
  1. 经管类应用型课程分组教学的探讨

    On the Grouping Teaching in Economic & Management Applied Courses

  2. 探讨建筑设计与应用型课程相结合的教学改革与实践。

    The paper explores the teaching reform and practice of combining architectural design and application-oriented curriculum .

  3. 《计算机基础》课程是基础性的应用型课程,该课程的显著特点是它的实践性和应用性。

    The Computer Basis is a basic application course . The marked characteristics of this course are its practice and application .

  4. 因此,有必要以岗位需求为导向设定人力资源管理人才培养目标、课程内容及应用型课程体系,以满足企业用人需求。

    Therefore , it is necessary that college set the HRM personnel training , curriculum and application-based curriculum based on position to meet the employment needs of enterprises .

  5. 高校经管类应用型课程分组教学的出发点是基于学生能力培养和团队合作,对分组教学的分组方法、教学过程、教学形式、教学评价等进行了介绍和分析。

    To develop the ability and the spirit of team cooperation for university students , this paper discusses the grouping method , teaching process , teaching form , and teaching evaluation of the grouping teaching method in economic management courses .

  6. 对《实验心理学》应用型示范课程建设的思考

    On Construction of the Applied Model Course of Experimental Psychology

  7. 学分制下工程管理专业应用型本科课程体系的构建

    The Curriculum Structure Establishment of Construction Management Speciality under the Credit System

  8. 国际贸易专业应用型本科课程设置整合探析

    Discussion on Curriculum Integration of Application-oriented Graduates in the Major of International Economy and Trade

  9. 浅谈高职学生的个性发展与教育构建专业平台突出个性发展&金陵科技学院艺术类应用型本科课程体系的改革

    A Brief Talk on Personality Development and Education of Higher Vocational College 's Student Construct Professional Platform , Stress Individuality Development

  10. 应用型本科CAD/CAM课程教学改革之初探

    Probe on the Teaching Innovation of CAD / CAM for Application-oriented Course

  11. 应用型本科教育课程改革亟待解决的几个问题

    On the Reform Issues of the Applied Undergraduate Education Curriculum

  12. 对应用型大学的课程改革进行了分析与实践。

    Curriculum reform at application-oriented universities is concerned .

  13. 物理学专业应用型人才培养课程体系改革探索与研究

    An exploration and research on reform of curriculum system for training pragmatic talents of physics

  14. 应用型本科电子技术课程立体化教材建设的研究

    Research on Multi-level Textbook of Electronic Technology Course of Application-oriented Undergraduate

  15. 应用型本科嵌入式系统课程群建设与实践

    The construction and practice of application-oriented undergraduate courses of embedded system

  16. 应用型本科院校体育课程改革走向

    On the Reform of PE Courses in Application-oriented Universities

  17. 采用应用型题目提高单片机课程设计实验教学效果

    Improving Experimental Teaching of a Single-Chip Computer 's Course Design by Applying of Practical Subject

  18. 应用型本科数据结构课程教学改革的探索

    A Exploration for Teaching Reform of Data Structure Course in the Application-oriented Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

  19. 计算机基础课程是为信息社会培养大量的计算机应用型人才的必修课程。

    The basic computer courses are the required courses to cultivate large numbers of computer application talents for the information society .

  20. 中澳应用型机电类专业课程设置比较机电类毕业设计现状分析及对策研究

    Comparative Study of Curriculum for Electromechanical Courses in China and Australia ; An Analysis and Countermeasures on Mechano-Electronic Majors ' Graduation Design

  21. 根据文献资料、走访调查、问卷等方法对应用型本科院校体育课程体系的构成、体育课程改革进行研究和分析;

    This paper makes a research and study into the construction of the PE curricula and its reform in application-oriented universities through reference to documents , practical investigation , and questionnaire survey .