
  • 网络writing for discontentment
  1. 论发愤著书说在中国古典史剧创作中的实现

    Embodiment of Theory of Writing from Anger in Chinese Ancient Historical Dramas

  2. 二是发愤著书说表现了艺术创作的心理动力。

    Second , " Writing Books " that show the psychological dynamics of artistic creation .

  3. 中国知识分子发愤著书的主要原因是他们怀着强烈的忧患意识和社会责任感。

    Chinese intellectuals , " Writing Books " The main reason is that they cherish a strong sense of social responsibility .

  4. 关于司马迁《史记》的创作,大多研究者是持发愤著书的观点的。

    Sima Qian on the " Shi Ji " creative , and most researchers view is " writing for grievances " .

  5. 其时,说话艺人和市井文人多受谋生所迫与牟利之役之役,因此,其创作原动力并非发愤著书之内驱,而是为物所使的外役力。

    At that time most of them were forced to make a living or make profit , so the drive for writing such stories were not " for the pursuit of writing books ", but for the outer force of making profit .