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yǐn shēn
  • Extension;extend in meaning;expound;extend the meaning of a word,etc.
引申 [yǐn shēn]
  • [extend the meaning of a word,etc.] [字、词] 由原义产生新义(如道本义为道路,方向、方法、道理为其引申义)

引申[yǐn shēn]
  1. 从字面上理解,mumistheword的意思是“沉默是唯一的话语”,其引申意义为“要保守秘密,不要说出去”。

    If you tell someone that mum is the word , you ask he or she to keep something secret .

  2. RHS从适应性(Fit)引申而来,是定义模型演化规则的理论基础。

    RHS is derived from fit which is the theory basis for defining evolution rules .

  3. GDP是反映经济发展的重要宏观经济指标,而绿色GDP就是在GDP的基础上所引申出来的一个新概念。

    GDP is an important macro-economic index of economic development . ″ Green ″ GDP is a new conception based on GDP .

  4. 本设计由SCM三个字母进行深处理,形成的空间错觉,以此引申太空制造业。

    The design by the SCM three letters of deep treatment , form the spatial illusion , this extended space manufacturing .

  5. FOREST是由纯GET或Web轮询用例引申而来的REST模式,包括某些特定类型的混搭,比如feed聚合或筛选器,为其它网页创建摘要的站点,等等。

    FOREST is a REST Pattern derived from GET-only or polling Web use-cases , including certain kinds of mashups for e.g.feed aggregators or filters , sites that create summaries of other Web pages etc.

  6. 方法①从四型三线病例分型方法,引申出危重病例率(CD率)新概念;

    Methods ① The new concept of the rate of critical cases was derived from the classification of cases by means of 4 types / 3 lines .

  7. 基于LC结构单元的特性,结合零电流准谐振变换器电感和电容的连接方式,探讨了无源集成,即将电感间的集成引申到电容和电感间的集成;

    Base on the LC unit and the modes about the capacitor and the inductor in the ZCS quasi-resonant converters , the passive integration is discussed ;

  8. 灰色预测是建立从过去引申到将来的灰色预测模型(GreyPredictionModel),从而确定所研究系统未来发展变化的趋势,为决策者提供科学依据。

    Grey prediction is performed on the grey prediction model , which forecasts the future based on the past , to determine the future change trend of the system in question , thereby providing the decision makers with the scientific evidence .

  9. 文章着重以red,black,blue,green,white为例说明英语颜色词的表述及其引申义。

    This paper deals with the expressions of colors in English , the meanings and usage of the phrases related to color words , based on the examples of red , black , blue , green and white .

  10. 此外,论文还引申出这样的观点,即中国在加入WTO之后,需要在开放农产品市场、推动农产品贸易自由化与合理保护本国农业之间找到一个平衡点以获得国家利益的最大化。

    Moreover , this thesis expresses such a viewpoint that China should look for the balance between opening domestic market and protecting agriculture in order to realize the maximum of national welfare after entry into WTO .

  11. 我不知道Self策划这事儿多久了,不过看起来真是无懈可击的。【air-tight本意是指密封的,引申义很明显,“无懈可击、天衣无缝”根据上下文选择咯。】

    I don 't know how long Self has been planning this thing and from the looks of it , it 's pretty air-tight .

  12. 第二章从傅里叶变换在信号处理时的局限性出发,给出了由此引申发展起来的Gabor变换和GaborJets。

    In the second chapter , the Gabor transform is derived for the limitation of the Fourier transform , and Gabor Jets is also detailedly discussed .

  13. 他谈到了“黛米摩尔法则”&他个人对人们常常提到的因特尔(Intel)创始人戈登关于微处理器幂次发展速度法则的诙谐引申。

    He refers to " Demi Moore 's law ," a personal , jocular extension of Intel founder Gordon E.Moore 's oft-cited law on the exponential pace of microprocessor development .

  14. WSN在医学人体生理特征监控、无线智能位置定位等领域的应用,逐渐引申出了无线体域网(WBAN)的研究。

    WSN has some applications on the human physiological monitoring and wireless intelligent orientation , and the researches have extend to the wireless body area networks ( WBAN ) .

  15. 模糊环境下的柔性作业车间调度(FlexibleJob-ShopScheduling,FJSS)问题是实际生产系统中的核心问题之一,它是由古典作业车间调度(Job-ShopScheduling,JSS)问题逐渐引申、发展而来的。

    Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem ( FJSS ) in fuzzy environment is one of the most important issues in practical flexible manufacturing systems , chich extends and developes from classical job-shop scheduling ( JSS ) problem .

  16. 19世纪的经济自由主义者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)引申了这一论点,指出自由贸易的原则不仅将消除人们建立帝国、陆军和海军的欲望,还能引领人们实现良好的全球治理。

    In the 19th century , the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument , saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires , armies and navies but lead to benign global government .

  17. ⑷对锯齿形边界Couette流进行了引申,得到了沟槽形状边界Couette流,对应条纹的幅度与高度的不同尺度下,对沟槽形状边界Couette流的流动特征作了分析,得到较好的结果。

    A derivation is also presented for the Couette flow with a sawtooth boundary . With the different sizes of the fringe amplitude and height , we analyze the flowing characters of the sawtooth-boundary Couette flow and get preferable results .

  18. 事实上还有其他方法,包括随机化可执行程序的位置;Crispen的“PointGuard”将这种探测仪思想引申到了堆中,等等。

    In fact , there are other approaches as well , including randomizing the locations of executables ; Crispen 's " PointGuard " extends the canary idea to the heap , and so on .

  19. 到了近代,人们把战略概念引申到政治经济生活中,制定出指导政治、经济发展的全局性纲要和规划。

    Strategy is applied into politics and economy in modern times .

  20. 浅谈汉语教学中的词汇引申比较教学

    The Teaching Method of Vocabulary Extension and Comparison in Chinese Teaching

  21. 本意是水平,有时根据上下文引申为'价格'。

    Your price is not on a level with current market .

  22. 进而引申出现代人们佩玉的美学价值和社会价值。

    It shows the aesthetic and social value of wearing jade .

  23. 由此,引申出人事档案工作必须进行改革。

    Therefore , the work of personnel archives has to be reformed .

  24. 多么希望你是对的人。这句话有引申义。

    How do I wish you are my Mr Right .

  25. 复合趋向补语的引申意义有其认知上的理据。

    The extensional meaning of compound directional complement has its cognitive basis .

  26. 不过这个关于气球的比喻可别引申过头了。

    This balloon analogy should not be stretched too far .

  27. 又是怎么理解引申意和内涵意呢?

    How does it deal with the denotative meaning and connotative meaning ?

  28. 在例题的引申拓展中进行数学探究性学习

    On the Exploratory Learning of Mathematics by the Extension Method to Praxis

  29. 从特殊的具体实例引申出来的抽象或整体思想。

    An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances .

  30. 人生是从不充分的前提引申出充分的结论的艺术。

    Life be the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises .