- Extension;extend in meaning;expound;extend the meaning of a word,etc.

[extend the meaning of a word,etc.] [字、词] 由原义产生新义(如道本义为道路,方向、方法、道理为其引申义)
If you tell someone that mum is the word , you ask he or she to keep something secret .
RHS is derived from fit which is the theory basis for defining evolution rules .
GDP is an important macro-economic index of economic development . ″ Green ″ GDP is a new conception based on GDP .
The design by the SCM three letters of deep treatment , form the spatial illusion , this extended space manufacturing .
FOREST is a REST Pattern derived from GET-only or polling Web use-cases , including certain kinds of mashups for e.g.feed aggregators or filters , sites that create summaries of other Web pages etc.
Methods ① The new concept of the rate of critical cases was derived from the classification of cases by means of 4 types / 3 lines .
Base on the LC unit and the modes about the capacitor and the inductor in the ZCS quasi-resonant converters , the passive integration is discussed ;
Grey prediction is performed on the grey prediction model , which forecasts the future based on the past , to determine the future change trend of the system in question , thereby providing the decision makers with the scientific evidence .
This paper deals with the expressions of colors in English , the meanings and usage of the phrases related to color words , based on the examples of red , black , blue , green and white .
Moreover , this thesis expresses such a viewpoint that China should look for the balance between opening domestic market and protecting agriculture in order to realize the maximum of national welfare after entry into WTO .
I don 't know how long Self has been planning this thing and from the looks of it , it 's pretty air-tight .
In the second chapter , the Gabor transform is derived for the limitation of the Fourier transform , and Gabor Jets is also detailedly discussed .
He refers to " Demi Moore 's law ," a personal , jocular extension of Intel founder Gordon E.Moore 's oft-cited law on the exponential pace of microprocessor development .
WSN has some applications on the human physiological monitoring and wireless intelligent orientation , and the researches have extend to the wireless body area networks ( WBAN ) .
Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem ( FJSS ) in fuzzy environment is one of the most important issues in practical flexible manufacturing systems , chich extends and developes from classical job-shop scheduling ( JSS ) problem .
In the 19th century , the economic liberal Richard Cobden extended the argument , saying that the principle of free trade would not only remove the desire to build empires , armies and navies but lead to benign global government .
A derivation is also presented for the Couette flow with a sawtooth boundary . With the different sizes of the fringe amplitude and height , we analyze the flowing characters of the sawtooth-boundary Couette flow and get preferable results .
In fact , there are other approaches as well , including randomizing the locations of executables ; Crispen 's " PointGuard " extends the canary idea to the heap , and so on .
Strategy is applied into politics and economy in modern times .
The Teaching Method of Vocabulary Extension and Comparison in Chinese Teaching
Your price is not on a level with current market .
It shows the aesthetic and social value of wearing jade .
Therefore , the work of personnel archives has to be reformed .
How do I wish you are my Mr Right .
The extensional meaning of compound directional complement has its cognitive basis .
This balloon analogy should not be stretched too far .
How does it deal with the denotative meaning and connotative meaning ?
On the Exploratory Learning of Mathematics by the Extension Method to Praxis
An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances .
Life be the art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises .