方高校发展民间工艺设计教育具有多方面的优势。

    Thus for local colleges and universities , it is a great advantage to develop folk craftwork design education .

  21. 从工艺美术教育到艺术设计教育&称谓变迁背后的问题

    From the Arts and Crafts Education to the Arts and Design Education , The Problem behind the Change of the Title

  22. 中国现代艺术设计教育的萌发&民国工艺美术教育研究

    The Initial Development of China 's Artistic Design Education : Study on Art and Craft Education over the Period of the Republic of China

  23. 土家织锦工艺传承的教育人类学研究

    The Pedagogical Anthropology Research on the Inheritance of Tujia Brocade Technique

  24. 对我国现行工艺美术设计教育改革的思考

    Reflection of China 's Current Educational Reform of Design of Industrial Arts

  25. 浅析服装设计与工艺专业能力教育的三个层面

    The Three Stages of Capacity Education in Dressing Designing and Crafts Major

  26. 布依族蜡染工艺传承的教育人类学阐释

    Educational Anthropology Interpretation on the Inheritance of the Traditional Buyi Wax Printing Craft

  27. 中国妇女民间工艺创作者受教育水平在东西部地区有着明显的差异。

    The education level of Chinese female artists on folk art craft field is different from Eastern area to Western area .

  28. 今天市场经济高速发展,现行的工艺美术设计教育已不能适应社会发展,必须进行改革。

    As the present market economy develops quickly , the current industrial arts design education can not suit the social development and must be reformed .

  29. 本文在美学美育视域下对高职院校工艺美术专业教育进行进一步探讨,在对相关教育理论充分认识的基础上,结合具体教育的意识形态发挥艺术的教育作用。

    Based on the aesthetic aesthetic horizon crafts in higher vocational colleges are discussed , professional education in education theory of related on the basis of fully understanding , with specific education ideology education function of play art .