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jiān zhù
  • notes and commentary on ancient texts
笺注 [jiān zhù]
  • [annotation;notes and commentaries on ancient texts] 古籍的注解

  1. 《陶渊明诗集笺注》中的重叠式及其语法分析

    The Overlapping Sentence and Its Grammar Analysis in Annotations of Tao Yuan-ming Poetry

  2. 盆地内古新统始新统为河流相沉积;笺注上古文献的新视角评《〈尚书〉新笺与上古文明》

    The Paleocene to Eocene inside the basin are fluvial sediments ; New Angles on Notes and Commentary of Ancient Documents ;

  3. 目前学术界对后村词的研究主要集中在词作的编年笺注、词学思想、词作的艺术特色及在词史上地位等。

    Academic circles mainly focus on the study of chronological order and notes , Ci theories , artistic characteristics and its position on Ci history .

  4. 《稼轩词编年笺注》的笺证和编年最见功力,于口语俗词释义也付出艰辛探索。

    Notes , commentary and annotation of the colloquial words in Jia Xuan Ci Bian Nian Jian Zhu indicate the authors remarkable skill and great effort .

  5. 汉代经学家则为其注入伦理道德内涵,主要体现于经书笺注及用以干预现实政治伦理。

    Experts of the classics added the ethics and morals it to it , which mainly embodied in the notes and commentary on the classics and was used for interposing real politics and ethics .

  6. 对于其古注本的研究,在有限的研究成果中也是从文献学角度入手,专力于《温飞卿诗集笺注》本身的研究少之又少。

    Most of their study of the ancient capital , the limited research results in perspective is to start from the literature and the power in the " Annotations " research itself is extremely rare .

  7. 废除科举制度,使士子诵习的四书五经及其笺注之文字失却了其既有的效力,促使他们的文化立场逐步移位于国家民族的基点之上。

    With the abolishing of the imperial examination institute , the Four Books and the Five Classics and the annotation to them have lost their effects , and their culture position has transformed step by step to the basis of Chinese nation .
